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It's time to see that his life is gone, and Su Ming is the only one to flirt in this mood.

Qin Shiyin couldn't help but flushed when Su Ming told her. Just now, it was Su Ming who took the initiative to kiss her. Why did she get to Su Ming's mouth, as if she had made Su Ming assault, making Qin Shiyin very helpless.

But Qin Shiyin was moved by Su Ming's words "to die and die together".

This is the ultimate technique for teasing girls. When the fire is about to jeopardize, you run over and say something touching, and the girl promises to be touched and want to agree with her.

Of course, I'm afraid you won't be blessed at that time, so don't imitate it.

Su Ming also talked about temporarily comforting Qin Shiyin. How could Su Ming die? He didn't want to explain it to Qin Shiyin.

Just kidding, he hasn't made a monkey with Qin Shiyin. If two people with such high looks die, it would be a huge loss to the world.

But it is undeniable that what Qin Shiyin said just now has some truth, indeed, judging from the current situation, it is impossible to get out at all.

Su Ming must be indifferent. He is an ancient warrior and has so many shields. It is completely impossible for these flames to interfere with him. Su Ming can even walk out slowly without frowning. .

But Qin Shiyin couldn't work. There was fire along the way. What if Qin Shiyin was burned to the ground? Su Ming couldn't protect Qin Shiyin completely.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand and be afraid, in case something happens to Qin Shiyin, Su Ming is afraid that he will regret it for a lifetime.

At this moment, Su Ming glanced at the huge desk in the office, and Su Ming immediately had an idea, and said directly: "Come with me, I will take you out!"


This frightened Qin Shiyin. Qin Shiyin immediately looked at Su Ming with a strange look, wondering if Su Ming had lost his will? I thought I was a fairy who could fly.

No, he is a man and would not think of himself as a fairy.

But how could a normal person fly? Qin Shiyin thought that Su Ming was joking with her. He didn't expect that at this time, Su Ming was still in the mood to make a joke.

Little did he know that Su Ming didn't mean to be joking at all at this time. Just two days ago, he only drew a birdman skill, which can make Su Ming fly, but he didn't expect it to be used today.


Su Ming didn't have the time to explain so much to Qin Shiyin, because if you continue to drag it, if this floor collapses, I'm afraid something will really happen.

At this time, the huge windows of the office were already filled with fire, and Su Ming didn't care about that many, and he broke the windows off with his hands. It didn't feel much to Su Ming.

"Come here quickly, you can't leave without leaving!" Su Ming immediately turned around and said to Qin Shiyin.


Qin Shiyin was already at a loss for a while, and he didn't know if Su Ming was joking or was serious, and even broke the windows directly.

Could it be that he is really going to fly out, is this too ridiculous? There are no normal people who can fly. If you jump down, I am afraid you will fall into blood and blood, because this is nearly 20 floors. If you go down, if you can have a whole body, it will be a sign.

But Su Ming didn't give Qin Shiyin a chance to speak more. The fire was fierce, and Su Ming couldn't be careless. Su Ming took two steps forward suddenly and pulled Qin Shiyin over.

Immediately, Su Ming hugged Qin Shiyin, like a skydiving, without even thinking about it. The difference was that there was nothing behind Su Ming, there was no such thing as a parachute at all.


After feeling that he was taken by Su Ming to jump down, Qin Shiyin couldn't calm down anymore, so in the past, the screaming of the president of Iceberg was very loud, and Su Ming's eardrum was a little painful.

Little did she know that there would be no problem with Su Ming firmly protecting her.

The moment Su Ming jumped down, he directly activated Demacia's Wings-Quinn's ultimate move [Going Behind Enemy Lines], and a pair of wings condensed with vitality appeared behind him, and began to land below.

With so many people watching, Su Ming will definitely not really take Qin Shiyin into the air. After being shot and posted with a mobile phone, Su Ming will probably be taken away for anatomy.

So Su Ming was flapping his wings and descending. The reason was that he kept flapping because of the wings, so the falling speed was normal and the speed of the free fall of the human body was much slower.

"Let me wipe it, everyone, look, what is that!"

"Fuck, someone jumped off the building, this is so high that you can't fall into a mess."

"It's better to be burned to death directly inside, it is better to be thrown to death directly, this is too miserable."

"Why are you still in the mood to talk here? Run quickly, the horse will hit us when it comes down."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"


Su Ming's sudden "jumping" action frightened the people watching the excitement below, for fear that he would be hit by Su Ming after he fell down. You must know that if it is hit, it will definitely kill you.

The person who jumped down was going to die, and the person who was hit would definitely be dead. I hate this kind of person who has to pull a blanket when he is dead.

The melon-eating people kept scolding their mothers, and at the same time they kept moving back. The crowd couldn't help but riot, especially those standing in front, who were afraid of being hit by Su Ming.

But Su Ming fluttered his wings and fell, like a bird falling from the sky to the ground. Have you ever seen a bird that was thrown to death? If there is any ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it must be an ostrich.

It's just that Su Ming's wings are similar to a transparent color, and it's daytime, with the sun's rays shining on, and everyone can't see the wings flapping behind Su Ming.

This is also why Su Ming dared to use Quinn's ultimatum in full view.

"Okay, it's okay!"

After Su Ming landed lightly, he directly said to Qin Shiyin who was pregnant, and then put Qin Shiyin down.

Qin Shiyin closed his eyes all the time just now, suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that he had already landed, and there was nothing at all. He couldn't help but patted his face in surprise and said to his heart that this would not be a dream.

"My God!"

As for the people who eat melons, they are completely shocked at this time, such a special god.

Jumping down from a tall building of nearly 20 floors, there was nothing at all, and it landed safely. This is too fake, I have never seen such an operation.

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