League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1266: you were tricked

The things in this room are very messy, and there are two buckets of instant noodles on the table that have not been cleaned up after eating. The taste in the room is even more mixed, especially disgusting, but if you live in it for a long time, The people inside can't smell it.

And this room was originally not big. It was just a bed and a table. It was occupied by messy things, and there was almost no space. It seemed that the house was very crowded. Basically, people stayed in this place for a long time, so they must be in their hearts. Will feel depressed.

The other person in the room was a man, and also a middle-aged man, his hair looked a bit gray.

The two elders live in such a small space, which does seem a little weird, and it will inevitably make people a little fanciful.

Of course, Yin Wei and this gray-haired middle-aged man are not in that kind of shameful relationship. Back then, they weren’t a popular saying in those days.

This gray-haired guy is actually a friend of Yin Wei's. The two of them are real friends. They ran away millions of dollars in engineering money back then. This gray-haired guy also participated in it.

Over the years, his relationship with Yin Wei has been very good. He flattered after Yin Wei and gained some benefits from Yin Wei.

It's just that after Yin Wei had no money, his life began to become difficult. After spending so many years with Yin Wei, if he left Yin Wei suddenly, he really didn't know what he could do.

So he went back to Ningcheng with Yin Wei and asked Yin Wei to borrow money from Shen Lijun. This was also the idea of ​​this guy. They were all workers on a construction site.

Seeing that Yin Wei came back with such a desperate look, the gray-haired guy was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Why are you panting, have you been beaten?"

Yin Wei was still in shock at this time, his head was full of Su Ming who was already dead on the ground, so Yin Wei directly said: "Old Gu, I...I just killed someone!"


The gray-haired middle-aged man named "Lao Gu" was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said: "After you have done Viagra, don't fool me. Do you dare to kill someone? Anyway, I am I don't believe it."

"I didn't joking with you. I really killed someone just now. That person is dead. I checked it personally. He must be dead!" Yin Wei continued.

When speaking, Yin Wei still looked terrified. Obviously, this is a sequelae after committing an incident. Many people commit an incident when they are impulsive. After realizing the seriousness of the incident, they are endlessly afraid. Up.

When Old Gu saw Yin Wei's expression, he immediately realized something was wrong. He had been in friendship with Yin Wei for so many years and had never seen Yin Wei's expression before, so the smile on Old Gu's face gradually froze. .

"Viagra, you...what you wouldn't say is true, would you?" Old Gu said with some difficulty, it is hard to imagine a murder like this.

Although he is not a good person, he has been with Yin Wei, but he has never thought about murder. Is that a joke?

Yin Wei was frightened, and couldn't help shaking his hands while sitting there. After a moment of distraction, he said: "I am still in the mood to joke with you at this time, I really have something wrong."

"Today is at Shen Lijun's house. I killed someone. I did it myself!" Yin Wei covered his face, buried his head between his legs, as if he didn't know what to do.

Old Gu finally knew that Yin Wei was not joking, so he said: "You...you won't kill Shen Lijun, do you? Viagra, you are too impulsive like this."

"It's not Shen Lijun, it's another young man, I don't know who it is, it's in Shen Lijun's house!"

Yin Wei just said directly, and then he told about what happened today, especially when he wanted to corrupt the money and had a dispute. He said in particular details. After all, at that time, he accidentally Su Ming was "killed"!

"Wait for Viagra!"

Hearing this place, Old Gu couldn't listen anymore, and asked strangely: "You just said that you accidentally beat that young guy to death with a elbow?"

"Yes, when I was struggling, I inadvertently hit an elbow back, as if hitting him, then...then he lay directly on the ground, and after a while, he fell." Yin Wei said In this matter, don't mention too much regret in my heart.

I had known that I would not go to the house to dig money. This is fine. The money has not been pitted. Instead, he still has a life on his back. In this way, Yin Wei is a criminal, and there will be places where he will gang up in the future. ?

"How come I don't believe it, you can have so much power with one elbow that you can beat people to death?" After listening, the old Gu on the side frowned.

Of course Yin Wei was also puzzled. That was how he thought at the time: "I don't know what's going on. I didn't believe it at first, he just died like this."

"You try to hit me!" Old Gu got up and said to Yin Wei.

"What are you doing?"

"Come and hit me with your elbow, let me see how powerful your elbow is." Old Gu said.

Yin Wei understood what the old Gu meant, so he smashed it with one elbow, but because there was already a shadow in his heart, for fear of killing this old Gu, he didn't dare to use much strength. The elbow can feel light and fluttering~www.wuxiaspot.com~Old Gu frowned, and then said: "It's been a little bit, it's all this time, so what strength is left!"


Yin Wei finally didn't hesitate anymore, he smashed his elbow and made a dull sound, but after the hard hit, Old Gu still sat there.

Old Gu rubbed his chest, his teeth suffocated, and Yin Wei smashed it hard, which really hurt.

After rubbing a bit, Old Gu said: "Viagra, you were deceived by Shen Lijun?"

"What do you mean?"

"You just hit me with your elbow so hard, but, except for some pain, I didn't react at all. I didn't knock me down, let alone beat me to death!"

Old Gu continued, "You know, I'm a person in my fifties. Can my body compare to a young man? You really think you can kill a young man with one elbow!"

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