If Qin Shiyin didn't speak, Su Ming hadn't thought about it yet, thinking that there was a problem with the door, or that the door was too advanced and Su Ming didn't know how to open it.

But after hearing Qin Shiyin's words, Su Ming immediately reacted, co-authoring this Qin Shiyin was deliberately teasing himself, and he used this rather naive trick to play with himself.

If it wasn't for hearing Qin Shiyin's voice inside, I'm afraid Su Ming thought it was something Qin Xiaoke could do.

Obviously he is the president of the cold Bingberg beauty. How could Qin Shiyin look like this? This style of painting seems a little wrong, or Su Ming's opening method is wrong.

"Hey, hey————"

Su Ming twisted it two more vigorously, and found that it was useless at all. It couldn't be screwed at all. It was obviously locked from the inside.

The general anti-theft door has this mechanism. It can be locked from the inside, and once locked, no matter how you twist it from the outside, it cannot be opened unless you have the key.

But this is Qin Shiyin's room, where did Su Ming get the key, so it is impossible to open the door with conventional methods.

In fact, this kind of door is a kind of white door, which is much thinner than a formal anti-theft door. For Su Ming, there is no obstacle at all. As long as Su Ming thinks about it, it is probably normal. The man who kicked hard can kick it directly away.

Let alone an ancient warrior like Su Ming, as long as Su Ming activates the vitality in his body, I am afraid that the door will be shattered in the blink of an eye.

But Su Ming couldn't do that, because Su Ming himself knew in his heart that Qin Shiyin was just making a joke with himself, and if a little joke he couldn't make a joke, he would destroy the door. That would be boring.

In case Qin Shiyin is upset, saying that Su Ming has no sentimentality, so Su Ming sleeps on the ground at night, Su Ming has nothing to do.

So Su Ming thought about how to open the lock. It seems that the tiger kid will open the lock. Su Ming has seen his craftsmanship, and the scouts back then can be said to be proficient in everything.

But at this point in time, Su Ming couldn't call Huzi to help. He had known that he had learned from Huzi, and he was alive. It would be right to learn more skills.

This year is a society that pays attention to talents. If Wangzhe's pesticides are good, they can make money on their behalf.

It's useless to say this now. After thinking about my skills carefully, I found that there didn't seem to be any unlocking skills. None of the skills produced by the system involved this aspect.

If the system knows Su Ming's thoughts at this time, I am afraid that Su Ming can vomit blood. The skills that special mothers give you, basically ordinary people can get one at random, and they will be rewritten for the rest of their lives. Want to use skills to unlock.

I have seen someone who has nothing to do, but I have never seen someone as low as you.

Su Ming thought of the magic marsh frog, and didn't know whether it had the ability to unlock, but after thinking about it, it was not realistic. Maybe after this product came out, he swallowed the entire door.

And it will also scare Qin Shiyin inside. No ordinary people have ever seen such a strange creature, and the atmosphere that is finally created will be destroyed again. This risk is too great, so Su Ming directly gave up.

"By the way, there are also Timo's passive skills!"

Su Ming was almost in his mind and gave every skill he had obtained. When he thought of Timo's passive skills, Su Ming's mind suddenly flashed.

Timo’s passive skill is stealth. Everyone knows that after Su Ming’s upgrade, although this skill is still stealth, it is much stronger. Su Ming can become invisible while moving.

But it sounds like it’s useless. What does it matter if an invisible person opens a lock? If you can’t unscrew a lock, can you unscrew it when you’re invisible?

Of course it’s impossible. Stealth has nothing to do with unlocking, but if you make good use of it, it’s not necessarily.

The corners of Su Ming's mouth rose slightly, as if he had a clever plan to deal with Qin Shiyin.

"Su Ming, if you beg me, I can consider opening the door for you." Qin Shiyin's playfulness also came up, and he deliberately said to Su Ming, wanting to see when Su Ming confessed to him, in the end What it looks like.

But as soon as Su Ming heard these words, he couldn't help but want to laugh even more. It seemed that Qin Shiyin was proud of it in his mind.

So Su Ming forcibly held back, without saying a word, and immediately activated Timo's passivity. The whole person entered a state of invisibility, as if from the space, suddenly disappeared for no reason.

When I was thinking about how I could unlock the lock~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming hadn’t made any sound, so Qin Shiyin inside couldn’t help but feel a little weird. He asked where Su Ming had gone, and why. There is no sound.

Especially after she finished saying a word, there was still no voice outside. Su Ming did not reply to her. This made Qin Shiyin feel even more strange. Why did her heart say that there was no sound at all, so Qin Shiyin continued to say, "Su Ming, how about you? , Why don't you speak?"

What Qin Shiyin said about Su Ming, who was in the invisible state, could be heard clearly, but Su Ming still held back and said nothing. His goal was not to say a word and let Qin Shiyin take the initiative to open the door.

There was still no movement outside, let alone the voice of speech, Qin Shiyin didn't even hear the footsteps, and was a little at a loss for a while, asking where did Su Ming go?

So Qin Shiyin hurriedly got up, squatted on the cat's eye on the door, and looked outside twice, but Qin Shiyin was shocked suddenly, saying that Su Ming is a person, why is there no one outside here?

Qin Shiyin also resisted a bit, thinking that Su Ming had deliberately hid on one side and wanted to trick himself into opening the door, so Qin Shiyin deliberately looked both ways and found that there was no one.

So Qin Shiyin couldn't help it, and quickly opened the door. Even when opening the door, Qin Shiyin was still cautious, even opening a little gap, barely stretched out his head to take a look, in case Su Ming was really hiding not far away.


Unexpectedly, Qin Shiyin stretched out his head and saw that there was no one outside, not even a personal figure, let alone Su Ming.

For a while, Qin Shiyin was not so careful. He opened the door all the way, thinking that Su Ming was going down, and said angrily: "Who is it, isn't it just a joke, he was still angry and left. It's so stingy." Up!"

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