League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1325: The giant snake is coming

It is hard to imagine that such a cold water pool would appear in such a deep cave.

This cave is constantly going underground without accurate calculations, so Su Ming doesn't know exactly how deep he went at this time.

But one thing is certain, at this time it must have been some distance from the ground.

Su Ming also learned some geography anyway. He knew that under the surface of the earth were things like the crust, mantle, and core, and the lower the temperature, the higher the temperature, and magma all appeared under the surface.

Who could have imagined that such a cold water pool could appear in such a deep place, which simply does not conform to the laws of nature.

But now Su Ming’s thinking is not as simple as a normal person. Even nonsense things like ancient relics can be sorted out, explaining a lot of things. With scientific knowledge, it can’t be explained at all. I think so much. It's useless.

At the same time, there is another thing that makes Su Ming feel very surprised. The temperature in this water pool must be very low. With the physical fitness of their ancient warriors, they will feel cold after standing next to them for a while. If they are ordinary people, it is estimated at this time. The blood flow in the blood vessels will be much slower.

This can show that the temperature in the water pool is very low, and I don’t know how many degrees below zero, but the water will freeze below zero, but the water in this pool is not frozen. This is too fake. .

There are too many strange things. First of all, the existence of this thing is unreasonable, and Su Ming is gradually numb.

"Brother Canghai, look there, there is a black box over there!"

At this moment, when everyone's attention was still on this weird pool, Lin Batian had already noticed other places, and suddenly he saw a small black box on the edge of the pool.

It's just that this position is still relatively biased, not in the middle, and because the whole body is black, in this kind of place, people have not noticed for a while, Lin Batian has better eyes.

And I prefer to see those remote places, so Lin Batian saw it all at once, but Su Ming and the others never saw it.

After Lin Batian's reminder, everyone's eyes instantly saw the black box, and everyone's breathing became a little faster.

"Brother Canghai, this...isn't this the key to the ancient ruins?" A few seconds later, Lin Wufu couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

Lin Canghai couldn't keep it so calm. In this case, plus a small black box, there must be treasures in this kind of box, and Shiyou is the key to the ancient relics.

Lin Canghai couldn't help licking his mouth, so he said, "I think it's true."

"Let me take a look--"

Lin Batian couldn’t help it anymore. This guy is an idle master. When I heard that it might be the key to the ancient relics, how could he still be able to resist it, and he went straight forward to move the little black one. box.


But he just took a step out, and was held by Lin Canghai next to him. He only heard Lin Canghai say: "Be careful, who knows if there are any traps."

Just like Su Ming imagined, Su Ming didn't believe that this small black box would be so easy for people to get it. If there are treasures in it, there will definitely be traps and other things.

Things that are easily accessible are not treasures.

If Lin Canghai didn't make a move, Su Ming would go up and grab Lin Batian. This guy's temperament was a bit ridiculous, and he didn't know how to think about it. Anyway, he couldn't let him go.

If there is any trap, then Lin Batian may not be able to react to it. Be careful in everything. At this time, the most fearful thing is that someone gets injured.

"Don't be impulsive!"

Lin Canghai still spoke as little as he always did, and there was no expression on his face. Lin Canghai looked for something but didn't find anything. Then he said to Lin Wufu on the side, "Give me the flint and steel!"

The flint is similar to a lighter, it's just a stone that makes a fire. Just rub the two pieces together. After the fire just started, Lin Wufu installed it, and when Lin Canghai wanted it, he took it out.

Lin Canghai only needed a flint and steel, and after receiving it, he threw it directly onto the small black box.


Lin Canghai's technique was quite good. He immediately hit the small black box with precision and hit the top of the box with a crisp sound.

But what everyone did not expect was that after the hit, there was no reaction at all, and there was no sudden attack or trap appearing in everyone's imagination~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everything was very peaceful.

Several people couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seems that they are really thinking too much, and there is no such serious matter. Lin Batian couldn't help but said, "Look, I know it's okay, you like it. Frighten yourself."

Lin Canghai found that there was no danger. Although he was relieved, he did not take it lightly. Instead, he let Lin Batian stand properly. He himself went to take this small black box and see what was inside.

He did this because of his intentions. After all, Lin Canghai had the strongest strength, so Lin Canghai decided to go there. If something happened, his reaction would definitely be faster than the reactions of others.

Su Ming still agrees with Lin Canghai's approach, but this guy is a very sophisticated officer, which makes people feel quite relieved.


Unexpectedly, just at this moment, Lin Canghai took a few steps forward, and after approaching the small black box, the ice-cold pool next to him suddenly moved.

A jitter made people feel as if the entire cave was in a state of extreme anger. At this moment, a huge vortex appeared in the middle of the pool, and there was a sudden bang, and a burst of water directly rose into the sky.

"This this………"

Lin Batian was stunned for the first time, the expression on his entire face froze, and it seemed that he could not speak.

Then it was Su Ming and Lin Wufu's turn. After they looked up, their reaction was similar to that of Lin Batian, and they were both stunned.

Because... they saw a monster that was completely impossible in reality!

A huge snake, standing in the pool, seems to be at least ten meters high, and it is too small for people in front of it.

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