League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1336: Why am I always the one who's hurt

"Ouyang family, you are really shameless!"

Lin Batian's character is the kind that can't help it. If he feels upset or has any thoughts, especially when he is angry, he will not hide himself.

Even if they had lost their combat ability at this time, it seemed that the Ouyang family could play with them as they wanted, but Lin Batian still cursed directly.

It's no wonder that Lin Batian would scold so badly, because this Ouyang family was indeed shameless, and was originally stronger than Su Ming, at least it looked like this in realm.

Su Ming is only in the early stage of the micro-level. Of the four people on the Ouyang family, Ouyang Shuo, the weakest, is in the early micro-level, not to mention that there are people in the late micro-level.

In the end, the four of them had to directly come up to fight Su Ming together, and even saved the single-handed battle. It was really shameless.

Four masters of the micro-level, go to beat an ancient warrior in the early micro-level, this kind of thing is very embarrassing and disdainful.

If someone knew about it in the ancient martial arts world, the Ouyang family would have lost the adult, but they dared to do it this way because there was no one else here.

As for the three members of the Lin family, after Su Ming is resolved, they are all dead. I am afraid that no one knows where they died, not to mention that this secret will be passed on.

Su Ming's eyes narrowed slightly. Anyone who is familiar with Su Ming knows that whenever Su Ming makes such an action, it is a danger signal.

The three dark vitality bullets have all been condensed by Su Ming. Thanks to the people of the Ouyang family for grinding here for a while, giving Su Ming plenty of time.

The Dark Vitality Bullet can’t be used as a backhand. You have to play first. Su Ming’s purpose is to first destroy one of the four people so that they will lose one combat power instantly. In that case, Su Ming will take it. It will be better down.

If possible, Su Ming would definitely want to hit the gray-haired Ouyang Kaiyin directly. It would be great if he could be injured or something.

But after thinking about it carefully, Su Ming still didn't do that. After all, Ouyang Kaiyin's strength was too strong, and he was in the late stage of the microcosm. This thing may not have that great effect on the latter.

In case Ouyang Kaiyin had any defensive baby on his body that didn't hurt him, then Su Ming would have wasted a killer feature for nothing, so Su Ming must be careful.

Ouyang Shuo and Su Ming are not interested either. The realm is the lowest and the strength is also the weakest. Using such a vitality bullet to hit him, Su Ming feels too worthy of him, this person is not a big threat to Su Ming.

Then there is Ouyang Tianhua and the woman left. These two people are both in the middle stage of the micro-level. It is not clear who is more powerful, it should be about the same.

In other words, Su Ming has to get rid of one of them, who should he solve?

Su Ming didn’t think about this problem for long, and decided all at once. It must be Ouyang Tianhua. After all, this Ouyang Tianhua makes Su Ming look very unhappy...

So Su Ming didn't get entangled at all, and immediately, three dark vitality bullets smashed towards Ouyang Tianhua's body at an extremely fast speed.

"Be careful!"

Ouyang Kaiyin's reaction was the fastest. The moment Su Ming raised his hand, the expression on his face was not right, and he quickly reminded him.

But no matter how fast the mouth is, how can the dark vitality bomb be passed quickly, Ouyang Kaiyin's voice has not yet fallen, Ouyang Tianhua, the guy who owes it, suffered completely.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Three dull voices sounded like this, and the moment the dark vitality bomb came into contact with Ouyang Tianhua, it immediately exploded, and the terror and destruction energy contained in it suddenly tilted out.


Ouyang Tianhua didn't have any room for manipulation at all in this wave, joking, the whole person didn't even react to the reaction, how to manipulate it.

In a moment of kung fu, the whole person was like a kite with a broken wire, flying upside down, and at the same time a big mouthful of blood was spit out.

Ouyang Tianhua experienced the same taste for the second time, and Su Ming discovered that this guy's luck was also really good. He was the first person to eat the Dark Vitality Bomb twice, never before.

However, this time is much more serious than the last time. It does not mean that the power of the dark vitality bomb has increased. This power is increased according to the number of vitality bombs. At present, Su Ming can only condense three at most.

The last time Ouyang Tianhua carried a defensive magic weapon that helped him block certain damage, but that magic weapon was not too advanced, and it was already damaged.

Therefore, without the defensive magic weapon this time, Ouyang Tianhua was injured even more severely, and this time he was seriously injured.

You can't get up by lying directly on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's already pretty good without dying, let alone fighting with Su Ming. I guess he doesn't even have the ability to stand up now.

Su Ming still has some slight regrets. It would be great if he could kill the goods directly, not seeing and not worrying, but this was similar to what Su Ming had expected in advance, at least the fighting power that Ouyang Tianhua lost.

There are still three people left. Ouyang Shuo is the weakest and can be ignored. In other words, Ouyang Kaiyin and Ouyang Yixue, Su Ming have to figure out how to deal with them.

"Brother Tianhua, are you okay?"

Ouyang Shuo hurried to Ouyang Tianhua's side, the expression on his face still looked quite nervous, but what he said was nonsense. Ouyang Tianhua was beaten with blood all over his body at this time, just how miserable it seemed. How miserable, how can it be all right.

Ouyang Kaiyin also ran over immediately, and quickly pulled out a green pill from his body, which seemed to contain a lot of life force, and directly fed it into Ouyang Tianhua's mouth.

The sudden change caught people off guard, and Su Ming used that trick again. The hapless person was Ouyang Tianhua. They had already been prepared for it before. Who knows that they suffered in the end, and can only say that Su Ming’s attack too suddenly.

After all, they are all members of the same family and are related by blood. Ouyang Kaiyin can't just watch Ouyang Tianhua die like this.

After taking a pill, Ouyang Tianhua was temporarily rescued and returned, but Ouyang Tianhua finally stopped vomiting blood, as if a warm current spread throughout his body, he could finally catch his breath.

At this time, Ouyang Tianhua didn’t feel pain, but wanted to cry. He just wanted to curse: "Mom sells the critics, why is it always me who is hurt?"

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