League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1323: Don't have a cave


After listening to Lin Batian's words, Su Ming couldn't help being speechless. He said that when you saw me, you didn't say it like that. It really was an unscrupulous foodie.

However, it was more necessary for Su Ming to show off his cooking skills tonight, at least to narrow the distance between Lin Batian and Lin Canghai.

Lin Batian, an unscrupulous fellow, now completely regarded Su Ming as a close comrade in arms, and Su Ming could feel it.

Lin Canghai would certainly not be so innocent like Lin Batian, but Su Ming could also notice that Lin Canghai also ate a lot of food. Su Ming added some good feelings.

After eating, Su Ming and the others have to rest. For this big night, they can't find things everywhere. The possibility of trying to find them is too low, but they will lose a little energy for people to toss.

Sleeping is also very simple. One person finds a tree trunk and lie directly on the tree or sleep on it. After all, they are all on the mountain. It is impossible to sleep well, and it is easier to hide in a tree. Hide yourself.

At the same time, the fire that had just started was also extinguished. Although it was ignited at night in the mountains and forests, there was a fire that could prevent some beasts and the like, but Su Ming and the others were ancient warriors, and there was no need to worry about those beasts.

On the contrary, it is people who threaten them the most. I don’t know who there are besides the four of them on Lingxu Peak. Anyway, as long as they appear, they must be from other families. In other words, as long as they encounter people, there are hundreds of people. Ninety out of possibility is the enemy.

So if there is a fire, it is showing the enemy the way. In this case, you must be more careful.

Su Ming originally came with a tent, so he wanted to sleep in a tent, but when he saw that he was so particular about it, if he used a tent, it would not help prevent danger.

So Su Ming didn't mention the tent, and didn't take it out. Just like everyone else, he randomly found a big tree, went up to find a thick trunk, and just leaned there.

For Su Ming, he only needs to close his eyes and rest for a while. It doesn't matter how long he sleeps. The spiritual strength of ancient martial artists is definitely stronger than that of normal people.


The night passed smoothly, and nothing dangerous or anything happened. He didn't even see the personal hair. It seemed that people from other families didn't know that the key to the ancient ruins had appeared on Lingxu Peak.

But you can't take it lightly, after all, Lingxu Peak is so big, maybe everyone hasn't encountered it yet.

I couldn't fall asleep early in the morning, because summer was originally a time when all kinds of insects were infested, and I don't know how many insects were screaming in the morning.

This kind of feeling is like a lot of alarm clocks ringing in your ears, there is no way to sleep at all, Su Ming simply got off, and the few people in the Lin family reacted similarly to Su Ming.

I didn’t pay much attention to getting up early in the morning. Everyone walked straight forward with their bags. Under the leadership of Lin Batian, they found a small stream. The water was crystal clear. Everyone washed their faces here. Okay.

In the mountains, there is not so much attention.

Then Su Ming took out compressed biscuits and ate two bags of them for breakfast. Although this thing didn't taste very good, it was really useful. You can take care of it all day long without being hungry.

After eating, they drank a few more sips of water, and everyone looked for it again. There is no doubt that this will be another aimless day.

There is no exact information at all, just know that the key is on the top of Lingxu Peak, so I can only shake it casually like this, and search the entire mountain again until I find it.

In the afternoon, Su Ming and the others were a bit dry and the efficiency was not too high.

At this time, splitting is actually the most efficient, but everyone knows that you can’t split up, because after splitting up, you might not be able to get in touch.

Even if the meeting place is agreed, if you run into a few people from other families alone, you will die just as miserably, which is equivalent to don't just bring the line in the game, otherwise you will be caught miserably.

"Hey, there is a cave here. It looks pretty cool. Let's go in and take a look!" Lin Batian rushed to the front and noticed a cave.

Su Ming glanced at it, and then said: "This cave is probably choking if you go in alone. I guess how many of us can't get in."

The reason for saying this is because the entrance of the cave is not too big, and it is estimated that there is nothing inside. With Lin Batian's size, he has to bend over to enter the cave.

"Let's go in and take a look, let's not let go of any place, lest there is anything missing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Canghai on the side said something.

What Lin Canghai said is reasonable. Since I have searched all of them, I must not miss anything. I think about where I haven't been, and I have to go back and look for it again.

Of course it makes sense, but Su Ming doesn't think that there is something in this small cave.

"I'll come in and have a look!"

At this moment, Lin Batian, who couldn't help himself, spoke directly, and then crawled in with a cat waist, seemingly impatient.

Unexpectedly, after Lin Batian climbed in, the whole person disappeared. At first everyone thought the cave was very small and it was hard for Lin Batian to climb in.

"Everyone, come in quickly, it's big in here!" Just then, Lin Batian's voice came out, this guy shouted loudly, and when the voice came out, there was an echo.

The three of Su Ming and the others were stunned. Lin Batian didn't lie to others. There was an echo, indicating that there must be a lot of space in the cave. So Su Ming and the others stopped delaying and went straight in. .

After entering, it was pitch black and it seemed to be invisible. Su Ming could only feel that there was someone beside him. Lin Canghai said, "Wufu, take out the flint."

There was a rustling sound from Lin Wufu, and he didn't know what he was touching on his body. After a while, he directly lit a candle-like thing and instantly illuminated the entire cave.

The lighting of this thing is still quite strong, much stronger than the flashlight of a mobile phone, so Su Ming resisted the idea of ​​digging out the mobile phone.

At this time, everyone saw the situation in the cave clearly, and couldn't help being surprised. It was different from what everyone imagined.

Not only is it not cramped at all, but it is also very empty inside, and it even continues to extend downward, as if it is deep inside.

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