"Cough cough——————"

Liu Guilan and Shen Lijun didn't say anything at first, so they just watched from the sidelines, but they felt that they were a bit redundant.

Because Su Ming and Shen Muke just hugged them all the time, and the two of them didn't do anything else. They didn't even say a word. They just hugged them and didn't let go.

After a few minutes passed, Liu Guilan on the side was a little unbearable. She wondered if the two children were a little confused, just holding on to it, it’s not a problem to keep standing like this, so Liu Guilan couldn’t help it. Coughed twice.

Su Ming and Shen Muke were indeed a little self-conscious just now, and they hugged each other tightly until they heard Liu Guilan's coughing, and the two of them suddenly reacted.

It was as if the whole person was electrocuted, and the two of them separated quickly. Shen Mu's face was flushed even more. She didn't expect to be killed. She was so affectionate with Su Ming in front of her parents. What a shame.

Liu Guilan and Shen Lijun didn’t see anything. Anyway, the relationship between their daughter and Su Ming had already been acquiesced by the two of them. They would definitely not say anything. On the contrary, they were a little happy to see their relationship so good. .

It may be that both of them are a little unnatural. Liu Guilan and Shen Lijun will definitely not take the initiative to talk about this, so Liu Guilan directly changed the subject: "You guys hurry up for a while, Su Ming will stay for dinner at night, and I will cook. !"

"Good Auntie, I like to eat your cooking!"

Su Ming's face became thicker, and he directly agreed, and even flattered Liu Guilan's boastful smile.

After sitting down, Su Ming remembered the Yin Wei just now. Although he scared the person away, he let him run like this without cleaning up. Su Ming felt a little unhappy.

This guy is so shameless, he has to teach a lesson, and Su Ming is also afraid that this guy will come back to do something after resting for two days. In case Su Ming is not there one day, Shen Mu and his family will have something wrong. What can I do.

Since the incident of Huahua, Su Ming has been particularly sensitive to the safety of those around him, and he absolutely cannot allow accidents with those around him.

But when he went out to find that guy in person, Su Ming was no longer in that mood. He hadn't eaten anymore. Su Ming just wanted to eat quickly. Now if he ran out, he wouldn't know when he would come back for dinner.

So after thinking for a while, Su Ming called Luo Xiaoxiao directly and said, "It's me, do me a favor."

Then Su Ming told Luo Xiaoxiao about this incident, including the incident that he deliberately pretended to be dead to scare Yin Wei, and then said: "Don't go out in person, just send two people over and find that guy. He can catch it."

"Su Ming, how come you can meet such a weird person?"

Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help being speechless for a while after listening. He was obviously overwhelmed by Yin Wei's shamelessness. Unexpectedly, there could be such shameless people in this world.

However, Luo Xiaoxiao has always been very interested in catching bad guys, so he agreed on the first floor: "You send me that guy's life and some basic information, and I will send someone to catch him. !"

After the call was hung up, Su Ming directly sent the message of Yin Wei and described it roughly. Su Ming is not very clear about the too specific information. Anyway, as long as his life, age and appearance are right, that guy It was quite easy for Luo Xiaoxiao to find someone in this place of Ningcheng.

"Su Ming, who were you calling just now?" Shen Lijun asked at this moment.

Because I heard Su Ming keep talking about what happened just now on the phone, Shen Lijun was a little curious, who exactly was Su Ming talking about.

There is nothing to conceal about this kind of thing, so Su Ming said directly: "It's a friend of mine who works in the Ningcheng City Bureau. I asked her to arrest that Yin Wei, so that he won't be annoying anymore!"

Shen Lijun was also annoyed with Yin Wei. He was thinking what to do if this guy continues to come and be annoying. When Su Ming said this, Shen Lijun was relieved, clapped his hands, and said, "That's great. !"


Yin Wei was scared to pee at this time, for fear of being chopped off by Shen Lijun, running with a pair of legs comparable to hot wheels, he ran out of the community in a short time.

On the road, I ran into some people in the community who had had dinner and went out for a walk. Everyone looked at Yin Wei with neurotic eyes and said that this person would not be lost, he ran so fast.

No one can understand the panic in Yin Wei's heart at this time. He just killed his life. A good man was killed by him. He must be afraid, and there is also a Shen Lijun who has a knife to cut him. Little did he know that Shen Lijun hadn't left the house at all, but Yin Wei was frightened and always felt that someone behind him was chasing him.

After leaving Shen Muke’s community, Yin Wei stopped for a while, took a big breath, and looked back and found that there was no Shen Lijun behind him. It is estimated that Shen Lijun had not caught up at all. Yin Wei couldn’t help himself. All were relieved.

However, Yin Wei did not relax. Su Ming's "death" has been lingering in his heart, so this guy didn't care whether it was expensive or not, so he drove a car and returned to where he lived~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This Yin Wei has no fixed place to live in Ningcheng. He just finds some ordinary places to live in. He does not have a fixed home here. After all, he hasn't come back for many years.

In the past two days, Yin Wei lived in a small hotel outside a third-rate university. This hotel is already considered to be a relatively low-grade hotel. Basically, the facilities are all old, and the space is just that little, just for those. Can't wait to solve it for college students who want to do something.

The price is very cheap, only a few tens of dollars a day, and the conditions are a little worse, but it is better than jungle in the small woods.

Yin Wei lives in this place for the sake of cheapness. He is really nervous now.

After returning to his room in the small hotel, Yin Wei was sneaky all the way, a heart raised his throat, and after opening the door, he closed the door abruptly and made a violent sound. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and began to violently. He gasped for breath. He was so frightened on the way just now that he did not dare to gasp.

Unexpectedly, there was another person in this room who was lying on the bed and said directly: "Viagra, what's the matter?"

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