League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1274: It's too fierce

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Jumping from a tall building of nearly twenty floors, if it is not Superman, Batman, etc., it will definitely be directly thrown into shreds.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming still took a person with Qin Shiyin in his hands, but there was nothing at all. He landed safely and steadily, terribly, the plane was not so stable.

Even this picture gives people a feeling that Su Ming seems to have jumped down from a height of one meter, which seems like he just jumped down from a tall building with a person.


Su Ming slowly put down Qin Shiyin in his arms, but Qin Shiyin didn't react for a while. He thought he was going to go down with Su Ming, who knew he was not dead.

Therefore, Qin Shiyin's whole body was tight. The moment he landed, his legs trembled for a while, and he couldn't stand firmly after shaking twice.

But Su Ming grabbed Qin Shiyin without letting her fall down, and just held Qin Shiyin for two minutes, Qin Shiyin's whole body then slowed down, and he could barely stop.

"Chairman, are you okay?!"

At this moment, many Qin Group employees gathered outside the company hurriedly came here. There was even a female employee who directly took out a piece of clothing and put it on Qin Shiyin.

Qin Shiyin had been in the sea of ​​fire for a long time, and his body was still a little messy. After wearing a piece of clothing, his whole person looked much more normal.

"It's okay, don't be afraid!"

Su Ming took two shots of Qin Shiyin, then smiled and said, fortunately, Qin Shiyin is safe and nothing happened.

Su Ming was very lucky at this time. Fortunately, I went to send something to his father Su Qishan today. After passing through here, if Su Ming slept at home on the weekends, then this happened today, Su Ming really may not be able to. Arrive to the scene in time.

"Su Ming, there are still employees on my floor, and they are probably still trapped inside!" Qin Shiyin calmed down for a while, and then the whole person's expression changed again, and then he spoke.

Qin Shiyin herself was dying just now, so she was still in the mood to worry about those things. Even if she wanted to save people, there was nothing to do. At that time, Qin Shiyin could only wait to die obediently.

At this time Qin Shiyin remembered that her floor was the president's office, and there were some employee offices of the president's office outside.

Today is the weekend. There are not many employees. A small number of employees work overtime in the office, and they encounter this kind of thing.

Qin Shiyin estimated that with the current fire, it would be impossible for them to escape, which meant that they had fallen into a dangerous situation now.

The fire might be slightly better than Qin Shiyin's office, but it can't be too optimistic. If it develops like this, it will sooner or later die.

Su Ming's face changed as soon as he heard this, and his heart suddenly woke up. It was true that he hadn't thought of this just now. It is impossible for Qin Shiyin to be alone on the whole floor, and there are definitely others.

Now this whole floor is in danger, and those people are also in danger. The Su Ming people are here, and they can’t help but save them if they encounter this kind of thing. After all, they are all alive.

And Su Ming also remembered that the task issued to him by the system was not only to save Qin Shiyin alone, but also to extinguish the fire of the Qin Group.

"How many people are there on your floor?" Su Ming frowned and asked.

Qin Shiyin hurriedly said: "This weekend, most of the employees are on vacation. There may be more than a dozen people on it!"

For a large company like the Qin Group, the entire company has at least a few thousand employees. These ten individuals are indeed nothing, but in the face of human lives, one life cannot be ignored, let alone more than ten lives.

"Su Ming, what should...what should I do?" Qin Shiyin was a little at a loss at this time, said something quickly, and then looked at Su Ming like that.

Even if Qin Shiyin is the chairman of the Qin Group, a strong woman in the business world, and IQ crushes many people, but in this case, Qin Shiyin really doesn't know what to do.

So no matter how strong a woman is, it still won't work without a man at the critical moment.

Qin Shiyin didn't dare to tell Su Ming to find a way to save people, because even the firefighters were a little helpless in this situation. This was not something normal people did. Qin Shiyin was very worried about Su Ming's safety.

"What else can I do!"

Su Ming couldn't help sighing in his heart. At this time, Su Ming had nothing to do. There was only one way, and that was to rush to the fire and save people.

With more than a dozen people, Su Ming wanted to jump down from the stairs one by one, just like saving Qin Shiyin. That is impossible and unrealistic.

With the size and weight of an adult, Su Ming can take at most one person at a time. There is a safety hazard in taking two people. If one is not grasped firmly and falls from the air, one life will be lost.

Even if you can bring two people at a time, there is no use. More than a dozen people will have to take at least five or six trips. With this effort, it is estimated that the people behind will be burned to death.

Moreover, jumping from the building once and then scared people to death. If Su Ming jumped several times in a row, it is estimated that he would become a famous figure in the country tomorrow. That would be too risky and unrealistic.

The only thing that can be done and the best method at present is to go up quickly and put out the fire upstairs, so that people can be rescued.

"time is life!"

Su Ming can now feel that this sentence is very appropriate, it is not wrong at all, now time is life, maybe one second earlier is a life.

So Su Ming didn't dare to be careless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly turned around and said: "Shiyin, you rest here for a while, I will go up and see how to save people!"

After speaking, Su Ming didn't wait for Qin Shiyin to say anything. He didn't have the time to delay anymore, and rushed into the building of the Qin Group again.

"Su Ming————"

Qin Shiyin saw that Su Ming had rushed in, so he couldn't help but yelled, because he was worried about Su Ming's safety, he wanted to rush along with him.

But Qin Shiyin calmed down in an instant, and couldn't go with him at this time. It would just add chaos to Su Ming.


Many people who ate melons at the scene were once again dumbfounded by Su Ming's behavior. They did not expect that after Su Ming rushed in without fear of death, he rushed in again.

We must know that the Qin Group at this time is equivalent to a ghost gate, and there may be life-threatening when entering, but this kid is not afraid of death at all, it is too fierce!

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