League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1302: Those **** things in the college entrance examination

Su Ming's pancakes were a bit hot, and he was eating all the way along the way. When he was about to get to the school, he found that many people had gathered on the side of the road. He didn't know what happened.

Like today, basically near the school, apart from the police who maintain order, the rest are candidates or parents, and some volunteers.

Su Ming saw that there were a lot of people gathered in front of this, although it was not clear what was going on, but Su Ming felt that at this point in time, it should be related to the college entrance examination.

So Su Ming gnawed the pancake fruit left in the hands of the couple, then threw the plastic bag directly into the trash can, and walked over to take a look.

It's not that Su Ming likes to watch the show, it's just that it just happened to be on the way. If you go to Ningcheng Middle School, you must pass by the front, so Su Ming can just go over and take a look.

"What's the matter with this child, he fainted suddenly?"

"Hey, I took a look at the stationery bag in her hand. It's a college entrance examination candidate this year. What can I do?"

"I guess no one wants this kind of thing to happen, maybe it's because I'm nervous about the exam, and some other factors are added to it."

"Now don't talk about these useless things, and quickly try to see how to wake up this child, otherwise she will have to take the exam."


Su Ming walked over and saw that the crowd was bustling. Everyone kept talking. Most of them were parents who sent the exam. There were also some candidates who were about to take the exam. They were almost passing by like Su Ming. Come over and see what is going on.

Probably after hearing a few words from these people, Su Ming understood what was going on. The co-author is that a girl before the exam suddenly fainted. She fainted without warning, and she hadn’t even entered the examination room yet. .

Su Ming probably took a look. This girl has short hair and large round glasses. She looks very petite, but her body is not very good at first glance, because her complexion is a bit pale.

It is estimated that a large part of the possibility of fainting is because the exam is about to happen, and there will inevitably be some nervousness in my heart. It is really impossible to say that I am nervous before the exam.

Some people may have a good mentality. On the contrary, the larger the exam, the more excited they are. However, there are very few such people. Most people are a little nervous, and some people with lower psychological quality are more cheating.

There are all kinds of weird situations, and it’s not bad to perform abnormally. Maybe some people are shaking their hands during the exam, and they can’t even write normally.

These things vary from person to person. Looking at this little girl, she should be of the kind who tends to be nervous. It is estimated that her body is not very good. In addition, today’s weather is a bit sultry, so she fainted directly here. Can't enter yet.

This is also one of the more **** things. Basically, there are various kinds of strange news in the college entrance examination every year, which are endless. In summary, there are several kinds.

The first is that the candidate was stopped outside the examination room because he was late for a few minutes. The desperate look in his eyes was heartbreaking.

There is another candidate who encountered an emergency before the test, was personally escorted by the traffic police, and then actually arrived at the test room.

There are also similar things like losing the admission ticket and finally recovering it with the help of the police, where a certain examinee suddenly fainted. These things basically happen every year.

The most weird news that Su Ming has ever seen is that a class teacher accidentally dropped all the admission tickets for dozens of people in a class. In the end, the police desperately salvaged them before they got them.

"Is there a doctor present? Or someone who knows how to first aid, he quickly came up to help and woke up the little girl!" At this time, a kind melon-eater asked loudly.

But after he finished saying this sentence, it was more embarrassing that no one at the scene responded. It was not so lucky every time. When the accident happened, there were doctors or nurses among the people passing by.

No one understands these things. At this time, a middle-aged woman stood up and did some basic first aid actions to the fainted short-haired girl, pinching people, but it seemed to have no effect at all.

"No, I still can't wake up, hurry up to the hospital!" At this time, a student's parent said, and at the same time showed his car key: "Hurry up in my car, I will take her to the hospital!"

Then everyone took a look, and the car key that this guy showed up was a BMW. It was a bit more pretending, but he was kind.

"Here is a site that should be first aided, please send her there for first aid." Someone said.

To be reasonable, there should be a special emergency center outside each test center to serve the candidates. However, this year may be the exam has not yet started, so everyone looked around here and did not see where the emergency site is. where.

"It's all here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Where can I find any emergency sites? Hurry up and go to the hospital. Don't have any major problems in a while. It will be bad if you lose lives." The guy who drives the BMW Then he said something.

"Ding Dong————"

"Congratulations to the host for successfully triggering a random task [Girls fainted in the first aid college entrance examination]"!

Just when Su Ming was about to take action, the task of the system arrived so suddenly. I didn't expect to have half an hour to take the exam and still receive the task of the system. This is the most embarrassing thing.

Task name: [First aid college entrance examination fainted girl]

Task requirements: Outside the Ningcheng Middle School test center, a girl who took the college entrance examination suddenly fainted. Ask the host to take action immediately and rescue her to ensure that she can take the college entrance examination smoothly.

Task time: 20 minutes

Mission difficulty: five stars

Task reward: 50 points

I have to say that the task of this system came in a timely manner. In fact, even if the task did not come, Su Ming was already ready to take action. This task came just right, and Su Ming could earn points for nothing.

Su Ming has always been in this style. Anyway, as long as he encounters something he can take action, he will try his best to help. If there are many things that he doesn't know, then forget it.

Today, this girl, probably because of her dizziness, missed her college entrance examination. If she missed a course, it would be useless if she did well in other courses.

And even if she wakes up in the afternoon, if she misses one of the exams, the remaining three will definitely collapse.

By that time, so many years of hard work will be in vain. Although it can be repeated, it is still a year of youth. The price paid is too great.

"Okay, take her to the hospital quickly."

Everyone had no choice but to decide to send her to the hospital. At this time, Su Ming said, "Let her put her down!"

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