League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1319: Yamanaka barbecue

This guy is indeed a type of cherishing words, such as gold, and there are too few words, and it is not the same as Qin Shiyin's indifference.

Qin Shiyin belongs to the type that is too cold. Basically, after a glance, people don’t dare to talk to her, but Qin Shiyin still speaks when it should be said, and if it is an acquaintance around her, what she said But not a lot.

However, this Lin Canghai said too little. Su Ming could see that this guy was not just to himself, even if it was from their family, Lin Wufu and Lin Batian, this guy spoke very little.

Obviously, when others introduce themselves, they always have to say "Hello, I am so-and-so". This is also the most basic.

But this Lin Canghai was very direct. He only said three words. These three words are his own name. It can be seen that this guy's cherishment is like gold.

But fortunately, while this guy spit out three words, he also stretched out his hand, releasing a more friendly signal, so Su Ming didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Su Ming!"

"Let's go together--"

After the handshake was over, Lin Canghai said three more words, then said nothing, turned around and walked forward, indicating that he had accepted Su Ming's existence.

Obviously this Lin Canghai has also realized it. Su Ming's words are indeed helpful to the strength of their Lin family. After all, this time, only three people from their Lin family came.

Moreover, the magic weapon on the body can't be compared with other families. They must be at a disadvantage when fighting. This is the gap in family strength, and they can't help it, so it's still helpful to come to an ancient warrior.

Although the ancient relics are of interest to the Guwu family, there is no rule and it is not allowed to ask other people for help.

With this Lin Canghai talking, things are much easier. This guy is the core of the three, so after he asked Su Ming to join, even if it was Lin Batian who was more opinionated before, he did not speak at this time. Obviously, even if he has any comments, he dare not say anything.

Su Ming has been walking behind them, and he doesn't know where to go. This is not Su Ming's responsibility. Just follow them wherever they go.

Because Su Ming knows very well that he can't talk more at this time. After all, he just came. If he comes to ask this question, it will inevitably make people feel suspicious.

Moreover, Su Ming could also guess that Lin Canghai was not easy. He didn't seem to say anything and agreed to join him. On the one hand, it was for the sake of Lin Wufu's face, and on the other hand, it was because of their lack of strength. .

To say that he has completely trusted Su Ming in his heart, that is definitely impossible. Lin Canghai must also be on guard for Su Ming at this time, for fear of Su Ming's changes.

"Brother Canghai, has the key to the ancient ruins determined, how on earth should I find it?" After walking for a while, Lin Wufu couldn't help but ask.

In fact, Su Ming couldn't help but pricked his ears when he heard this. He was very curious about where he should go. It's not a good way to keep walking around like this.

If you keep walking like this, even if you are an ancient warrior, you will probably feel tired. This is even more tiring than shopping with a woman.

Lin Batian on the side was also a master who couldn't be idle. It is estimated that he was suffocated by not talking for so long. Before Lin Canghai could speak, this guy started.

Just listen to Lin Batian said: "Brother Wu Fu, we just made sure that the key is on the Lingxu Peak, but the Lingxu Peak is still quite large. It is impossible to be precise in which position it is. We can only take it slowly. found."

Su Ming couldn't help feeling a little desperate because of this. If he kept searching for this, I'm afraid it would be better for people to find life than to die. Wouldn't it be necessary to mash up the whole mountain?

But this is also no way. If you really know the exact location, I am afraid that Lin Canghai and Lin Batian have already got the key now.

It's too difficult to find the entire mountain peak, let alone so many trees, bushes and the like.

"Don't take it lightly!"

Lin Canghai, who was walking in the front, finally spoke at this time, just listening to him continue to say: "Not only must we carefully look for the trace of the key, but also pay attention to whether there are other people."

"At present, I am not sure that there is no other family besides our Lin family. After learning such news, if there is any, then we have to proceed with caution." Lin Canghai said.

Su Ming heard this guy say so much for the first time, and for a while, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Which families have already obtained the keys to the ancient ruins?" Lin Wufu couldn't help but ask. It seems that he has been in Ningcheng for so long, but he has received the least information~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lin Batian He opened his mouth and said: "The exact news we have so far is that the Gongsun family and Yan family have obtained the keys to the ancient ruins, and we are not sure about the movements of other families!"

Lin Wufu didn't say anything when he heard this. After all, the Gongsun family and the Yan family were the two most powerful in the Guwu family. It was not surprising that they got the key.

"Don't be careless, although the Gongsun family and the Yan family have already obtained the key first, no one will be idle for this thing. If they get the news, they will definitely come back." Lin Canghai reminded him.

Everyone who listened to this sentence unanimously felt like this. It is indeed like this. Only when you get the key can you enter the ancient ruins. The importance of this key is self-evident.

There is a simple truth. Who would think that you have too much money? If you have one hundred dollars, don't you want to ask for another one hundred dollars?

The group of people walked tirelessly, and walked till the evening. This may be the most boring day Su Ming has ever had. Te Niang’s is not quite the same as she imagined. She thought that after coming, she would go straight to the sword and landslide. The ground is cracked and dried.

"Don't look for it at night, let's rest for a while."

Lin Canghai spoke, and everyone was relieved, no matter what place it was, they just sat on the ground, and the fellow Lin Batian started to light a fire.

Su Ming was strange at first, what this guy was doing in the mountains and forests, you should know that this is not a joke, it may cause a big fire accidentally.

However, after a while, Lin Canghai appeared again without knowing it, carrying a few wild birds in his hands, looking quite large.

Seeing such a scene, Su Ming instantly reacted, co-authoring this is preparing for barbecue.

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