After Su Ming listened to the driver's words, he realized this. At first, Su Ming really thought which factory was producing, and a huge chimney was emitting black smoke.

However, what the taxi driver said is quite reasonable. Ningcheng is a big city in China. It is definitely different from ordinary small places. It is impossible to allow you to carry out heavy industrial production near the city center. , That is an act of death.

The pollution to the environment is really too great. Small factories like Su Qishan's Ningcheng Machinery Factory are all located in the suburbs of Ningcheng.

It's too exaggerated to smoke directly. I'm afraid you will be found directly by people in the relevant department before you have an hour of production.

It is estimated that some accident happened somewhere, it should be a fire.

"I don't know where it is. It's such a bad luck. Looking at such a big smoke, it is estimated that the fire started in a tall building." Su Ming glanced at the black smoke outside the window, and then said something.

There are so many unpredictable things in this world, which basically happen every day, and Su Ming can only sigh that people who have experienced such things are too unlucky.

The driver who was driving could not help but look up again. Since he was driving a taxi, he was very familiar with the whole city.

People usually say that if you go to a place and you don’t know the road for the first time, you can just talk to a taxi driver for a while. No one knows better than them.

After looking at it twice, the driver said, "That place seems to be a commercial area. There is a building of Ningcheng Bank there, as if the building of the Qin Group is also there."

"I don't know which side caught fire!" The driver said a few words to himself.

Little did he know that his words frightened Su Ming. Su Ming was taken aback, and then quickly said: "Master, do you mean that the building of the Qin Group is in the direction of the fire?"

The name Su Ming of the Qin Group is too familiar. It is a company of the Qin family in Ningcheng, and it is quite famous in Ningcheng. At the same time, Qin Shiyin is the chairman of this company, but Su Ming has not been there much. Not many times, so he has no idea about the approximate location.

The uncle driver hadn’t heard that Su Ming’s voice had changed, so he said, “Of course, I can lie to you. If we say that Ningcheng’s road, no one is more familiar than me. I probably took a look. The direction of the smoke is known to be near the Qin Group."

"Driver, turn around quickly and go to the Qin Group!" Su Ming couldn't calm down now, and shouted directly.

The uncle driver was taken aback by Su Ming and slammed on the brakes. Fortunately, there were no cars behind at this time, so the driver said in surprise, "Young man, didn't you go to Ningcheng Machinery Factory? Why are you going again? The Qin Group is now, you are all confused about where to go."

"Go to the Qin Group, the driver, please drive faster!" Su Ming was anxious.

"That place may be on fire, what are you doing there?"

"My wife works there!"

Su Ming was anxious, and before he could explain his relationship with Qin Shiyin, he said something directly.

Qin Shiyin must be in the company because she is a workaholic and basically stays in the company on weekends. If the Qin Group catches fire, maybe Qin Shiyin is in danger.


This uncle driver is also a refreshing person. When he heard that this was the case, he immediately became calm, and said quickly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, this is really terrible!"

"Sit down, I'm going to drag racing!"

After the driver said something, he immediately stepped on the accelerator, quickly turned around, and drove in the direction of black smoke.

The character of this master was quite righteous. He indeed drove the car very quickly. He saw Su Ming's concern, so he had to send Su Ming to the place quickly at the risk of speeding a fine.

The mood in Su Ming's heart can be imagined. There is only a Japanese dog feeling. I thought that if I sent these documents to his father Su Qishan today, it would be fine. Who knows that I encountered this kind of thing on the way.

Now Su Ming is just praying in his heart, but don't really set the Qin Group on fire. If the Qin Group really set on fire, Qin Shiyin would be in a dangerous situation.

Su Ming was sitting in the car and couldn't let go of his heart. Then he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Qin Shiyin, hoping that nothing would happen to Qin Shiyin.

Even if the Qin Group is really burned, as long as Qin Shiyin is safe, some property losses are nothing, the most important thing is people.

"Om, hum--"

The busy tone in the microphone kept ringing, probably more than ten times, but no one answered at all, and a prompt tone came out from the microphone: "Sorry, the call you made is temporarily unanswered, please wait Call again."

Su Ming's heart gradually sank to the bottom, and no one answered the phone. This was definitely an accident. Su Ming became even more anxious and wanted to fly over.

After checking it, the card's ult can be used, but at this time in the taxi, Su Ming was afraid that after suddenly using it, the people in the back row disappeared out of thin air, and the driver would be frightened.

But after thinking about it, Qin Shiyin might be in danger at this time. Su Ming decided to take the risk once and simply use his card to make a big move.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, the car stopped suddenly, and the driver turned around and said: "Young The place is here, there are a lot of people in front of me, I can't get in, you run two steps ahead It is the Qin Group."

"Let's go and take a look. This really seems to be the building of the Qin Group on fire. Go and see how your wife is going." The uncle driver seemed to be more anxious than Su Ming.

Now the car was not far away, and even the cordon was pulled up in front, and it was already possible to see that the fire was in the high-rise building of the Qin Group.

"Is this here?"

Su Ming was stunned. He didn't expect to arrive so soon. He was planning to use the card to make a big move. Who knows that the driver suddenly turned his head. Fortunately, Su Ming didn't turn it on, otherwise he might be interrupted by the driver. Up.

Su Ming hurriedly threw all his money to the driver, and didn't care how much he had. The driver was righteous enough to run through a lot of red lights along the way, and he would be fined when he turned back. Su Ming couldn't let him lose.

After rushing over from the cordon, Su Ming ran a few steps forward, and a strange burnt and smoke smell came over, which made people smell uncomfortable. At this time, the first floor of the Qin Group, It has been completely burned, and the fire is constantly spreading.

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