This firefighter is just a small captain. The real captain is outside, holding a walkie-talkie in his hand and directing the scene. After all, people are needed to maintain the order of the scene and formulate a fire fighting plan.

After the team leader came out, the whole person was still in a state of confusion, but he also reported the situation immediately.

"What, the fire is all extinguished, and everyone is saved?"

As soon as the captain heard this, the whole person was stunned immediately. This is unscientific. As a ten-year old firefighter, he knew the serious situation of the fire too well.

There must be no way to put out the fire for a while, and people will definitely die. This is already inevitable. After the team leader came out, he told him directly that everyone was rescued and the fire was gone. , This is not a joke.

After being taken aback for a while, the captain immediately said: "You are sure that the fire is out, how did you put it out?"

If I remember correctly, the range of the high-pressure water gun is not enough for the time being, so these firefighters only brought fire extinguishers. With those fire extinguishers, can the fire be extinguished? Why doesn't the captain believe it?


When I talked about this problem, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The team leader showed a weird look on his face, and then said: "Captain, this fire...this fire was not extinguished by us."


The captain was confused again, and felt that his brain was not enough. Apart from the people trapped in it, there were firefighters there. It wasn't them who would put out the fire. Could it be that the fire went out by itself?

With regard to the fire on this floor, all their teams were dispatched. It was very difficult and could not be resolved for a while. How could it be possible to put out the fire in such a short time.

The team leader pointed to Su Ming next to him, and then said: "It was him, alone extinguished the fire on the entire floor, and rescued everyone!"


Now not only was the captain, but even the people who ate melons were shocked. One person put out all the fire on the entire floor. Isn't this too nonsense?

He is not Superman, so why can he do such awesome things.

The captain's face instantly became serious, and he said, "We must be strict in speaking or doing things. Don't talk about things like this without textual research. It will have a very bad effect."

Indeed, if this kind of thing is spread, it will appear that their firefighters are incompetent. If you are helpless, others can handle it alone. What use are you firefighters doing?

The squad leader felt aggrieved by the criticism, and he didn't believe it was true. At first, he was surprised more than anyone else, but it was impossible. The truth is.

So the team leader said, "Captain, I didn't say anything casually. It was indeed the case. At that time, none of our people could rush in."

"As a result, this gentleman rushed in with a fire extinguisher, and the fire on the entire floor was extinguished. When we were about to enter, he had already come out with everyone!" The captain said roughly.


The expression on the captain's entire face was a bit sluggish, and it looked particularly interesting, as if he had just heard a fantasy story, and it was a bit nonsense.

It is impossible for one person to extinguish a fire that cannot be controlled by a whole floor with a fire extinguisher.

But the same sentence, whether it may be impossible, the fact is here, whether you believe it or not is the fact, so there is no way if you don't believe it.

And those more than a dozen people who had just escaped from the ghost gate, that is, the employees of the president's office, realized that the person who put out the fire was Su Ming.

Before, they all hid together. In order to avoid the fire, they didn't even know what happened outside. They thought it was after the firefighters put out the fire, so Su Ming had a chance to come in.

Only now did they know that Su Ming had rescued them from beginning to end.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of immense gratitude in everyone's heart. They hardly knew Su Ming. It could be said that they were strangers to Su Ming, but Su Ming was alone in disregard of danger.

Running in to put out the fire and rescued them, this kind of spirit and behavior is worth touching all of them for a lifetime.

If it weren't for Su Ming today, then all of them might have confessed here and saved everyone's lives. Is there anything greater than this?

Looking at Su Ming again, he was also very embarrassed. Although he was not injured, he had been wandering in the sea of ​​fire after all. His clothes must have been broken and his face was stained with dust.

When other people saw Su Ming's appearance, Su Ming's image suddenly improved. Everyone admired and appreciated Su

At this time, a female assistant, who looked pretty iconic, walked in front of Su Ming with a serious face, and said to Su Ming: "This gentleman, I don't know what to say. Anyway, thank you very much for saving. I still have the life of my colleague, thank you!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed directly to Su Ming, which looked very standard. The upper body and the lower body became a right angle. Compared with a life, a bow was a bit insignificant.

"thank you!"

"Thank you--"


After someone took the lead, the remaining people immediately came to Su Ming's face. I really don't know how to say the polite words. Everyone can only bow to express their gratitude.

For a time, more than a dozen people bowed to Su Ming at the same time. This scene still seemed quite shocking, as if Su Ming was a savior.

Such a shocking scene made the people who eat melons unable to speak for a while, including those who had previously watched Su Ming rush in and accused Su Ming as stupid.

The people at the fire scene are so grateful to Su Ming, so what else can they say about these onlookers.

Almost everyone's heart is infected. One person, one person's power is very limited, especially when it comes to some important things.

But Su Ming bluntly ran in, regardless of the danger of his life, and he really saved so many people. Such a feat, it is no exaggeration to say that it can last a lifetime.

"Papa Papa——————"

I don't know who brought a head at this time, and then everyone applauded one after another, and the applause rang like a tide.

This is the applause dedicated to Su Ming, at this moment, he is a hero!

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