League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1320: Eyes are straight

The ancient martial artist also has to eat. There is no doubt that the wild bird in Lin Canghai's hand should have been shot down by him just now. It is ready to be used as today's dinner. In this mountain, it is impossible to buy something to eat.

"Batian, go and deal with these birds!" Lin Canghai ordered, and then he came over and continued to light the fire.

It's obviously not the first time that Lin Batian has done this kind of thing. He looks full of ecstasy. He should be hungry and excited because he wants to eat soon. So Lin Batian took a few birds and left. .

It is impossible to deal with it on the spot here. At that time, there will be hairs and blood everywhere, and it cannot be cleaned. You must find a place with water, and there are usually streams in the mountains.

After more than half an hour, Lin Ba genius came over. The wild birds in his hands were also dripping with water, and they seemed to be washed clean.

After Lin Canghai took the wild birds, he skewered them directly on the branches and set them on the fire to start roasting. Because of the limited space, he could only roast two at the same time.

Su Ming is quite good at this kind of thing. After all, Tam's passive skills are there. Chef Su's cooking skills are beyond doubt, but seeing that Lin Canghai is already cooking, Su Ming didn't take the initiative to go up.

This thing seems to be a waste of time. It must be cooked on the outside and inside, otherwise you can't swallow it.

After more than an hour passed, Lin Canghai got the two wild birds done. It looked like a lot of effort, but fortunately, the night temperature on this mountain was quite low, so Su Ming and the others stayed by the fire for so long, and they still felt quite comfortable. of.

"Brother Canghai, hurry up and give me one. I'm really hungry. I haven't eaten anything for a day!" Lin Batian's eyes were staring at the cooked wild bird, and his saliva was about to flow out.

When I heard that Lin Batian was so big, he hadn't eaten all day. Even if he was an ancient warrior, he was probably hungry.

Lin Canghai knew that Lin Batian was a foodie. He killed two wild birds by himself last night and said that he hadn't eaten enough, so Lin Canghai directly handed the wild birds to Lin Batian.

The other one was handed to Lin Wufu, and he said, "You and Su Ming will share the food first, and continue to bake!"

"Come on, Brother Su, this half is for you. We can only eat these things in the mountains. Don't dislike it." Lin Wufu said with a smile.

"How come, as long as you can fill your stomach." Su Ming said with a smile.

But after taking a bite at the roasted bird leg, Su Ming regretted saying that just now. What kind of roast is this...it's too unpalatable.

In fact, many people watch the scenes in the TV series, and there are often knights roasting these things in the wild, which looks quite compelling, and the roasted things are tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

But in fact, it’s all deceptive on TV. If you actually go to the field to bake something to eat, you will know that the baked food is very unpalatable for people without any experience.

First of all, there is no oil on it. How can it have that golden look, it looks dry, and after swallowing it, there is still such a fishy smell. Su Ming, who has a high demand for ingredients, naturally can't bear it. It's hard to swallow at all.

Of course, this can’t be blamed on Lin Canghai’s inadequate skills. It’s good to be able to bake like this. After all, he is not professional, and he doesn’t have any condiments and so on. Just bake it so dry, what can be baked s things.

Looking at the gobbled Lin Batian on the side, Su Ming couldn't help but sympathize, and sometimes felt that the ancient warriors were nothing good. Although they were powerful, they would not enjoy life.

Especially seeing Lin Batian eating so much with gusto, as if he had never eaten a meal before, Su Ming couldn't help but wonder if his taste was a problem, and why it was different from Lin Batian's performance.

Anyway, Su Ming would rather be hungry than eat these things. It was too hard to swallow, and it was comparable to Qin Shiyin's fried dishes.

"Why Brother Su, are you unaccustomed to eating?"

Su Ming frowned as if he couldn't eat it, and was noticed by Lin Wufu next to him, so Lin Wufu said something.

Speaking of it, Lin Wufu felt very embarrassed. He asked Su Ming to follow him. He didn't even have any decent food. By the way, Lin Wufu knew what Su Ming and the others were eating outside all day long.

At the very least, it is much better than this dull wild bird. Lin Wufu lived with Shao Mao for a while, and now the taste has become very awkward. Even eating this wild bird does not taste very good, let alone Su Ming. , Lin Wufu knew that Su Ming could not eat more than 80%.

But there is no way. After all, it is on the top of Lingxu Peak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is deserted and uninhabited. You can't buy anything with money, let alone they have no money at all.

How could this kind of thing be said directly? What's more, everyone ate the same thing, so Su Ming smiled and was about to say nothing.


Unexpectedly, Lin Batian, who was gorging on his side, slowed down at this time, took the time to give a cold snort, and then looked at Su Ming and said, “If you don’t eat it, just put it there. Don’t waste food. You don’t eat this anyway. There is nothing to eat, so don’t bother us if you are starving to death!"

Lin Batian is very uncomfortable with people like Su Ming. In this kind of place, it's good to have something to eat. What's the point of picking and choosing, like to eat or not, anyway, no one pushes people.

Lin Canghai was still barking meat over there with expressionless expression, and there was no emotional change on his face. Obviously, in his opinion, what Lin Batian said was quite right.

The food he baked was really not delicious, but if he didn't eat it, there would be nothing to eat. It was pretty good to be able to catch a few wild birds.

Su Ming was a little bit painful, but he didn't say a word, and ended up lying down with the gun inexplicably, and Lin Batian said it to the present.

So Su Ming really stopped eating. My heart said that this kind of food, what's delicious, really treats me as if I have nothing to eat.

So Su Ming put down the half of the wild bird in his hand without saying a word, and opened his huge hiking bag. Don’t forget, before Su Ming came, he was afraid of nothing to eat, so he went to the supermarket to buy it. There are a lot of things.

I saw Su Ming directly took out a pack of vacuum-packaged beef sauce. After opening it, he took two bites directly, and a tangy meaty smell spread among the few people.

Lin Batian was eating wild birds. As soon as he smelled the scent, Lin Batian's eyes straightened, and he kept staring at the sauced beef in Su Ming's hands.

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