Su Ming really didn't do anything all night, so Su Ming abruptly resisted it. Facing such a goddess by his side, he couldn't do anything, and he couldn't do anything. It was really tormenting.

More importantly, this is not what Qin Shiyin himself disagrees with, but because of physical reasons, he has to bear with it temporarily. This is the most hurtful.

It was indeed difficult at first, but this uncomfortable feeling did not last long for Su Ming.

Qin Shiyin was really tired. She was not the kind of person who stayed up all night. The daily biological clock was very regular. In addition, she encountered a fire today and was frightened to a certain extent, and she was very mentally exhausted.

Not to mention some of Su Ming's actions just now, which caused Qin Shiyin to reach the highest point twice. The whole person can be said to be exhausted. In such a tired state, Su Ming turned off the lights for less than three minutes before Qin Shiyin entered. In the dreamland.

Qin Shiyin didn't have the habit of snoring, even if he was very tired today, and his breathing was very even, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little sleepy.

It turned out that sleeping can also be contagious. After a while, Su Ming also felt sleepy, so Su Ming fell asleep directly.


The next morning, both of them slept very late. After eight o'clock in the morning, Qin Shiyin opened his eyes, and Su Ming was still holding her with his arms.

It was the first time that Qin Shiyin experienced the feeling of being hugged to sleep, but for some reason, Qin Shiyin felt very comfortable in this state.

"If you can do this every day, that would be great." Qin Shiyin had such a thought that made her feel a little unexpected.

At this moment, Su Ming also opened his eyes. After a night of sleep, Su Ming's state is also much better, at least not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning.

After seeing that Su Ming was awake, Qin Shiyin smiled unconsciously, and then said: "Su Ming, you should stop sleeping for a while, don't go to school today."

"Today is the weekend, I didn't need to go to school." Su Ming couldn't help but cast a blank look at Qin Shiyin. Qin Shiyin despised him before, but now he finally found an opportunity.

Qin Shiyin: "..."

Immediately, Qin Shiyin continued: "Then you will sleep a little longer, and I will prepare breakfast for you!"

Qin Shiyin also feels embarrassed to eat Su Ming's food all the time. After all, she is a woman, how can she never cook.

I just have the opportunity now, and it’s not too difficult to make breakfast. I have a toaster at home, so I can just get some external heating dogs such as bread, milk, and fried eggs.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming glanced at Qin Shiyin again with contempt, and said very indifferently: "Just you, let's forget it!"

"I'm afraid you will make the kitchen on fire again in a while." Su Ming remembered that Qin Shiyin was cooking at home one time before, and he was almost tragic.

Qin Shiyin couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Thinking of that, he almost burnt the kitchen. So Qin Shiyin said, “It’s okay. I’ll pay attention this time. It’s easier to make breakfast. You don’t have to worry about me and sleep Just a moment."

"You misunderstood, I am not worried about you, I am mainly afraid of being poisoned after breakfast." Su Ming was in a good mood, so he deliberately teased.

At this time, Qin Shiyin's face was directly black, and he said coldly: "Su Ming, do you want to do something?"


Su Ming saw that Qin Shiyin was about to have an attack, so he didn't say anything. It was almost enough to make a joke to this point.

In order to give Qin Shiyin some confidence, I finally let Qin Shiyin do it. Very simple toast with fried eggs and milk, it is still edible.

During the meal, Qin Shiyin said, "By the way, I'm going back to the company in a while, are you with me?"

"What, why are you going to the company again, the office is burnt down, are you going to work on the road? Didn't you say you will take a rest for a while?" Su Ming widened his eyes and said.

I really can’t believe it. I said that Qin Shiyin was too hard. It was a fire yesterday. The building of the Qin Group was burned to the ground, and one floor was gone. As a result, I was going to work today. This kind of dedication I'm afraid no one can do it.

Unexpectedly, after Qin Shiyin tore a small piece of bread in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, he gave Su Ming a white look, and then said, "Can you listen to me after I finish talking?"

"I didn't say that I went to work at the company. The police will come today to investigate the cause of the fire, so I must go over and cooperate. By the way, I also want to know why it caught fire suddenly." Qin Shiyin said.

Su Ming realized that he was too nervous to co-author. It turned out that Qin Shiyin had contact with the police in the past.

After all, the entire Qin Group was burned like that. The economic loss caused by UU Reading www.uukā would have to be tens of millions. This is no small matter, so the police must investigate it. What caused the fire is also an explanation for everyone.

"Okay, then you just go over and rest when you are done. The refurbishment of the building and other things can be done by the people below." Su Ming said.


Qin Shiyin nodded, and after a while, Qin Shiyin said again: "It seems that Luo Xiaoxiao, the deputy chief of the police station, came here in person. I listened to others. This female chief is very capable, and she should be effective. Very high."


Qin Shiyin just said something like this casually, but he was so frightened that Su Ming almost sprayed a mouthful of milk in his mouth.

After finally swallowing the milk in his mouth, Su Ming said with some difficulty: "You mean... today Deputy Director Luo Xiaoxiao is going to go there?"

Qin Shiyin couldn't help but glanced at Su Ming suspiciously, because Su Ming's reaction was too big, especially when he heard the name "Luo Xiaoxiao", it was very abnormal, so Qin Shiyin asked: "Why, do you know? "

"It's over!"

Su Ming realized that what he had just performed seemed a little bad. With Qin Shiyin's IQ, it was probably impossible to lie to her and say that there was nothing. Qin Shiyin had clearly seen something wrong.

The brain quickly turned twice, and Su Ming immediately said: "Did you forget, I was with Xiao Ke that time, she drank too much, and we were arrested by the police, and it was Luo Xiaoxiao who caught it. "

PS: Sorry, because of work, this chapter is late. Sorry, it's still five shifts today!

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