"How can this be?"

The firefighter squad leader suddenly became silly. There was such a big fire just now, as if an arrogant demon might swallow people at any time.

Although these firefighters did not say anything, they were actually prepared to sacrifice. In this case, it is quite normal to fight the fire and accidents occur.

It should have been a tough battle, but who knew that the fire suddenly went out. Although everyone didn't believe it, at first glance, at least the majestic flame at the door had really disappeared.

It's a hell. I have been fighting fires for many years. The first time I encountered such a weird thing, such a big fire was suddenly extinguished. How did it do it?

Even with the high-pressure water gun and the continuous shooting, it is actually impossible to extinguish the fire all at once, because the fire is too big, it will take at least one hour to two hours.

But in just a few minutes, the fire has been extinguished. Is it possible that there was a heavy rain in it?

"Go, let's go in and see what's going on!" After the captain reacted, he quickly said something like this, and then he took someone to walk in and take a look.


At this moment, a piece of wood blocking the door was pushed aside from the inside, and then everyone looked up and found that Su Ming was carrying a dozen people, and that was how it came out.

"This this………"

All the firefighters were stunned. For a while, they were even a little at a loss. For the first time at the scene of the fire, their sense of existence had become so low.

"There is nothing more inside, so you can withdraw as soon as possible. There is some danger here now, don't stay there anymore!" Su Ming said after he came out.

Su Ming has always had a good impression of the firefighter profession. After all, their salary is not high, but wherever something happens, firefighters usually do the dirty work, and it may endanger life. , This is a respectable profession.

At the same time, Su Ming is also directing the dozen or so people, so hurry down, don't delay here, the entire floor has been burned by the fire, and the quality must have been greatly affected.

"Wait a minute, young man, how did the fire in this extinguish?" Seeing Su Ming was about to leave, the firefighter team leader immediately reacted, grabbed Su Ming, and asked strangely. One sentence.

Su Ming definitely can't directly say that I summoned a toad out and then sucked in so much flame. If this was said, no one would believe it. Instead, he would treat Su Ming as a neurosis.

So Su Ming casually said nonsense: "The quality of your fire extinguisher just now is really good. I sprayed it a few times, and the fire inside was almost gone. Thanks to your fire extinguisher."

While talking, Su Ming also patted the shoulder of the firefighter squad leader twice, looking like a sacred stick, and then went out like this, and that was enough.

"Fire extinguisher???"

After Su Ming left, the firefighters looked at each other. One and two of them were dumbfounded. They looked at the fire extinguisher in their hands again, and they looked strange.

They have used this kind of fire extinguisher for many years, and they have never experienced it. This fire extinguisher is so awesome, it's impossible.

Just now a few of them sprayed at the door for a long time, but the fire at the door was not even extinguished. The effect can be said to be minimal. After the kid Mao entered, the fire could be extinguished. This is too fake. .

After reacting, everyone still wanted to continue to ask questions, but when they looked up, Su Ming had already gone out by then, and there was no opportunity for them to continue asking questions.


Outside the Qin Group building, there are still many people eating melons outside, constantly looking up at the situation. It is impossible for people outside to know what happened inside.

"I don't know what's going on inside. After such a long time, there is no reaction at all."

"What else? It must have happened inside. The kid just now, I think, 80% can't get out."

"Hey, in such a big fire, it is too difficult to save people. It is a pity that he shouldn't have gone up."

"What's the use of this now? After so long, I guess not only the young man just now, but the people on that floor are probably dead."


A lot of people are talking about it. It's not too big to watch the excitement. People are about to die from above, but these people are very casual. Basically, they say everything, which makes people feel unusually upset.

Qin Shiyin's mood was obviously affected~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially after seeing that there was no movement for such a long time, Qin Shiyin's heart gradually began to be afraid, Su Ming would not really have anything wrong.

At this moment, more than a dozen employees of the Qin Group Company in uniforms came out one after another. After Qin Shiyin saw it, his eyes lit up.

She knows all these people. It is the employees on her floor that all have come down. Seeing that these people are all right, Qin Shiyin rushed up and said, "You are all all right, yes. Didn't a young man go up to save you?"

After all, Qin Shiyin was most concerned about Su Ming at this time.

"Qin Dong, the person you are talking about is behind."

Suddenly a person spoke, and after speaking, Su Ming came out immediately.

As soon as Qin Shiyin saw Su Ming, she immediately became unreserved. She rushed over, hugged Su Ming and hugged him tightly. After waiting for such a long time, she was really worried in her heart.

Fortunately, Su Ming is fine, everyone is fine, and Qin Shiyin cherishes the joy of the rest of his life.

The surrounding people who ate melons saw Su Ming's beauty in her arms, and suddenly there was more or less envy in her eyes, but no one dared to say anything.

This kid was indeed too fierce. He rushed in twice in a row and rescued all the people. More importantly, he had nothing to do. It was almost impossible.

In a short while, the firefighters all followed out, and there was an indescribable smell on the expression on their faces.

At this time, the team leader said: "The fire inside has been extinguished, and all the personnel inside have been rescued, without any casualties!"


Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help being stunned, especially the team leader who reported again: "It's the young man who put out the fire!"

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