Everyone's eyes were deceived. This was Su Ming's first feeling after coming in. Originally, it looked like a small cave from the outside, and there was no interest in finding out.

Just like a house, if the space of the general room is relatively small, it gives people a very restrained feeling and makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Thanks to Lin Batian, this guy couldn't stay idle and went straight down. Otherwise, Su Ming and the others would really not be interested in seeing this cave, and naturally they would not be able to find any other caves in it.

"What the **** is this cave? Why does it feel so gloomy, and you can't see the head at all?" Lin Batian was originally rushing to the front, but looking at this situation, Lin Batian did not dare to rush forward. Up.

The direction of the cave continues to extend downward, I am afraid that only ghosts know how deep it is.


After everyone stood firm, Lin Canghai reminded him, after all, it was still too dark inside. Although there is a candle, it does not guarantee that people's vision is good, so be careful.

Obviously, this is going to go forward. The four of them went straight ahead and slowly entered without any further explanation. The cave was so deep, it was unusual at first glance, maybe there was something inside.

Even though Lin Canghai didn't have any expressions on their faces, they were actually a little delighted in their hearts, because the key to the ancient ruins was very likely to appear in this cave.

After all, the entire Lingxu Peak has been turned over, but nothing was found. This thing is on the Lingxu Peak. This is the only sure news.

As for why they are so sure, Su Ming is not very clear, there must be their own reason.

The entire Lingxu Peak has been found now, but nothing has been found anyway, and this cave looks so unusual. In other words, with such a combination, everyone will inevitably have some ideas. The possibility of appearing here is very big.

In the face of this situation, everyone will definitely not give up. No matter what is inside, you have to go in and take a look.

The four people walked in front with the candle in Lin Canghai's hand, because he was the strongest, at least on the surface it looked like this.

After walking forward for more than ten minutes, Su Ming couldn’t help feeling a little anxious. The cave was so dark that there was nothing in it. It seemed that after walking for so long, people couldn’t see it. The end.

In such a depressing environment, it is inevitable that people will have certain emotions if they keep walking, not to mention that the cave has never been able to go, and the more you go, you will feel a strange feeling in your heart.

"What kind of broken place is this? If we go this way, do we have to go to the place where lava is exposed?" Lin Batian's personality is the most anxious, and this always makes him feel very irritable, so Lin Ba Tian said something impatiently.

Lin Canghai seemed quite calm, and this person was indeed very calm, so Lin Canghai said: "Don't talk, just keep going down, there will always be the end!"

Since they are all here, they definitely can't give up halfway. No matter what you think in your heart, you must go down. Otherwise, you might miss the best opportunity to find the key.

Everyone continued to walk down. At this moment, a cold wind blew out, and the candle flame was flashing, and it seemed that it might be extinguished at any time.

"I wipe it, what is this, it's so cold!"

At this time, Lin Batian couldn't help but spit out again, because it was too cold, and the overall feeling of the wind just now was chilly.

It even makes people feel colder than the bitter cold wind in the deep winter. This is a kind of cold from the bones, which makes people shiver and tremble slightly.

Originally this summer, everyone didn't wear much. If you wear too much, it will be hot in the mountains. No one is so stupid. So just now, there was such a big reaction.

But fortunately, this cold wind seemed to only last for a while. After a while, everything returned to normal, and it felt like nothing had happened.

Except for Lin Batian's words, no one else spoke, because no one knew what was going on, but everyone was more certain that this cave was indeed weird.

Regardless of whether the key is here or not, everyone is sure about this cave. Even if there is no key inside, there will be other things. Driven by curiosity, people will do many things.

"keep going!"

Lin Canghai said, and then everyone did not entangle, and continued to move forward, but in the process of walking, it was obvious that several people raised some vitality to protect the body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so as not to come back from time to time. The cold wind, the trembling feeling in your bones just now, everyone doesn't want to try a second time.

After walking for a few minutes, suddenly I saw a faint light in front of me. Several people saw it without speaking, and my heart was suddenly lifted. After walking dry for so long, I finally saw the light.

I saw the light in the cave, which is quite exciting, indicating that there is something ahead.

Of course, there is another possibility. It is possible that there is an exit in front. Several people go around and go out again. If that is the case, it would be a bit cheating.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Lin Canghai was very cautious and slowed down a lot. At the same time, the expression on his face was also very cautious, and he couldn't help but remind him.

If there is something in front of you, the possibility of danger is quite high, so you must be careful. No matter who gets injured, this place is very troublesome.

Su Ming and the others were very cautious, and kept leaning forward cautiously, but after walking in, Su Ming realized that the front was not an exit. This was the real magic.

The most impressive thing about a large space is the night pearl on the stone wall of the week. It still looks bright. No wonder such a large area can be illuminated.

Then everyone noticed that there was a huge water pool in front of it, and air-conditioning continued to blow up in this water pool, as if it were ten thousand years of ice, very cold.

No wonder, everyone finally understood, no wonder there was a cold wind just now, it turns out that there was a cold water pool inside.

The temperature in this water pool is shocking just by looking at it. It is estimated that people will be frozen immediately if they touch it.

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