???????? Su Ming's IQ is not low at all, otherwise, how could he fool the various goddesses and turn them into confusion.

???????? In fact, Ouyang Kaiyin wanted to suppress Su Ming in terms of IQ and gave Su Ming a surprise, but in fact Su Ming had already thought of this and had anticipated it in advance.

???????? The small black box contains the key to the ancient relics. This thing is the top priority. Su Ming has no place to put it, except that it is safer in Su Ming's hands. It’s not safe to download anywhere.

???????? So Su Ming guessed that he might use the sound to hit the west. After all, they had more people, and the result was really the same as Su Ming thought.

???????? After only a few rounds of the fight, they couldn't bear it anymore, and Ouyang Yixue rushed to the small black box on the ground.

???????? "It's over————"

???????? The three people of the Lin family all had desperate thoughts in their minds at this time. They did not expect that Su Ming had not been defeated yet, and the key to the ancient ruins would be taken away by the Ouyang family. .

???????? No matter how you look at it now, Su Ming seems to have lost the ability to protect the keys of the ancient relics. After all, facing the formidable opponent Ouyang Kaiyin, Su Ming is already very good at protecting himself. .

???????? No one noticed that Su Ming smiled strangely, who said Su Ming had no help? Who said that Su Ming was fighting alone? Don't forget, Su Ming also has a magical pet frog.

???????? So at the moment when Ouyang Kaiyin was forced to retreat, Su Ming immediately moved his mind, and directly summoned his pet, the Demon Marsh Frog in the system space.

???????? Since the last time the fire was put out, Su Ming has a deeper understanding of the magic of this magic marsh frog. This time Su Ming has not forgotten it again, from beginning to end Su Ming I've been thinking about when to call this guy out.

???????? Now it seems that the time is ripe!

???????? "Go and help me protect the little black box, no matter who wants to get close to it!" Su Ming quickly communicated with the Demon Marsh Frog.

???????? The minds of the two people are interlinked, and Su Ming actually doesn’t need to say anything more, just one sentence. A guy like the Demon Marsh Frog understands Su Ming. The intention.

???????? "Gua————"

???????? I saw the Demon Marsh Frog opened its big mouth, yelled abruptly, then rushed directly to Ouyang Yixue, stretched out his long tongue, and threw it towards Ouyang Yixue.

???????? Su Ming felt quite dazed at that moment. Looking at it this way, the Demon Marsh Frog actually looked like Tam. When Tam was attacking others, he had a skill. Spit out your own long tongue, causing damage to the enemy and slowing down.

???????? But Su Ming also knew that it was just a bit like it. After all, it was not a species. The Demon Marsh Frog was a toad, and although Tam looked like a toad, it was a catfish.

???????? (According to my observation, Tam seems to be a catfish, but I don’t know if it’s a catfish, friends can check it out!)

???????? Ouyang Yixue was taken aback. It was not that the tongue of the Demon Marsh Frog had the power to destroy the world, but that a huge toad suddenly appeared. This is really unbelievable. think.

???????? Normal people's first feeling when they see the Demon Marsh Frog is actually not very good, and the heart said how could there be such a weird thing.

???????? Especially girls are afraid of these species of toads, so Ouyang Yixue was really taken aback, suddenly changed the direction of the whole person, backed back several steps quickly, hiding After the tongue of the magic swamp frog.

???????? "I wipe, what kind of monster is this?"

???????? All three of the Lin family were dumbfounded, and Lin Batian couldn't help but said something, it's so weird, it looks so weird.

???????? Have never seen such a big toad, and it does not look like a beast like a double-winged monster.

???????? What surprised them even more was that Su Ming actually had the power to summon these monsters directly. This young man had too many secrets in his body.

???????? Ouyang Kaiyin's face is not too good-looking, his plan failed, and it failed in this way.

???????? And this time Ouyang Yixue was also restrained, leaving Ouyang Kaiyin to fight with Su Ming alone. Su Ming suddenly summoned a pet, which made Ouyang Kaiyin's heart. Be even more on guard.

???????? But this small change does not matter, it has no effect on the overall situation, anyway, Ouyang Kaiyin alone can deal with Su Ming.

???????? The appearance of the Demon Marsh Frog has greatly helped Su Ming. After all, it has restrained Ouyang Yixue. It can be seen that the Demon Marsh Frog makes Ouyang Yixue very uncomfortable now.

???????? I also thought about letting the Demon Marsh Frog fight Ouyang Kaiyin before, so that Su Ming can relax, but Su Ming can't figure out the real strength of the Demon Marsh Frog, who knows if it is Ouyang Kai Hidden opponent, that guy is not easy to deal with.

???????? Su Ming didn't dare to make fun of the life of the Demon Marsh Frog, so Ouyang Kaiyin left it to him.


???????? Ouyang Kaiyin snorted coldly. It was obvious that he was not going to waste any more time. He slapped Su Ming directly. This palm contained infinite vitality.

???????? There are many factors in the battle of ancient warriors, depending on your magic weapon, exercise method, medicine, etc. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ each of them can be the key to the battle. But in the final analysis, it still depends on whose vitality is stronger.

???????? If the difference between the realm of the two sides is too great, no matter how powerful you are, in the end they can kill you with a finger, which is meaningless.

???????? Su Ming is very uncomfortable now, because he really can't fight well. The late stage of the micro-level is really not casually blown out. The gap in the realm is here. This is a real gap.

???????? This is the second time I have played against the ancient warriors who entered the late stage of the micro realm. The last time was the Oriental Sword God, and Su Ming was even more embarrassed that time.

???????? But Su Ming also knows that he can't just avoid blindly like this, otherwise, the unlucky person will be Su Ming in the end, and he must attack to have a chance of winning.

???????? Su Ming directly grabbed the Ruined King's Blade in his hand and directly activated the active skill of the Ruined King's Blade, which caused Ouyang Kaiyin to slow down.

???????? A sword stabbed at Ouyang Kaiyin, it seemed to be facing Ouyang Kaiyin's palm, and he was about to collide with each other.

???????? For some reason, Ouyang Kayin suddenly had a bad feeling, his own speed seemed to slow down a lot. After feeling the weirdness, Ouyang Kayin didn't dare to talk to Su Ming. Head-to-head.

???????? And the shining ruined King's Blade also made him feel not to be underestimated, so the imposing Ouyang Kaiyin went so far as to directly counsel, and suddenly removed this palm, and moved towards Two steps back.

???????? No one thought that in the first round of the official match, Ouyang Kaiyin would be the first.


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