League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1337: Think I can't help it?

Seeing that Ouyang Tianhua's life was saved, several other members of the Ouyang family couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as they don't die, they will be punished if they return to the family. Unless the plot is special, Ouyang Tianhua can be regarded as one of the younger generation of the Ouyang family, quite powerful.

In the current situation, Ouyang Tianhua must have no way to continue fighting, but it doesn't matter much, after all, they still have three people left.

After Su Ming used this weird trick, it is estimated that there will be no second time. It will be gone in a short time. Everyone is not a fool, and you can definitely see it.

This kind of extremely destructive means can't be used casually. If that's the case, wouldn't it be too enchanting.

And if Su Ming really has that ability, it is estimated that he would have attacked all the members of the Ouyang family a long time ago, how could he only attacked one Ouyang Tianhua?

The dark vitality bomb is the only thing Su Ming can make Ouyang Kaiyin jealous, at least it looks like this so far.

Ouyang Kaiyin said to Ouyang Shuo: "You are here to watch Tianhua, protect his safety, Yixue, come with me, and kill this kid as soon as possible."

At this time, a trace of killing intent flashed in Ouyang Kaiyin’s eyes. Su Ming repeatedly wounded their Ouyang family members. This is not something that can be tolerated. Last time, Ouyang Kaiyin must get it. Killed Su Ming, and while taking the key to the ancient ruins, he sighed for Ouyang Tianhua.

Time is tight, Ouyang Kaiyin doesn't want to waste any time, so he directly pulls Ouyang Yixue together, and must kill Su Ming as soon as possible.

Killing Su Ming is just a secondary matter. The main thing is the key to the ancient ruins. You must get the key to the ancient ruins as soon as possible and leave.

Because Ouyang Kaiyin has no bottom in his own heart, who knows if he will meet people from other families, the Guwu family is more than their two families, on the contrary, their two families are relatively weak, and the Ouyang family is in front of the Lin family. You can be arrogant.


Ouyang Shuo also nodded quickly. He knew that he was not the opponent of that guy Su Ming. He had already fought it last time. He didn't know it. He didn't admit it, but he knew clearly that he wouldn't be able to help him.

And seeing Ouyang Tianhua so miserable, Ouyang Shuo also feels a bit painful, for fear that it has become like this, so there is no need to go up and do it, Ouyang Tianhua is still very happy.

Leaving one Ouyang Shuo is also Ouyang Kaiyin's mind. After all, Ouyang Tianhua's current state is a bit more useless than a useless person. If the three Lin family secretly attacked, they could directly kill Ouyang Tianhua.

In fact, Lin Wufu and the others are impossible to do this kind of deeds. What is it to bully a seriously injured person?

But because these people in the Ouyang family were still dark in their hearts, they unconsciously thought of other people so dark as well.

Su Ming knew that a big battle was coming. Su Ming must be under pressure to fight two people at once, and Ouyang Kaiyin in the late stage of the microcosm was enough to give Su Ming a headache.

Coupled with a strong Ouyang Yixue, it can also cause some trouble for Su Ming, and Su Ming may not have played it before. At this time, a killer's Sindra has already been used.

Moreover, Feng Nu's "eye of the storm" has also burst open, which is equivalent to Su Ming is not in the most powerful state, but there is no way, he has to fight.

The small black box is still firmly grasped in Su Ming's hand. It is inseparable from each other. It contains the keys of ancient relics, so this small box is the point.

What makes Su Ming a headache is that this thing is a bit troublesome now, he can't just hold it in his hand and fight, Su Ming doesn't have that ability.

I wanted to hand it to Lin Canghai and they were holding it, but after thinking about it for a while, it seemed wrong. It might be pitted to them. In case of a fight, one person dragged Su Ming and ran away alone. Taking the small black box, Lin Canghai and the three of them were in their current state, there was no way to resist it at all, and in the end they would definitely be either dead or injured.

After thinking about it, Su Ming still put the box next to him and could only watch it as much as possible. Anyway, he wanted to get this box without defeating Su Ming. Su Ming would not agree.

Ouyang Kaiyin's eyes flashed, and he whispered to Ouyang Yixue who was on the side: "Yixue, when fighting, you should be careful. That kid is very weird. Who knows what weird methods are on him. You must be careful. a little."

Ouyang Yixue nodded hurriedly, not to mention that she must be careful, after all, Ouyang Tianhua's fate was already there.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ouyang Kaiyin said calmly: "We will attack him directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when we are fighting, I will hold him, and then you take advantage of this. Opportunity, go and take away that little black box~"

In the final analysis, the final goal was the key to the ancient ruins, so Ouyang Kaiyin decided to let Ouyang Yixue grab the small black box first in order to avoid long nights and dreams.

Others are not qualified to say this, but Ouyang Kaiyin can say it without pressure. After all, his strength in the later stage of the micro-level, Su Ming is far from him, and it is estimated that one person can easily kill Su Ming. It is too simple to hold Su Ming.


After the confession, he stopped talking nonsense. Ouyang Kaiyin directly said coldly, and then two people, one from the left and the other, quickly rushed towards Su Ming.

Such a powerful offensive was indeed something that Su Ming had never felt before. It was too vicious, so Su Ming could only retreat and reluctantly used his flexible physical skills to avoid it.

After a few rounds, Su Ming seemed to be embarrassed, but gradually, Su Ming also found the routine of the two of them.

"Yixue, go!"

Ouyang Kaiyin yelled, Ouyang Yixue also knew that the time was right, so she immediately turned around and rushed to the small black box on the ground.

Su Ming knew what he was going to do as soon as she saw her movements, and she had to rush over, but how could Ouyang Kaiyin let Su Ming rush over, and slapped him over.

This palm directly blocked Su Ming's way forward. If Su Ming forced to pass, he would definitely be photographed and would definitely be injured.

So Su Ming had to dodge back, seeming to watch Ouyang Yixue go to get the small black box.

But at this time Su Ming's mouth showed a smile: Do you really think I can't help it?

"Fight, Demon Marsh Frog!"

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