"It really hurts..."

Su Ming was buried by a pile of rocks at this time, looking very miserable, at the same time Su Ming cursed unconsciously.

At this time, I can still scold him, indicating that Su Ming is not dead. This is also a slight relief, but Su Ming's state is not very good at this time, and it can even be said that he is dying.

Almost no ability to stand up again, Ouyang Kaiyin's ninth punch is really too powerful, no wonder no one in the younger generation of the Ouyang family can make the ninth punch.

If someone can use it, it is estimated that the Ouyang family will be invincible, because the power of this punch is really too great.

Su Ming applied all the weak skills, and in the end he still dealt such high damage. Su Ming felt that this ninth punch was completely different from the previous eight punches, and seemed to have undergone a qualitative change.

The rock wall of the cave is quite a few inches thick. This thickness can be directly penetrated, and it is also penetrated by Su Ming's body, which shows how much power this punch has produced.

If Su Ming hadn't been an ancient warrior, just a collision with the wall would have killed Su Ming, and if it wasn't for Weakness to use this skill in time, Su Ming would have died long ago.

In response to that sentence, all of the skills produced by the system are high-quality, but they are useless. Su Ming has never used the weak skill, but it came in handy today.

It directly weakened almost half of the damage and almost killed Su Ming. One can imagine how terrifying this punch was.

Even after thinking about Su Ming, I felt scared for a while. Thanks to the ability to extract this skill before, if not, it is estimated that Su Ming is already a dead person, and he really wants to take his own life.

No matter how miserable the current state is, as long as this life can be saved, but how to deal with this Ouyang Kaiyin? This is something that makes Su Ming a headache.

If there is no way to deal with Ouyang Kaiyin, it is estimated that Su Ming will still have to be killed by him in a while, it makes no difference.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold wind suddenly came next to him, and the wind started at this moment.

Although it is not clear how the wind can be generated in this cave, it is estimated that it is probably related to the cold water pool. Before Su Ming and the others had not found this place, they had felt this biting cold wind before. Ming still complained.

But now Su Ming is very excited. There is a chance. If there is wind, it means that his [Fast Wind Slash] has the conditions to use it. Perhaps Su Ming can also use Yasuo’s big trick to do The last fight.

"Su Ming!"

Others don’t know Su Ming’s current situation. Seeing Su Ming being suppressed by a pile of rocks, there is no movement. They thought Su Ming was dead, but they didn’t know that Su Ming was so painful just now. I didn't want to move at all, so I started thinking about life.

Lin Wufu was distraught, Su Ming still died, and died before him, which made Lin Wufu a little unacceptable, so Lin Wufu ran over directly regardless.


The Demon Marsh Frog is still fighting with Ouyang Yixue, and I don’t know what tricks Ouyang Yixue used to trap the Demon Marsh Frog in a huge circular net, which makes it difficult for the Demon Marsh Frog to play. At this time, he continued to fight.

Seeing Su Ming there seemed to be an accident, the Demon Marsh Frog also yelled abruptly, seeming to be a little mad, and spit out a big mouthful of saliva on Ouyang Yixue.


When Lin Canghai and Lin Batian saw Lin Wufu's grief, they also ran towards Su Ming with Lin Wufu. They couldn't conclude that Su Ming was dead before seeing them in person.

Anyway, they are barefoot now and are not afraid of wearing shoes. With the three of them in their current state, no one can beat them, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Ouyang Kaiyin didn't move them either. Su Ming was already dead anyway, and the dead men of the Lin family were no longer afraid. Just let them die together in a moment.

At this time, Ouyang Kaiyin was still more interested in the keys to the ancient ruins, and was going to pick up the small black box and have a look.

Lin Wufu came to the side of the rock and said in a very sad voice: "Brother Su, I am sorry that I killed you. I will come down to accompany you in a while. We will be brothers in the next life."

"Who is going to be a brother with you in the next life, you really can see yourself." Su Ming was inexplicably told by this guy, and he thought it was impossible to think that I was dead, so he immediately complained.


Lin Wufu was taken aback for a while, and then suddenly became ecstatic, and said, "Brother Su, you didn't die?"

While talking, Lin Wufu quickly smashed away the rubble with Lin Canghai and the two of them with his hands, and helped Su Ming inside. He really found that Su Ming was not dead.

"not dead?"

Ouyang Kaiyin originally wanted to turn around and look at the ancient ruins key in the small black box~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But when Su Ming was not dead, he couldn't help but pause.

He immediately held back the thought of looking at the key of the ancient ruins, looked at Su Ming again, and found that Su Ming was indeed not dead, and then the killing intent appeared in his eyes frantically.

In Ouyang Kaiyin's life, he had never wanted to kill someone so urgently. Su Ming was the first one. This kid was terrible.

Ouyang Kaiyin had to admit that Su Ming was indeed a wicked evildoer, and that he was ashamed of himself, and he had to kill such people in advance.

As soon as he noticed the look in Ouyang Kaiyin's eyes, Su Ming knew it was bad, and this guy must come over and do something.

However, Lin Canghai turned his mind and said directly: "Protect Brother Su Ming, if we are to die, we will die together. This time, we can't continue to watch the show by the side."

The Lin family guarded Su Ming firmly, their eyes were full of meaninglessness. Anyway, they had guessed that they would die today, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Su Ming had already felt the thoughts of these three people, but Su Ming didn't want to die at all. If he could, it would be better to live.

So Su Ming smiled and said, "Do you really think he can kill me?"

After speaking, Su Ming directly pressed the last summoner skill he could use, [Healing].

A group of green mist radiated directly from Su Ming's surroundings, and he couldn't help surrounding Su Ming, and the three of the Lin family were also surrounded.

Lin Canghai and the three of them were scared to pee. At first they thought it was something similar to purple smoke again, and immediately held their breath.

But after two seconds, they suddenly realized that it seemed that their bodies were gradually becoming stronger.

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