After Yin Wei froze for a while, he understood what the old Gu meant. After thinking about it, he felt that it made sense. It was impossible to beat someone to death with one elbow.

Moreover, the elbow hitting Lao Gu just now was shot out by him after accumulating his strength, and the hitting Su Ming was in an unintentional struggle. At that time, he had already struggled a few times, so it didn’t matter much. strength.

Not to mention that Su Ming is still a young man. He has a strong body and strong kidneys. He must be much stronger than Old Gu, a middle-aged man. With great strength, Old Gu has nothing to do with him. After thinking about it, Yin Wei suddenly felt suspicious about this matter.

"Could it be...I hit him in some key position and killed him all at once?" Yin Wei was still a little confused.

"Come on!"

Unexpectedly, Lao Gu was full of disdain, and he said directly: "Do you really think this is the same as in the movie, you can hit a person at a key position casually, and then kill him all at once? "

"It's impossible. There are only a few key positions of people, and you just hit me directly in the chest. I didn't have anything to do with him. What can he do? Many people were stabbed by the knife and none of them died. !" Old Gu continued.


Yin Wei said: "I didn't believe it at first, but he was really out of breath, he didn't even breathe, and his heart didn't beat anymore. Do you think living people can react like this?"

"How about you being cheated by someone!"

Old Gu continued: "Just hold your breath for a while, and the heart can't stop. How do you know that there is no special way to do it?"

"I used to read a piece of news about touching porcelain, that is, someone touched someone on the street, and then fell directly, and the heartbeat disappeared, and then the accomplices rushed up to lose money, in fact it was fake, you were sure at that time Very nervous, you may not be able to find the true and false!" Old Gu said.

After listening to Old Gu's analysis, Yin Wei felt that what he said was quite reasonable, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. It was impossible to kill people all at once.

"Mapi, can it be that I was really cheated?"

Yin Wei thought about it again. It seemed that Shen Lijun was trying to kill him, but in fact he didn't chase him out at all. This must have been deliberately frightening him. If he really wanted to kill someone, how could there be no movement after a few steps? .

As everyone knows, it was because Su Ming stood up suddenly and stopped Shen Lijun, otherwise Shen Lijun would definitely catch up and chop him directly.

But Yin Wei didn't know this. He thought that Shen Lijun deliberately took a kitchen knife and then frightened him. Combined with Old Gu's analysis, Yin Wei instantly confirmed that he must have been cheated just now.

Maybe Su Ming hadn't thought of it himself, and thought he had frightened this guy, who knew he had reacted so quickly.


Yin Wei almost lost his soul when he thought that he was so scared just now. What was even more unbearable was that he had spent nearly 30 yuan on taxis in order to come back as soon as possible.

The thirty yuan is enough to buy how many barrels of instant noodles, so Yin Wei slapped the table abruptly, and then directly yelled: "That thing dares to scare Lao Tzu, I must kill him this time!"

"Give me the phone!" Yin Wei shouted.

"What are you doing?"

"Call someone, I'm going straight to copy Shen Lijun's home, he even dared to scare me with a knife, if he doesn't let him bleed today, I won't be surnamed Yin!" Yin Wei said arrogantly. A foul flashed across his face.


However, when Yin Wei was very angry and planned to send someone to Shen Lijun's house to make trouble, suddenly the small wooden door of the hotel room was kicked open from the outside, and the violent voice suddenly frightened Yin Wei. , The mobile phone in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Wow, wow—"

Accompanied by neat footsteps, after the door was kicked open, he rushed in and looked for a few police officers in uniforms, who looked extremely serious.

The leader is a small flat head, named Sun Zhiwei, who looks very serious. He is a captain of the Ningcheng City Bureau. He is very capable. He has made several credits. Otherwise, it is impossible to be the captain at this age. Up.

He was sent by Luo Xiaoxiao. Luo Xiaoxiao really listened to what Su Ming said. Since she was not a difficult character, she didn't send it out directly, so she quickly ordered the Captain Sun Zhiwei to send out and arrest Yin Wei. .

After Su Ming said Yin Wei's name and appearance, it was too simple to find out his information, not to mention that this guy still lives in a hotel.

The information is all connected online, so you can find it all at once. So as soon as this Yin Wei came back with his front foot, Sun Zhiwei rushed to the hotel with someone on his back foot. There was no time for Yin Wei to react. Don't let it go, it's really hard to fly now.

"Who is Yin Wei?"

With majesty in his eyes, Sun Zhiwei swept directly at Yin Wei and Old Gu. He had seen Yin Wei's photos in advance.

So even though this Yin Wei didn't open his mouth to admit his identity, it didn't matter. Sun Zhiwei recognized him just by looking at him, and directly ordered: "Go, handcuff him."


There was no reaction at all. Yin Wei was directly handcuffed by two policemen. At this time, Yin Wei's actions were already restricted, and he realized something was wrong, so he quickly said: "Comrade police, What are you doing, why do you want to arrest me, I am a good citizen of discipline and law!"

"Ha ha----"

Sun Zhiwei couldn't help but sneered He said that Director Luo Xiaoxiao personally ordered me to arrest you, and must be arrested. If you are a good citizen, then there might be no bad people in this world.

So Sun Zhiwei said in a very harsh tone: "Yin Wei, you are suspected of deliberate murder, and we have controlled it now. If you have anything, you can talk to me again!"

Luo Xiaoxiao knew that Su Ming was not dead, and the crime of intentional murder was definitely not guilty, but Luo Xiaoxiao still ordered to scare this guy first, and then slowly play with him after he was caught back. What happened before that time, Pull it all out for him!


Yin Wei was stunned. He didn't expect the police to react so quickly. He hurriedly shouted: "Comrade police, I am wronged, I am wronged!"

PS: Thank you "Sorrow, Smile" for your 10,000 book coins rewards. I haven’t seen Piaohong rewards for a long time, but I’m too busy at work now and I don’t have time to add changes. Please understand and find opportunities for everyone in the future. More chapters!

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