League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1314: Teacher Jiang has started

In a short while, Su Ming and Lin Wufu reached an indescribable agreement. Anyway, other people were talking in full swing at this time, and they didn't notice what Lin Wufu and Su Ming were talking about. They thought they were chatting. .

"By the way, Brother Lin, when shall we leave?" Su Ming asked again after the two had a glass of wine.

And Lin Wufu thought about it at this time, and then he said: "I can't determine the exact time. It will be two days later. I will notify you the specific time!"


Su Ming nodded directly, and there was no reason to worry about this kind of thing. After all, Su Ming didn't know the key to this ancient relic at all, so he could only listen to the Lin family's arrangement.

"What did I say to you two whispering over there?" At this moment, Cheng Ruofeng suddenly noticed something wrong.

He found that other people were chatting and drinking hotly here, but Su Ming and Lin Wufu were a bit out of sync. The two didn’t know what to say there. You must know that Su Ming is today’s protagonist. He doesn’t participate. Which way.

Su Ming made a haha ​​and said casually: "I'm exploring with Takeshi Brothers which Oriental female star is more attractive!"

"Fuck, brother, do you like this?" When Jiang Xiaojun heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes flashed. You must know that no one among the people present is more interested in this than he. .

As soon as I heard that Lin Wufu was good at it, Jiang Xiaojun suddenly felt like he found his comrades and confidantes.

Lin Wufu was dumbfounded. He didn't understand what Su Ming was talking about as a female celebrity. Su Ming gave him a trick directly, so Lin Wufu said dumbfounded: "Then what... I don't chase stars. of."

"Okay, big brothers, here are all big lords, you still pretend to be with me, so we don't know it." Jiang Xiaojun suddenly showed an expression that everyone understands.

But at this moment, Cheng Ruofeng opened the mouth to relieve Lin Wufu: "It's OK, Xiaojun, any man of us doesn't look at this kind of thing, we must all see it."

"It must be Brother Wufu who has a thin face and is not as embarrassed, so don't tease him." Cheng Ruofeng said.


Lin Wufu listened to him with a face full of stunned expressions. He said what was going on. He didn't understand anything, so he teased himself.

Although everyone did not continue this topic with Lin Wufu, if men gather together, they will discuss only a few topics. Among them, women must be the most discussed, regardless of age, except for elementary school students.

So after opening the topic about the female stars of Oriental movies, it was out of control. Everyone chatted directly and started talking about the female stars they liked.

Su Ming, who listened to it, was stunned. I thought I had watched a lot, but these people know more than one. And many female stars, Su Ming has never even heard of them, and I don’t know them. How did you know.

"By the way, where did you look for these movies? I found that the Internet is too strict now, and many of the previous stocks have expired." Chang Mao asked strangely.

"You are silly, go directly to some forums. There are so many good people on them. There must be someone who is willing to help you and share some resources with you." Cheng Ruofeng immediately patted Shao Mao's head.

Unexpectedly, Long Mao looked at Su Ming with contempt, and said, "Do you think I don't want to? I tried it before, but I found that no one was willing to pay attention to me. I cried and begged for a long time. I sent dozens of Teletubbies with G."


When Su Ming heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. If he remembers correctly, Jiang Xiaojun seems to have had this experience and was given a routine.

Now there are some boring people who like to molest others on the Internet. This is a very immoral behavior.

After everyone laughed for a while, they looked at Long Mao with sympathetic eyes, and the expressions in their eyes made it clear that you are not good at character.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaojun on the side said, "Big brother, this is obviously because your routine is not enough. If you have a routine, it is quite simple to get some resources."

"Oh, you know a lot, Xiaojun, hurry up and teach me two tricks." Chang Mao's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked humbly asking for advice.

If he was in this state when he was in school, it is estimated that Long Mao has graduated from university now.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaojun looked like he knew it well, he immediately said, "I tell you, in this case, it's useless for you to ask others. Everyone is good at it these days, and ordinary methods can no longer use them. Up."

Many people have their eyes widened, looking at Jiang Xiaojun, wanting to see what Jiang Xiaojun can tell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, you have to see which female star movie you want to watch, I just Take a simple example, for example Mr. Bodo. "

"You can post a post on the Internet saying, dear netizens, hello, there is a girl named Bodo. Because she is too beautiful, she is often assaulted by people. She is assaulted by many people on the bus. She is in the office and classroom. , I’ve been assaulted even at home, and I don’t know how many times."

"But her kindness kept her forbearing, and there was no resistance, but as an outsider, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I decided to help her appeal to the gangsters in court.

"But because of insufficient evidence, I have failed time and time again, but I am not reconciled and I cannot give up. At present, she has been filmed and put on the Internet."

"If you have seen these videos on the Internet, please send them to me. I need these videos as evidence, and I am grateful!" Jiang Xiaojun said slowly.

"I wipe--"

After Jiang Xiaojun said this long paragraph, everyone was shocked, the expression on his face was shocked.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Su Ming really did not expect to have such an operation? It turns out that you can still ask for resources like this.

"It's up!"

This is the idea in everyone's mind. Anyway, after listening to it, I definitely learned it. Everyone didn't know before, and I can still play like this.

It is estimated that netizens will be moved after seeing it. Those with resources will definitely share it.

"Brother Xiaojun, I take it, you are so awesome!"

Chang Mao immediately respected Jiang Xiaojun, and the expression on his face called him admiration.

PS: I have taught everyone what I know, where can you find such a conscientious author!

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