League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1282: I don't know what's wrong

The sudden fire in the Qin Group today, until now when I think about it, Qin Shiyin still has lingering fears.

This may be the weakest time in Qin Shiyin's life. The last time she felt this way, it was when she broke off the Qin family and left the Qin family alone.

I thought I was desperate enough at that time, but Qin Shiyin only knows today that when people face death, they are the most desperate.

Never say anything that is more painful than death. For example, no money is more painful than death. Learning makes me worse than death. When you really face death, your heart is very scared.

Without Su Ming today, there is no doubt that Qin Shiyin would have been gone for a long time, and might even be ashes as many things in the office.

After returning home, Su Ming has been with Qin Shiyin at Qin Shiyin's home, making Qin Shiyin feel very at ease, as if as long as Su Ming is there, he will have an endless sense of security in his heart.

Maybe it was because he was used to spending all day with Su Ming by his side, so when he heard that Su Ming was leaving, Qin Shiyin couldn't calm down immediately, so he called Su Ming directly.

When Su Ming heard that this was the case, Qin Shiyin was not that kind of little girl, it was impossible to be afraid of everything, and could not live without a man.

It was mainly because of the fire today that the impression of Qin Shiyin was too great. It is estimated that Qin Shiyin can't forget it directly.


When he thought of this, Su Ming couldn't help but sighed. Women are troublesome, but Qin Shiyin took the initiative to speak, so what else can Su Ming say, he can only take the initiative to sacrifice himself.

For the sake of Qin Shiyin, Su Ming would rather make this sacrifice than staying with Qin Shiyin for the whole night. It's nothing to be more tired, and men should have to bear more.

So Su Ming smiled, and couldn't help but start to be stubborn again. This stubborn temper couldn't be changed. Only Su Ming said with a smirk: "Where do I sleep tonight, here you are. Apart from your room, is there any place to live in the house?"

With such a low-level and direct pretence, the Qin Shiyin who got it was a bit unbearable, and directly rolled his eyes to Su Ming, and then said directly: "Where you sleep, no one on the floor cares about you!"


Su Ming smiled directly, showing a smile that every man understands. Qin Shiyin is so obvious, how could Su Ming not understand it, so Su Ming said with a full face, "Well, wait for me." In a moment, I'll take a shower, you go back to the room and wait for me!"

The expression on Su Ming's face is really too cheap, as if others don't know what he is thinking, Qin Shiyin quenched Su Ming twice.

But after Su Ming turned and walked into the bathroom, Qin Shiyin couldn't help but flushed. To Qin Shiyin, he took the initiative to invite Su Ming to stay. This is really a bold act for Qin Shiyin.

I don't know why, in addition to being a little nervous, Qin Shiyin is actually mixed with some emotions of expectation.

It's just that the interweaving of multiple emotions is too complicated, so maybe Qin Shiyin didn't even notice it.


After really listening to Su Ming, Qin Shiyin saw that Su Ming had gone to take a bath, so he went upstairs and returned to his room. When sitting on the bed, Qin Shiyin became more and more nervous.

Sleeping in the same bed with a man seems to have never happened since Qin Shiyin has a memory. It is unimaginable that she took the initiative today.

But after sitting for two minutes, Qin Shiyin still felt that she was too active today. How could a girl take the initiative? Qin Shiyin couldn't help but regret it. As for Su Ming's mouth, who knows if she will make fun of her in the future. .

But what you say is like splashing water. There is no other way. Qin Shiyin can't say that he regrets it, and if Su Ming leaves, Qin Shiyin will sleep restlessly, always feeling that there may be a fire around him at any time. same.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Shiyin suddenly had an idea, and he wanted to come in, but he had to add some difficulty to you.

So Qin Shiyin did a very naive thing, just like a child. He went straight up and locked the door of the room. He wouldn't open the door for Su Ming for a while. See how he gets in, and he will say it later.

Qin Shiyin thinks more comprehensively. Considering that Su Ming is relatively strong, he may be able to climb up directly from the window. After all, her villa is not too high, only two floors. Su Ming wants to climb up. Easy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Qin Shiyin ran over and locked the window.

Now the whole room is equivalent to being isolated from the outside world. Even if Su Ming can become a bug like Monkey King, I am afraid that he will not be able to fly in, let alone Su Ming has no such skills.

After finishing these two naive things, Qin Shiyin lay on the bed contentedly, waiting for Su Ming to come over to eat.


Su Ming usually takes a bath very fast. The elders usually take a bath in a few minutes, but I thought of sleeping with Qin Shiyin tonight.

Su Ming must take this kind of thing seriously for the first time in his life, so Su Ming hurriedly washed his body for a while, and the whole body was fragrant. Make sure that the woman will look at Su Ming after smelling it. This handsome face has a primitive impulse.

After going upstairs excitedly, Su Ming grabbed the handle of the door, and when he was about to screw it, he found that he couldn't screw it anymore, and there was no response after **** it twice. Su Ming said strangely, "Huh. , What happened to this door?"

Qin Shiyin inside immediately said: "I don't know what's wrong, I can't open it inside, you can open it up."

PS: I can’t say that I’m tired as a dog anymore. I feel that dogs should be much more comfortable than me. No matter how hard you are, you have to hold on. I insist on five changes every day.

I also hope that everyone will support you, and spend a few cents every day to support the author, a lollipop, but you can harvest the pure heart of the author.

To put it bluntly, I want to make some money. Some people can make money by reading books. I just want to support myself. I have almost no salary when I go to work because of internship.

If you don't support me, I am afraid I can only sell my beauty to make money. Do you bear it?

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