League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1284: You are not allowed to move

"Can't laugh, can't laugh--"

Su Ming kept reminding himself that he must not laugh. After listening to Qin Shiyin's words just now, Su Ming almost couldn't help laughing.

Qin Shiyin thought Su Ming was angry and left, but he didn't know that Su Ming was actually standing next to her, and he understood what Qin Shiyin said clearly, so Su Ming couldn't help but want to laugh.

But it must not be laughed, because if Qin Shiyin made a sound, Qin Shiyin would have noticed Su Ming's existence, so Su Ming abruptly held back and kept looking at Qin Shiyin in stealth.

"Su Ming, where did you go?"

Qin Shiyin looked around again, even looking downstairs, only to find that there was still no figure, and Su Ming just disappeared.

Qin Shiyin muttered: "If you don't really get angry, let's go, how can you be like this."

Little did he know that Su Ming not only didn't leave at this time, but even sneaked into Qin Shiyin's room by Qin Shiyin's side.

Now you can see the effect of invisibility. Although there is no way to unlock the lock, Su Ming managed to get in, and even quietly broke Qin Shiyin's naive trick.

Of course, using a stealth skill for a little trick will definitely make people feel heartbroken and scolding Su Ming’s prodigal, but in fact, this skill Su Ming rarely uses, so it doesn’t matter, like card tricks. Anyway, Su Ming didn't dare to use the key skills indiscriminately.

Moreover, the card's ultimate skill was only used today, and Su Ming couldn't use it even if he wanted to use it. The cooling time of this skill is relatively long.

Su Ming suddenly remembered that the first time he used Timo's passive skill, it seemed to be in Qin Shiyin's home, this time it was used again in Qin Shiyin's house, which was really interesting.

"Strange, where did people go?"

Qin Shiyin even went downstairs to search for a circle, but still found nothing, not even Su Ming's shadow. Just kidding, Su Ming is in a state of invisibility and is invisible to the naked eye, so no matter how Qin Shiyin searches, Is not found.

If Su Ming wants to stay invisible like this, he can stay for a few days and nights without showing up. After this skill is activated, there is no time limit. Of course, Su Ming would be bored to death.

"Where did you go?"

After Qin Shiyin couldn't find anyone, she went upstairs and found that there was still no one. At this time, she wished that Su Ming was deliberately teasing her, and then suddenly appeared, but not.

When I thought that Su Ming might not be here, Qin Shiyin was a little anxious for a while. If she was alone, Qin Shiyin was still a little scared.

I always felt that the fire was always lingering in my mind today, and the lingering feeling made Qin Shiyin very scared, otherwise she would not take the initiative to let Su Ming stay.

Unexpectedly, he even angered Su Ming, which made Qin Shiyin feel a little regretful. He would have stopped joking with Su Ming, and he didn't usually see that Su Ming was such a ridiculous person.

So Qin Shiyin went back to her room, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and was about to call Su Ming and ask him where he was, and asked him to come back quickly, presumably Su Ming didn't go far in just a few minutes.

Qin Shiyin's mobile phone was in the office today. It was burned by the fire, but it was a mobile phone for work, and she also had a personal mobile phone at home.

As soon as Qin Shiyin picked up the phone, Su Ming knew that he couldn't install it anymore. Needless to say, Qin Shiyin must be calling his phone. If the phone suddenly remembered, it would be bad.

It is equivalent to the sound of a mobile phone appearing out of thin air, but no one can be seen. Isn't it necessary to scare Qin Shiyin to death, Su Ming knows that he must show up.

So Su Ming took advantage of Qin Shiyin's phone call, and quietly walked behind Qin Shiyin in two steps, then actively ended Timo's passive skills, and hugged Qin Shiyin from behind.


Suddenly being hugged by someone from behind, Qin Shiyin immediately panicked again, subconsciously he wanted to turn around and lift his leg to directly aim at the person behind.

Fortunately, after Su Ming suffered two losses, he had already taken precautions against this. He knew that Qin Shiyin had such subconscious behavior, so Su Ming's knee was pushed forward slightly.

He clung to Qin Shiyin's legs tightly, and after Qin Shiyin exerted his strength, he couldn't lift his legs up.

"Who should I call?" Su Ming asked deliberately, knowingly.

When Qin Shiyin heard this voice, he knew that it was Su Ming, so Qin Shiyin was very surprised. After turning around, he immediately slapped Su Ming and said, "Where did you go, how did you come in? I thought you were gone. ."

"I'm still wearing a bathrobe. Where can I go in this dress? You have a lot of skills now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dare not let me in!"

Su Ming gave a smirk, and the arms holding Qin Shiyin became harder while speaking, and the two bodies just stuck together. This angle can no longer be intimate. Direct contact at zero distance is worse than contact at negative distance. some.

Su Ming directly shifted the topic, and didn't say how he got in. This kind of thing is more troublesome to explain.

The powerful masculine breath instantly wrapped Qin Shiyin's whole body. Qin Shiyin felt that his body had softened for a while, as if a pile of plasticine had run out of strength. If Su Ming let go, it is likely that Qin Shiyin would fall .

"Come on, let's sleep together. It's so boring to stand like this." After Su Ming hugged Qin Shiyin for a while, his body's reaction became stronger.

With such a stunner in his arms, if there is no reaction, can he still be regarded as a normal person? Therefore, Su Ming's current mood can only be described in four words, that is, "I can't wait."

But Qin Shiyin blushed more and more. She knew what Su Ming was thinking about, so Qin Shiyin blushed and said in a low voice: "Who told you to sleep here, you will go out to sleep!"

"Are you sure? How do I feel that you don't want me to go at all."

Su Ming put his mouth close to Qin Shiyin's ear, and whispered directly, making Qin Shiyin's ears all red.

Immediately, Su Ming didn't froze. If you don't take the initiative at this time, is it possible that you still count on someone else's daughter to take the initiative, so you directly pushed Qin Shiyin onto the bed.

The two were lying on Qin Shiyin's bed together. The bed was not very big, but it was more than enough for two people.

Qin Shiyin was extremely nervous, and said directly: "It's okay to sleep here, Su Ming, let me tell you, you are not allowed to move!"

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