League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1264: The young man now

"Yin Wei, I want to kill you!"

After all the people were stupid, Shen Lijun was the first to react. Without a word, he rushed into the kitchen and found out a shimmering kitchen knife.

Immediately he scolded and rushed directly at Yin Wei, raising his hand to find Yin Wei desperately.

For Shen Lijun, Su Ming is not only as simple as his daughter's boyfriend, but also the one who saved the rest of his life.

Although everyone hadn't said these things, Shen Lijun was still very grateful. Now that Su Ming was killed by Yin Wei, one can imagine how Shen Lijun felt at this time.

Now Shen Lijun's eyes are red. He doesn't want to do anything now, he just wants to kill Yin Wei directly, and throws aside all things like reason. Shen Lijun only wants revenge, one life for another.

"You... don't come over!"

This Yin Wei was taken aback, and the whole person immediately recovered. Seeing Shen Lijun rushing towards him with a cold kitchen knife, one can imagine the panic inside Yin Wei at this time.

If this is done with a single knife, I am afraid that the head will be just like a watermelon, it will be split directly.

Yin Wei's reaction was relatively quick. He would definitely not stand there to let Shen Lijun chop, so this guy got up directly.

Because of his short stature, this guy's speed was very fast, and he ran out of Shen Lijun's house in a hurry. After he came in just now, the door of this room has not been closed.

Shen Lijun didn't intend to let this guy go. He had lost his mind. Su Ming's death had a great impact on him, and he had to hack this guy to death.

Yin Wei ran out immediately, and Shen Lijun refused to give up, chasing directly outside, intending to chase out and cut this guy off.

In fact, everything that happened outside was under Su Ming's gaze. Although Su Ming's eyes were closed, he could roughly judge what happened through his hearing.

Of course, Su Ming could not die. If an ancient warrior died casually touched by an ordinary person, then it is estimated that Su Ming would become the most aggrieved death in ancient warrior history.

This guy wanted to kill Su Ming, it definitely didn't exist, Su Ming just suddenly came up with such an idea, thinking about deliberately scaring this guy.

With Su Ming's strength, it is not difficult to temporarily disappear such things as his breath and heartbeat, similar to the exercise method of making himself suspended in martial arts novels.

For the ancient warriors, it is not necessary to practice any special techniques to achieve this level. If the ancient warriors are here, I am afraid that you can see it at a glance, but it is not difficult to fool ordinary people. .

So all these people were frightened by Su Ming. They really thought that Su Ming was dead. Su Ming just wanted to scare Yin Wei on a whim.

As a result, he ignored one thing, not only scared Yin Wei, but also scared Shen Muke and the others. When Shen Muke cried, Su Ming was heartbroken.

It's just that since Su Ming has already started, he can't just stop and get up again. If that's the case, he won't be able to scare Yin Wei, so Su Ming resisted, and insisted for a while.

Sure enough, Yin Wei was also frightened, but Shen Lijun’s reaction shocked Su Ming. Su Ming did not expect that Shen Lijun was so fierce that he would go straight up to kill people. This was too fierce, not at all. Shen Lijun's style.

Su Ming originally intended to scare people, but don’t really kill anyone. If that’s the case, something really happened. So Su Ming quickly got up and shouted: "Uncle Shen, don’t chase, hurry up. Come back, I'll be fine at all!"


At this time, Shen Lijun ran to the door. Before he went out, he suddenly heard Su Ming’s voice, but he was terrified. Shen Lijun looked back and saw that Su Ming had actually stood up. He didn’t hold the kitchen knife in his scared hand. It fell directly to the ground.

And Shen Muke and Liu Guilan, who were still crying on the side, were also scared at this time. They were so scared that they couldn't even bother crying. They quickly stepped back two steps and looked at Su Ming with a particularly frightened look. .

Isn't this person already dead? Why did he stand up and talk again? Is it possible that this is... a corpse?

"Su Ming...you...you are not a ghost?"

Shen Lijun’s legs were already trembling a little when he stood there. It was indeed terrible. A person who suddenly died of breath stood up again. It was like a person who had been put in the coffin, and suddenly crawled out of the coffin door. The person next to him will definitely be scared to death.

Su Ming couldn't help but smiled bitterly. It is estimated that he pretended to be too alike just now, and all of them believed it was true, so Su Ming quickly explained: "I'm really okay. I just pretended to be a lie to that guy. "

"Are you okay?"

When Su Ming's tone was so normal, it sounded no different from usual, so Liu Guilan courageously asked: "Su Ming, you...are you really all right?"

"Auntie, I'm really fine. I have heard everything you said just now, but I just want to scare that person." Su Ming continued to explain.

And while talking, Su Ming couldn't help but patted his face twice and made a "pop" sound to prove that he was really not a ghost.

In this way, Shen Muke and they believed in Su Ming, and Shen Muke directly slapped Su Ming on the shoulder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then said very dissatisfied: "Who told you to play dead? You scared me to death, don't you know?"

After being beaten by Shen Muke, Su Ming didn't mean to be angry at all, but felt warm in his heart.

Just now some of Shen Muke’s teardrops even fell on Su Ming’s face. Su Ming could feel it. Even though he did not open his eyes, Su Mingguang could feel Shen Muke when he listened to the sound. How sad it is to cry.

To put it bluntly, I am still worried about Su Ming. It can be seen that Su Ming's position in Shen Muke's heart. Look at Shen Muke again. Now his face still looks like a pear blossom with rain. The tears have not yet been wiped off, just look at it. A glance is distressing.

So Su Ming simply hugged Shen Muke directly into his arms, and then said: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it just now, I won't worry you again in the future."

After being hugged by Su Ming in this way, Shen Muke felt a lot of peace in his heart, an unprecedented sense of security permeated his body, and the shock he had just received had been washed away.

And Shen Lijun and Liu Guilan, who looked at each other at this time, looked at each other, saying that the young and young now was too open, and they ignored them!

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