League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1289: Must solve the case

Speaking of the old past, when I first met Luo Xiaoxiao, it was indeed a bit dog-blooded. At that time, Qin Xiaoke was messing up in a bar. Su Ming didn’t know where to send her after drinking too much. , So he sent Qin Xiaoke directly to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, the front desk of the hotel had a new eye. When Qin Xiaoke was still a minor, he couldn't help but doubt Su Ming's motives, so he directly called the police, and Luo Xiaoxiao brought someone directly over and kicked the door.

Then I experienced the first time that Su Ming went to the police station, which was considered to have added a rich touch to his life, and there was another experience that I have to mention at that time, that is, Su Ming directly caught Luo Xiaoxiao. .

Holding down and catching the **** is just a smoker. Su Ming was not familiar with her at the time, but he was a little too angry at the time, so he pumped it directly regardless of the three or seventy-one, but who knew it was a mistake with Luo. Xiao Xiao became so familiar.

That time Qin Shiyin also met Luo Xiaoxiao, because it was Qin Shiyin who had taken care of her in the past, so the two parties must have been in contact.

Qin Shiyin immediately remembered what Su Ming said, and said, "Listening to what you said, I really remembered."

"But when I saw her that time, she seemed to be just a captain. I didn't expect that she has become a deputy director now. This speed is really fast." Qin Shiyin couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, he said: "Su Ming, your memory is really good, if it weren't for you, I would have no impression at all."

Qin Shiyin also patted her head when she was speaking, seeming to be annoyed that her memory has become so bad, not as good as Su Ming.


Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. The first time I heard someone compliment him, I felt a little blushing and embarrassed. This is because I have a good memory. It is clear that I have not known how many times I have been in contact with Luo Xiaoxiao since then.

If it weren't for all kinds of dog-blood things, it is estimated that Su Ming had already taken Luo Xiaoxiao. How could Su Ming not remember Luo Xiaoxiao of such an intimate relationship.

But the awkward look on Su Ming's face just flashed past, and Qin Shiyin didn't notice anything wrong, so he could only pretend that he didn't know anything.

Anyway, this kind of thing is definitely not allowed to be said on the initiative. If you take the initiative to say it, it would be equivalent to not hiring yourself. Su Ming is not that stupid, otherwise it is not certain whether Qin Shiyin and Luo Xiaoxiao can meet.

So Su Ming hurriedly adjusted his mentality, and said without changing his face and heartbeat: "When will you two meet?"

"In the morning, Director Kung Fu Luo should be there in a while, and I can't go too late. I will pass after breakfast in a while."

Qin Shiyin said a few words, then looked at Su Ming again, and said, "Su Ming, will you come with me?"

Thinking that today is the weekend, Su Ming happened to have no class, so Qin Shiyin asked actively.


Who knows that such a question made Su Ming nervous. Su Ming quickly pretended to be inadvertent, took a sip of milk, and then said: "Your company's affairs, I am an outsider who used to be a bad past, you should do it yourself. Be safe."

"If you find out if anything happens, come back and tell me!" Su Ming looked uninterested, and Qin Shiyin had no doubts.

After eating two more bites, Qin Shiyin immediately clapped his hands, and said, "Okay, I will pass first. If you stay at home, stay there. If you don't wait, go wherever you want. Remember to come and do it at night. rice!"

After speaking, Qin Shiyin left directly, but Su Ming slightly regretted that Qin Shiyin asked herself to come over to cook at night. If it is to come over at night, that would be great.


Qin Shiyin has arrived at the Qin Group. Today, all employees of the Qin Group have a holiday, and they will be temporarily renovated with pay. After all, the building has already been burnt like this. If you continue to work, it must be inappropriate.

So today there were not many people in the company, only some high-level people came, and even the surrounding area of ​​the building was cordoned off, not allowing others to enter casually.

It can also be seen that many people who came to the past would take a few photos if they were boring. After all, the building of the Qin Group was burned yesterday, which is considered a major event in Ningcheng.

There are even some who are so boring to count the stars that they can't satisfy them. Because they didn't see them yesterday, they even ran over to watch two laps today.

Similarly, the scene has not been cleaned up, because the cause of the fire has not been investigated, so there is no way to randomly move this scene, and the scene must be guaranteed.

After coming to the company, Qin Shiyin's complexion is very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It may be that yesterday's experience made Qin Shiyin feel the greatest joy of being a woman for the first time, and it is more charming today.

Some of the company executives who were present at the scene couldn't help but look twice. Today's Qin Shiyin seems to be different from usual, and it is not clear what is different.

I can't help but feel a little depressed. I only fumbled in the sea of ​​flames yesterday. Why did my complexion suddenly become so better today? The woman's recovery ability is also terrible.

Maybe they never thought that there was a man behind.

Qin Shiyin's face is still cold and frosty, and everyone is used to it. Normally Qin Shiyin can hardly laugh, so Qin Shiyin said: "Are the police officers from Luo come here?"

"Dong Qin, wait a moment, their people are already on the way, we just contacted!" The director of a company said.

Qin Shiyin nodded, and then said: "Let someone save the scene and fully cooperate with Officer Luo's work for a while."


Sure enough, within a while, Luo Xiaoxiao arrived on time and brought a few people with him. They were all very senior police officers, and their ability to solve crimes was very good.

Speaking of this incident, it is not a trivial matter. After all, the status of the Qin Group in Ningcheng is quite high, and it can be said to be among the best. No one can treat this kind of thing as not happening.

The city government also attaches great importance to this matter. If it is ordered, it must be investigated. Whether it is accidentally made by humans or because of the aging of fire-fighting facilities, it must be thoroughly investigated for whatever reason. Come out and give everyone an explanation.

With such a great pressure, Luo Xiaoxiao, in order to speed up some progress, went directly to the horse, and had to break it within two days.

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