League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1305: Look at your mind

The atmosphere suddenly became very embarrassing. In addition to the BMW owners, there were also people who were eating melons. The expressions on their faces at this time seemed to be a little embarrassing.

After all, they didn't talk less just now, you said and I said, everyone is busy, and I feel that each one is very awesome.

And they have been supporting the BMW owner, even helping him beat a student like Su Ming. Now that he is well, Su Ming directly slapped everyone in the face.

Needless to say, I also know that this time the BMW owner is ashamed. His face is probably swollen from the beating, and he has been thinking about sending people to the hospital.

Fortunately, I didn't listen to him. If Su Ming hadn't stopped him, the girl might have gone to the hospital by this time, but it would be impossible to take the college entrance examination.

After thinking about it, a lot of people are really in a cold sweat behind their backs. Thanks to Su Ming, otherwise there are so many of them, it is really possible to delay the life of other people's children.

Su Ming didn't intend to have general knowledge with these people, anyway, it was just a trivial matter, and people's mentality was better. They touched principles or were bullied. This was definitely intolerable.

But for those trivial things, the mentality should be slightly better. If everything is done, the person will be exhausted.

So Su Ming also picked up his test bag and subconsciously checked it, and found that the contents were there, so Su Ming took the test bag and planned to go to the examination room.

"Young man, wait a minute!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, when Su Ming turned around and was about to leave, the BMW owner directly stopped Su Ming and shouted at the back.

Su Ming knew that it was that guy's voice when he heard it. He frowned and said to his heart what this guy wanted to do, do you want to do something?

Although Su Ming didn't plan to care about this trivial matter, the guy said two things before, but if this guy dared to continue to make trouble, he would entangle Su Minghu.

Su Ming doesn't have such a good temper, and he will definitely not let him go. After all, there are more than twenty minutes left. Su Ming cannot be delayed for the college entrance examination. Otherwise, no matter how much Su Ming's face is, the guard will not let Su Ming Go in.

Moreover, the college entrance examination is said to be the fairest exam in the country. No one can get the test paper in advance, and so many people are staring at it, and no one dares to do anything.

For example, Su Ming was late and didn't let him in. Even if Su Ming called Li Ziyao, who was the most effective speaker in Ningcheng, it would be of no use.

If Li Ziyao comes forward, let’s not say if there is any use, he will definitely be pushed to the cusp of the storm, which is equivalent to killing Li Ziyao at that time.

"What are you doing?"

Su Ming turned around and said angrily!

Unexpectedly, after the BMW owner ran up two strides, he smiled, and then said: "Young man, I'm so embarrassed, I was too anxious just now. I accidentally misunderstood you, and I hope you don't take it to heart. go with!"

As soon as I heard that this guy came up to apologize, it was not quite the same as Su Ming had imagined, so Su Ming's expression eased a bit, and this guy's apology sounded sincere.

In fact, Su Ming knew from the beginning that this guy who drives a BMW is not a bad guy. In fact, he has a good heart. At least his starting point is to save the short-haired girl.

In general, many people encounter this situation, I am afraid they will hang up high, for fear of getting into trouble, it is very good for him to take the initiative.

It's just that this guy has always regarded himself as the dominant person, and his words are a bit too blunt, making people sound a little uncomfortable.

This kind of person is suitable to be the kind of very good friends, because they are all good friends, and everyone will not turn their faces at any jokes. When something happens, it is enough to stand up.

Although he didn't care about this matter, this guy apologized, and it made Su Ming feel much better, so Su Ming smiled and said, "It's okay, I didn't blame you just now, I know you were kind."

"Under normal circumstances, I would definitely not stop you, but today is a special situation. The girl is a college entrance examination candidate, so you should understand." Su Ming said.

"Yes, yes, what you said is indeed mine!" The BMW owner nodded again and again, and then continued: "Young man, you take the exam and try to get a good result!"

This sentence is sincere. The BMW owner is not bad-minded, but he does not want Su Ming to affect his mentality in the exam because of this incident.

Su Ming smiled, he didn't need to play at all, but he knew this kind of thing by himself, so after Su Ming smiled, he just turned around and went to the test center.

Twenty minutes before the test, the door to the test center was finally opened. Only students with test admission tickets were allowed to enter. Parents and the like could not enter.

At this time, many people have entered the test center~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming also followed the crowd.

"Su Ming, why did you come here at this time!"

As soon as he entered, the sharp-eyed Shen Muke saw Su Ming and quickly walked over. She and Su Ming did not come together, so after entering the test center, she did not rush to find the test room, but stood not far from the door. Wait a moment for Su Ming.

If Su Ming doesn't come again, she might have to call Su Ming.

Su Ming smiled, ran over and said: "The exam hasn't started yet, I just met a **** the road and fainted, so I wasted some time."

Su Ming didn't go specifically to say it, but just said it roughly. Shen Mu didn't ask anything after hearing it. She handed a bottle of mineral water to Su Ming, and she bought two bottles specially.

"Just know you didn't bring water, what if you got thirsty during the exam?" Shen Muke said.

After Su Ming ate the pancake fruit in the morning, he was really a little thirsty. He was delayed by the girl who fainted, and some forgotten it. Fortunately, Shen Mu was able to support him in time.

Shen Muke saw that it was late, so he said: "Let's go Su Ming, we two go to the examination room!"

In fact, both Shen Muke and Su Ming are students of Ningcheng Middle School. They still have some advantages in the home game. For example, it is much more convenient to find an examination room than students from other schools, so they are not too anxious.

Su Ming said: "Wait a minute, don't worry!"

"what happened?"

"Come here and let me touch it!"


Shen Muke's face suddenly blushed, and then said, "Su Ming, what are you doing? This is going to be an exam soon."

"What do you think, look at your thoughts, I mean touch your head and give you some oil!" Su Ming gave Shen Muke an unusually "scornful" look.

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