Facing the merciless ridicule of the BMW owner, Su Ming did not express anything, even frowned his brows, because there was no way to affect him at all. He was still pinching people intently and slowly towards the girl. Some celestial power is instilled in his body.

Although it is not clear what happened to her, there is definitely no problem with the existence of such a magical thing as the power of the stars.

Moreover, Su Ming also deliberately slowed down his speed. Anyway, there is still nearly half an hour before taking the test. Su Ming doesn't need to be too anxious. He walked forward for two minutes and arrived at Ningcheng Middle School.

The main reason is that I am afraid that it will show the clues. Since acting, you have to be professional, and there can be no loopholes. After all, pinching this thing in people can be said to be effective, but it is impossible to wake up immediately after pinching people.

"Is this young man okay? If not, please stop and let us send her to the hospital. Don't waste time."

"That is to say, I also feel that he is wasting time. If this is the case, not only will this girl not have time to take the college entrance examination, I am afraid that it will be too late for you."

"You care about him, he doesn't worry about what you are worried about. I really don't know what this young man is thinking."

"Are young people nowadays who like to show up so much? They don't have this ability, so they have to move forward and do what they don't understand!"


Seeing that two minutes have passed, there is no effect, and Su Ming is still squeezing the person unhurriedly, it seems that he can die of anxiety.

At this time, the BMW owner who loves to express himself, couldn't help it again, and planned to continue taunting Su Ming, so Su Ming stopped quickly.

But at this moment, I don’t know who shouted: "Look, everyone, this girl is awake!"


After everyone was stunned for a while, they took a closer look and found that it was really like this. The girl's eyes had slowly opened. Although her eyes were still blurred, she had indeed woken up.


Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment, including the BMW owner, who didn't expect to be killed and Su Ming really woke them up.

Su Ming continued to instill a little bit of star power into the girl's brain, because just waking her up is not enough, there is still a risk in this matter.

After all, this girl was here to take the college entrance examination. After this incident, her condition was definitely not good, so Su Ming took this into consideration.

I deliberately gave her some more star power to make her physical condition better, so that she would definitely be in a better condition during the exam.

For Su Ming, the power of the stars is not worth money, it can be said to be endless, and Su Ming can help as soon as he can help.

"Are you okay? You can get up when you are okay!" Su Ming smiled at the short-haired girl wearing glasses, and then said.

After the girl returned to normal, her face paled for an instant. Of course, she was definitely not scared by Su Ming, but she remembered that she came to take the college entrance examination this morning.

So the girl couldn't calm down immediately, and asked quickly: "It's not good, has the college entrance examination started?"

"Don't worry, there are still more than twenty minutes to start. You won't be late."

Su Ming smiled and said: "Just now you accidentally fell down on the side of the road and fainted. Many kindhearted people surrounded you, and then the first aid woke you up. It's okay, adjust your mentality!"

The short-haired girl recalled it, it seemed that it was indeed the case, and she was a little nervous, especially after she left home today, even her parents at home were refused to send her off, afraid that there would be more pressure.

But who knows that after getting off the bus, the whole person gets more and more boring, and I feel a little bit out of breath in my chest, part of the reason is because today's weather is really a bit stuffy.

So when she was about to walk to Ningcheng Middle School, she was in a daze, then she lost consciousness and fell directly to the ground.

At the moment she fell, her mind was full of despair. At the time, she was thinking about what to do with her college entrance examination, but fortunately, she was saved in time and did not miss the college entrance examination.

After the short-haired girl opened her eyes, the first person she saw was Su Ming, so she had a very good impression of Su Ming, and she knew that Su Ming rescued her. The gratitude in her heart can be imagined. .

So after the short-haired girl got up, she quickly said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

"You are welcome, everyone is here to take the college entrance examination. Remember to play well and adjust your mentality." This is the second time Su Ming has said this to a short-haired girl.

Although I don’t even know who she is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two people met for the first time, but Su Ming can still guess that this little girl is not very good at psychological quality and tends to be nervous, otherwise it will not be today. I fainted.

Therefore, Su Ming gave her some encouragement under the circumstance within his ability, and it might be effective. This is also a positive thing.

The short-haired girl took a deep breath, as if the nervousness in her heart had already expressed a lot.

Speaking of it, she felt a little unbelievable. After waking up, she found that her heart didn't seem to be so nervous, and her mentality became much more stable.

And she feels that her mind is so clear at this time, it seems that she can reach the best state, and can't wait to take the test paper to do it!

This is the result of the power of the stars, allowing her to wake up at the same time, her physical fitness has been strengthened to a certain extent, and her brain is clearer.

The short-haired girl smiled, thanked Su Ming again, and then continued: "You too, come on and get good grades in the exam."

Just looking at her smiling face, Su Ming understood that this girl didn't know how good her grades were, but she will definitely not be bad this time in the college entrance examination, and maybe she will perform supernormally.

After watching the short-haired girl go, Su Ming was in a good mood. After all, he would always be happy to do a good thing, and he also earned fifty points for nothing, which was equivalent to a windfall.

But at this moment, Su Ming saw the BMW owner next to him again, frowned for a moment, and his originally pleasant mood was diminished a bit when he saw the car.

In fact, the BMW owner was also quite embarrassed. Just now he was still clamoring that Su Ming should not be ashamed. Who knew he was given a slap in the face by Su Ming.

This kid really has some abilities, and he can really wake up people, making BMW owners very embarrassed.

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