League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1303: Don't be ashamed

The short-haired girl who had fainted was lifted up. She was going to follow the BMW owner, get into his car, and rush to the nearest hospital for rescue.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming spoke at this time, and everyone was stunned for a while. For a while, they didn't know what to do. Someone asked, "Young man, what are you doing?"

"Now send her to the hospital. You don't want to think about it. What should she do for the college entrance examination? Isn't it that she can't take the college entrance examination? This is one of the most important things in her life. How can she be absent?" Su Ming said something.

It's already half past eight, which means that there is still half an hour before the start of the exam. After half an hour, no matter who you are, it is impossible to go in again, even if you are so powerful.

Moreover, in general, you have to enter about ten minutes in advance to familiarize yourself with the stable mentality of the environment, which means that there are still twenty minutes of work.

Driving from here to the hospital, even if it’s the nearest one, it takes more than ten minutes to drive fast, and it takes dozens of minutes to go back and forth, not to mention the wasted time in the hospital.

And this is near the school. There must be a traffic police on duty during the exam. Traffic control is carried out. You don't even press the horn, let alone driving fast. That doesn't exist.

So if she goes to the hospital, the girl will definitely miss the first language test. After she wakes up and knows this, she will probably be worse than dead, and it is possible to pass out again.


Everyone couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then babbled:

"This young man makes sense. If he is sent to the hospital, he will not have time to take the college entrance examination."

"The first language has 150 points. If you don't take a course, you probably won't be admitted to a decent school."

"But there is no way. She hasn't been awake, and if she is not sent to the hospital, she won't be able to take the exam. What's the difference."

"Maybe if you drive the car faster, you can still catch up. Don't waste time, hurry up if you want to go to the hospital."


After everyone talked about it for a while, the guy driving the BMW said in a somewhat blunt tone: "Young man, don't stand and talk because your back hurts. Just take care of your own exams. These things are with you. It's ok."

"She is now fainted. Tell me how to take the college entrance examination? If you don't send her to the hospital, you won't be able to take the exam. On the contrary, she broke her body. What should you do in case of death, can you be responsible? "

This guy is not bad, it is also out of good intentions, but the tone of his speech is a bit too hard, and he always feels that he is the dominant person, he is probably a little capable, and he is usually used to making decisions.

Many people who eat melons agree with what this guy said, and what they said is quite reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, the girl couldn't wake up and she couldn't keep up with the exam. Instead of doing this, she might as well be sent directly to the hospital. The exam is definitely more important than her life.

With everyone’s support, this guy seems to be even more enthusiastic. He still holds the BMW car keys in his hand. It seems that Su Ming is also addicted, and he continues to say to Su Ming directly: "Young man, if you disagree My method does not matter, you are a scholar, uncle, I will reason with you."

"Well, if you can rescue this little girl and ask her to take the exam on time, then I won't say anything. But if you can't, just go and enter the exam room quickly. Don't delay things here. "This guy showed an impatient look on his face, as if his time was more precious than Su Ming's.

After Su Ming was stunned, he was not angry. He had a good mentality before the exam. How could he be angry casually. Instead, Su Ming smiled and said, "Who told you I can't do it?"

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Su Ming said this, everyone was stunned. What does this mean? Just now the guy said, if you have the ability, you can wake her up. Su Ming means that he can get people up. Wake up?

How could it be possible? Everyone immediately rejected Su Ming, because Su Ming's identity was too obvious. Holding an exam bag in his hand, he was obviously a senior high school student taking the college entrance examination. How could he understand first aid? It.

If a professional doctor or nurse came out, maybe everyone would believe it, but Su Ming seemed too unreliable.

Su Ming didn't bother to prove himself to these people, otherwise, as Su Ming, a visiting professor at Ningcheng Medical University, it is estimated that a large number of people would be scared to death.

Proving that he was never the purpose of Su Ming. Su Ming now only wants to save people, and then go to take the exam~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Su Ming directly put down the exam bag in his hand and squatted here. Beside the short-haired girl, ready to shoot.

"Don't mess around here and I will tell you, if something goes wrong, you can't be responsible!" And just as Su Ming was about to take action, the guy driving the BMW said another sentence next to him. It seemed to have a lot of presence. Look like.

Su Ming was very irritated by his quarrel. Without this guy, it is estimated that Su Ming would have rescued the person, so Su Ming could not help but spit out two words coldly: "Shut up!"

Su Ming was really frightened by Su Ming when he drove this BMW car, and he didn't even dare to speak.

And Su Ming focused on shooting. The girl obviously passed out in temporary shock. It is not a difficult thing to do. It is very simple for professional doctors, but none of these people understand first aid. So no one can handle it.

Not to mention that for Su Ming, it shouldn't be too simple. Su Ming can do it casually.

But Su Ming also kept a mindful eye. After all, there are so many people watching it, it is inevitable that someone will take pictures or something. Su Ming must not be so casual, just instill some star power and rescue people. That way, others will be very awake. Strange, it is inevitable that some people will doubt.

As for the use of silver needles, it is also unrealistic. It is impossible for Su Ming to take the silver needles to the exam. It is even more impossible to buy them now.

So Su Ming took the oldest first aid method, which was pinching, as well as pressing and artificial respiration, but the other party was a girl, which was not suitable.

As soon as Su Ming came up and pinched people, many people were immediately disappointed. The heart said that after a long time, or pinch people, what is the difference from before?

The guy who drove the BMW jumped out again and said, "Hurry up and stop me, don't be ashamed."

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