The days passed so peacefully for two days, and Su Ming had not been idle for these two days. He had been with the people directly next to him, and took time to play with them.

After all, the time to fight for the key is getting closer, and Su Ming can't keep calm. After all, this time I feel that the road ahead is long, and no one knows what will happen.

Su Ming was also prepared for danger, and it was like this when he fought the sword **** last time.

Someone must ask, since it is dangerous, why should we go? One reason is to do the task, of course this is not the main reason.

Su Ming found that he already had that kind of adventure gene in his bones. Perhaps this is the spirit that ancient warriors should possess. If he has been content with the status quo, he is indeed a salted fish.

The most important thing is that Su Ming doesn't know how many days he will go this time, and how much time he will be wasted, so he should accompany the people around him first, whether it is a relative or a friend.

Lin Wufu may not be sure of the exact time of action, so he has not notified Su Ming. He only told the approximate time to be two days later. It is estimated that he will notify Su Ming when the specific time is confirmed.

However, Lin Wufu's estimate was quite accurate. Two days later, his phone call came. Recently, Lin Wufu has been able to use mobile phones after being influenced by them.

"Brother Su Ming, we will set off early tomorrow morning to fight for the key at Lingxu Peak. People from the family have already told me the location." Lin Wufu said on the phone.

"Lingxu Peak?"

After Su Ming heard the name, he felt strange, and he said strangely: "Where is this Lingxu Peak? Didn't you tell me that the key and ancient ruins will appear in Ningcheng? "

The location of the ancient ruins appears randomly, and the location is different each time. After the ancient ruins have determined where they appear, the keys of the ruins will be scattered in different places, and they will certainly not be too far from the ancient ruins. .

"Brother Su, I didn't say that the key to this ruin will appear in the urban area. This is impossible. It will affect the lives of people in the world."

Lin Wufu said over there: "So the keys will be scattered around Ningcheng. They must be inaccessible. This Lingxu Peak is a mountain near Ningcheng."

"What, Lingxu Peak belongs to Ningcheng?" Su Ming was stunned again after hearing this, because as a native of Ningcheng, he had never heard of Lingxu Peak at all.

"No, Brother Su, you are a native of Ningcheng, don't know this place? The news from people from my family, such a confidential matter, shouldn't be wrong." Lin Wufu also stunned. .

What Su Ming told me was a little uncertain, and Xin asked if he had met a fake Ningcheng person.

"Don't worry--"

Su Ming was a little embarrassed, so he said: "Wait for a while, anyway, I will leave tomorrow morning. I will go back and ask someone about this place, and I'm sure to tell you!"


Departing tomorrow morning at this time, there is really nothing to worry about, so Lin Wufu agreed.

He was still thinking of expecting Su Ming to lead the way. If Su Ming were not there, he would be even more unable to find it himself.

After Su Ming hung up the phone, he took out his cell phone and didn't intend to call anyone else. The map software is so developed these days. Basically, the location of a city can be seen clearly with a sanitary map. of.

Su Ming, a native of Ningcheng, didn't know something like Lingxu Peak. I guess I asked other people, but it wasn't always clear. I should check it on the map.

After opening the map, Su Ming could not waste time looking for it bit by bit. Ningcheng is a special city. Although it is a city in the east, there are still some peaks in the north of Ningcheng. .

If there are so many mountains, there is no need to look for them one by one. Su Ming directly entered the three words Lingxu Peak, and it was really found out. High-tech has indeed facilitated people's lives these days.

Su Ming immediately zoomed in on the locked area. It was indeed a mountain near Ningcheng. Lin Wufu was right.

It's just that this mountain is already located on the edge of Ningcheng. It belongs to the kind that is rarely visited by people and has basically not been developed. The value of development in that kind of place is not very great.

And because it is far away from Ningcheng, the development focus of the people in Ningcheng has never been there. Unlike the Lingyin Mountain where Su Ming and the Sword God confronted before, it was a slightly developed mountain. .

When people in Ningcheng have nothing to do, they can go out and do something, so Su Ming knows that place, but like this Lingxu Peak, no one has ever been to Su Ming estimates ten Ningcheng There must be nine local people who don't know this Lingxu Peak. Su Ming can't be blamed. It can only be said that the place is really not well-known.

It is estimated that the name of Lingxu Peak is just a random name given by the official. After all, there must be a record of this kind of thing, and ordinary people don't know about it.

However, Su Ming had to admit that the name "Lingxu Peak" was quite compelling. He suddenly thought it was a sacred place for cultivating immortals, and he didn't even think it was a deserted place.

The key to this ancient relic is really good for picking a place. It appears in this kind of wilderness, no ordinary people will go there, so it will not cause panic in the world.

I don’t know why, Su Ming always feels that these ancient warriors seem to have a clear boundary with secularization. When they are less than a last resort, they will not show their strength in front of people in the secular world, let alone hurt people and cause panic. This kind of thing.

After Su Ming figured out the location, he returned a message to Lin Wufu, saying that the location had been figured out, and that he could leave together tomorrow.

Because I was going to the great mountains in the wilderness, even though this is the Ningcheng area, no matter how desolate, it is much better than the Miao area, but the necessary preparations are still needed.

So Su Ming went straight out and bought some emergency equipment, such as tents and the like. The most important thing was to buy some food and drink, compressed biscuits and the like, and the ancient warriors could not skip meals all day.

Early the next morning, Su Ming went out carrying a big bag. What he told Su Qishan was that he was going to go out for a few days. In fact, no one knew why Su Ming went.

Lin Wufu was also ready, and Su Ming asked Cheng Ruofeng to give him a gift. After all, that place was quite far away, and Su Ming could fly there, but Lin Wufu couldn't, so he could only ask Cheng Ruofeng to send it.

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