League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1341: Su Ming is dying

Ouyang Kaiyin's eyes seemed to have gradually become crazy, and then Ouyang Kaiyin's pair of iron fists kept getting bigger, as if they were suddenly inflated.

"This... what is this?"

Everyone was frightened by Ouyang Kaiyin's sudden change. Such a horrifying scene was really unprecedented.

Su Ming stared at him for a moment, and said to his heart what this guy was going to do. Did he see that he had won and was so angry? It seems that you don't have such a powerful ability, right?

But it was different from other people's reactions. After Ouyang Shuo saw it, his whole body was agitated, and even his body trembled involuntarily.

Just listen to Ouyang Shuo yelling constantly: "The ninth punch of the Vigorous Fumo Fist, Brother Kayn can actually use the ninth punch..."

Everyone has always thought that Ouyang Kaiyin, as a genius among the younger generation of the Ouyang family, can use the eight punches of the "Strong Fu Demon Fist". This is already very impressive, and it can even be said that the younger generation practiced Only Ouyang Kaiyin can reach this level.

But what people never expected was that Ouyang Kaiyin was silent and could already use the ninth punch. This was indeed unexpected, and it was too exaggerated!

The ninth punch represents a great degree of difficulty. Those elders and masters in the family can use it. The mighty Ouyang Shuo has seen it. It is indeed terrifying, and the reaction is similar to that of Ouyang Kaiyin just now.

All of the fists suddenly swelled up and became very big. It was precisely because they had seen it, that Ouyang Shuo recognized it just now. This was the ninth punch of "Strong Fu Moquan".

To know the elders in the family, how many years they have been gradually, how could they be comparable to their younger generations, it is enough to explain the terrifyingness of Ouyang Kaiyin.

In fact, Ouyang Kaiyin made a breakthrough in the "Strong Fumo Fist" some time ago. He could not fully exert his power in this ninth punch, at most half of its power. Even so, this power It is even more terrifying than the previous eight punches combined.

This is Ouyang Kaiyin's first use of the ninth punch. A person in the early stages of the microcosm can push him to this point. It is indeed strong enough, but after the ninth punch, everything will be wiped out, Su Ming It is impossible to resist.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Canghai naturally understood what the ninth punch of "Strong Fumo Fist" really meant. He didn't expect Ouyang Kaiyin to use it. This guy is indeed amazing.

Originally, if Lin Canghai was fine, the outcome of his fight with Ouyang Kaiyin was unknown. At least Lin Canghai had confidence in himself, but today he learned that Ouyang Kaiyin could perform the ninth punch of the "Strong Fumo Fist". Lin Canghai knew that if he really fought, he would not be Ouyang Kaiyin's opponent. This guy has made great progress this year.

But what should Su Ming do? The power of this ninth punch is very terrifying, can Su Ming really block it?

I'm afraid that Su Ming's physical body will be wiped out with a punch. After working hard for so long, who knows that Su Ming still fell short in the end.

This Ouyang Kaiyin is also really shameless. Before that, he vowed to say that if Su Ming can get his eighth punch next, even if Su Ming wins, Su Ming thought he was using this trick.

Who knows this guy is so shameless, he will launch an attack on Su Ming in a blink of an eye, it seems that what he said before is like a fart.

But after thinking about it, the people in the Ouyang family seemed to have this virtue, and Su Ming was relieved. It is useless to reason with such people. Su Ming doesn’t believe in a few short words of himself. Kill yourself.

Immediately, Su Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could already feel the death aura contained in Ouyang Kaiyin's fist. If he was hit, Su Ming would really die.

But now Su Ming's defensive tactics seem to have been used completely. The skills have all entered the cooling down, and they will definitely be useless for a while. What should Su Ming do?

Su Ming didn't have much time to think about the moment of effort. He immediately mentioned the ruined King's Blade next to him. The sword demon's skill [Painful Blade] swept towards Ouyang Kaiyin before.

Su Ming knew very well that these two sword blades could not resist Ouyang Kaiyin, but it would be nice to slow him down a little, after all, [Pain Blade] had a slowing effect.

At this moment, Su Ming suddenly thought that he still had a Summoner skill. Since it was taken out, this Lane hadn't used it once, and that was "Weakness".

Weak skills have the function of slowing down and reducing the damage caused by the enemy. In the game, this thing is to deal with those explosive heroes, so you have something that aunt suddenly doesn't want to do.

So at this moment, Su Ming hung his weak skills on Ouyang Kaiyin's body in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was almost Su Ming's thoughts.

The effect of the weakening skill is immediate, the effect is instantaneous when a set is up, and this skill is optimized in reality.

Only Su Ming knows what happened, but others can't tell what happened.

The effect of the weak skill is very powerful. Although it only lasts a few seconds, it can reduce the enemy's speed by 30% and at least 40% of the damage. For Ouyang Kaiyin, this is a very huge blow.

Ouyang Kaiyin was slowed down by the two skills of [Pain Blade] and Weakness. The double slowing effect really made Ouyang Kayin stagnate on the way over, feeling that the speed of the whole person has slowed down a lot.

When the fist strikes, the strength of the fist itself is very important, but it also depends on the speed. Otherwise, how do you say that the world's martial arts can only be fast but not broken, the faster the greater the power.

Therefore, Ouyang Kaiyin was suddenly slowed down, causing the power of the ninth punch to be reduced again, at least by more than half of its power.

However, Ouyang Kaiyin's punch finally came over, and Su Ming couldn't even resist. He could only barely lift up the blade of the ruined king, lay it horizontally in front of him, and block it.


However, Su Ming was blown away by a punch. The weak skills had already weakened so much power, but the ninth punch of the "Strong Volunteer Fist" was still terrifying. Su Ming was blown directly on the wall behind the cave. .

A huge dust was set off, and only a loud bang was heard. After Su Ming's body hit the wall, a hole was directly punched out. Su Ming was also dying.

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