League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1270: Isn't it crazy?

"Let it, let it--"

At this time, there were so many people on the scene, which made people look extraordinarily painful. Most of them gathered here to watch the excitement. I don’t know what the mentality of these people is. The building is on fire. I watched both. Very hard.

And many people are taking pictures and videos with their mobile phones. Needless to say, they know what they want to do. Obviously, this is a pretense of wanting to take a picture and post to a circle of friends.

You must know that the scene of such a high-rise fire is actually very dangerous. If something falls from a height by accident, it may be a life. It can be seen that these people are not afraid of death in order to watch the excitement.

Su Ming kept squeezing in, and kept talking in his mouth, pulling other people out, otherwise Su Ming would not be able to squeeze in with so many people.

When he got to the front, Su Ming could see the top of the building, which had already begun to burst into flames, and bursts of black smoke kept coming out of the windows.

The goose bumps of the people watching this scene are going to rise. If there are people inside, the result is unimaginable. Not to mention the fire, just the bursts of black smoke can bring people to life. Choked to death.

If there is a fire now, many people are actually not burned to death by the fire, and because the smoke at the scene is too much, they are the most choking to death.

"The Qin Group has been doing well this weekend. Why did it suddenly catch fire?"

"Who knows exactly why, maybe just a cigarette **** can cause a fire. No one can tell this kind of thing!"

"Aren't all the firefighters here? Why don't you hurry up to save people? Hurry up and spray water, so what are you doing there?"

"You can't blame the firefighters, don't you see how high the place of fire is? It's almost as high as twenty stories. The firefighters' water jet guns don't have that range."

"Moreover, the fire is too big. The firefighters have already entered the building, but they can't enter the fire floor. I guess they are still trying to find a way."

"I just heard an employee of the Qin Group say that the floor where the fire broke out is the floor where their chairman is located. In other words, the chairman of the Qin Group is probably there at this time."

"No, I remember that the chairman of the Qin Group has been replaced by a woman. Why did this happen? If something really happened, it would definitely be a huge blow to the Qin Group. !"


A lot of onlookers said you and me. The scene was very noisy. Su Ming who listened to it felt pain in his ears, but Su Ming was shocked by a later sentence. It was the chairman who caught fire. Isn't that the floor where you are located is Qin Shiyin.

Unexpectedly, the most worrying situation would happen. Su Ming was most afraid of something wrong with Qin Shiyin, and it happened to be Qin Shiyin.

So Su Ming didn't calm down, he pulled the young young man who had just talked over and asked, "Where did you hear what you just said?"


This young man dyed a yellowish hair and looked quite trendy. When he was bragging with others in the crowd just now, he was screaming, but after being pulled over by Su Ming, he was scared to pee.

The yellow-haired young man looked very flustered, because Su Ming's expression looked very serious at this time, and the appearance of eating people was really scary.

After the young man shook his body twice, then he said, "I...I heard a friend say that he is an employee of the Qin Group. He was working overtime today. Suddenly he caught fire and he ran away in fright. come out."

"As soon as the result came out, it was discovered that an entire floor was on fire, and that floor happened to be the floor of their chairman. Someone said this again just now. I didn't lie to you!" The yellow-haired young man didn't know Su Ming. Who is it?

But Su Ming looked too scary, afraid that he would be beaten by Su Ming, so this guy was scared when he talked, thinking that he accidentally provoke Su Ming just now.

But Su Ming didn't have the time to deal with this person at all. He threw the guy aside, and Su Ming continued to look up. The fire was still so fierce and there was no trend to alleviate it.

If we continue to look like this, let alone Qin Shiyin alone, I am afraid that the entire Qin Group building will be reduced to an empty shell, and everything inside will be wiped out.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering a random mission"!

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded. According to the system's consistent urination, in such an emergency situation, Su Ming will be issued a task, and this time is no exception.

mission name:

Task requirements: Today, the Qin Group suddenly encountered a big fire. The fire is spreading, and all the company staff on the entire floor are in danger ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ including Qin Shiyin.

Ask the host to take action immediately and successfully rescue Qin Shiyin, ensure Qin Shiyin's life safety, and put out the fire in the Qin Group.

Mission time: two hours

Mission difficulty: eight stars

Task reward: 80 points

Su Ming just glanced at this task, and the reward was very generous, with a full 80 points, but for Su Ming, it was not attractive.

Because what I said above is completely nonsense, it goes without saying that Su Ming has to go and save Qin Shiyin, if something happens to Qin Shiyin, Su Ming will definitely be crazy.

As for putting out the fire, Su Ming won't think about it for the time being, all he has to do is to rescue Qin Shiyin quickly.

Time is very tight. Su Ming hasn't had so much time to delay, so he must activate the card's ult and go to Qin Shiyin, otherwise it would be too inefficient to expect Su Ming to rush forward.

Now think about it. Fortunately, the card's big move did not cool down the last time you saved Huahua. If you used it last time, it will be cooling down today.

There are a lot of people here, and Su Ming won't stand stupidly and use card abilities directly, so Su Ming broke through the yellow cordon at the gate of the Qin Group without saying a word, and rushed over directly.

The building of the Qin Group is very large. Only one floor was on fire. The other floors have not been involved.

But at this time the whole building was in a very dangerous situation. The people on the other floors were all scared, and because of the fire, the elevator was out of use.

No one dared to go in again, but Su Ming rushed in without hesitation, stunned everyone, thinking that this kid would not be crazy, right?


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