Shen Muke's understatement suddenly stunned everyone, including the reporter with the microphone in his hand.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, never expected that Su Ming would come to this answer. She has a million reasons to say it, but she just said one that everyone had never thought of.

"There are people I like!"

Shen Muke's words were very calm, it seemed that the trickling stream was straight into the hearts of the people, but after listening to them, they left a very deep impression.

After the students in the class reacted, they all looked at Su Ming. The fool knew that the "person I like" in Shen Muke's mouth was 100% referring to Su Ming.

After all, the matter between Shen Muke and Su Ming is not a secret. The two men, talented and beautiful, can be said to be a recognized pair in the school.

Su Ming's test scores were also very good this time. It can be said that in the class, except for Shen Muke who is particularly abnormal, Su Ming's score can also be ranked in the top three in the class.

It is estimated that Su Ming had also decided to go to Ningcheng University, so Shen Muke went with him, and even gave up Beijing University and Huaqing for this, which is really enviable.


Feeling the envy, jealousy and hatred in the eyes of everyone, Su Ming couldn't help but touch his nose, and being stared at by so many people, it seemed that Su Ming was already a little embarrassed.

In fact, Su Ming also thought about this question, especially after knowing that Shen Muke had such excellent results, Su Ming was thinking, if Shen Muke goes to Ningcheng University with himself, will he It delayed her a little.

But after thinking about Su Ming, I think I think too much. First of all, my grades may not be able to go to Beijing University and Huaqing. It is possible to go to Beijing University and Huaqing, but you are not sure which school you will be admitted to.

It is very likely that she will not be able to be with Shen Muke. This is something that Su Ming cannot accept, and the university will be meaningless.

Ningcheng University is also a top school. Besides, going to college does not mean that you want to become better and live better in the future.

There is no need to worry about becoming better. With Shen Muke's ability, she can do it no matter where she is.

As for things like a better life in the future, Su Ming can completely contract Shen Muke for the second half of her life. I believe Shen Muke also wants to understand, so she is so determined.

It can be seen that in Shen Muke's own heart, she doesn't really want to attend the two top schools of Huaqing and Beijing University. The grades are too good, but she doesn't have the urgent desire.

The reporter and the photographer were a little stunned at this time, so they could not capture Su Ming. Otherwise, so many people in the class would stare at Su Ming, and Su Ming would have been exposed directly.

After the reporter came back to his senses, he asked dryly: "Then what, classmate Shen, can you ask, who is that person?"


I have to say that this question is really unqualified, but some reporters do like to ask such questions, which makes people very helpless. This is a digging of other people's privacy.

Shen Muke knows that Su Ming's character is not the kind of person who likes to be pushy, so Shen Muke smiled and said, "It's not convenient to disclose this!"

This is the end of a simple interview. In front of the reporter, Shen Muke sprinkled a wave of dog food in public. It can be said that he abused various single dogs. This may be one of the few comparisons that Shen Muke has done in his life. One of the bold things.

The latter incident also caused quite a stir, especially after the Ningcheng TV station broadcasted the news at night, not only did it generate repercussions in Ningcheng City, but the key is that it also caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

There are fewer women who can say such things in front of the camera, not to mention that Shen Muke is still a first-class beauty. The reason for the high popularity of things is mostly because Shen Muke is long. beautiful.

Being beautiful this year means you have special rights, not to mention that you are beautiful and have good grades. This is relatively rare. Someone directly pointed out that Shen Mu should be the one with the highest appearance among all the college entrance examination champions.

It is true that the value of face cannot be eaten as a meal, but this thing can make others' impression of you better before they have been exposed to it.

In particular, Shen Muke abused dogs in public, which caused a lot of discussion:

"Oh my God, these days, people with good grades are so good at playing. I always thought that people with good grades are nerds. It's meaningless."

"Sprinkling dog food to the camera is really enough. It seems that I don't have to eat this meal today."

"Such a beautiful female academic bully, whose face value and IQ are online at the same time, she gave up Huaqing and Beijing University for a man. This is too enviable."

"I just want to know who this man is, what kind of ability he has, and can fascinate this college entrance examination champion like that. I don't believe he is handsome."

"Come on, upstairs, I think you are jealous of others. You have the ability to expose your photos and let us see how handsome you are?"

"You can get the top pick when you fall in love. I think I finally know the reason for my bad grades."


Of course, these are all things to follow, and topics like this are generally hot for a day or two. Like at the time of the college entrance examination, Su Ming was also fired up for saving people. Now no one knows who Su Ming is. Up.

In this era of information explosion, anyone can be famous, but the public is also easy to forget.

After the reporter left, the classmates all took Su Ming and Shen Muke to have fun and said some jokes, and the roots of Shen Muke were all red.

The main reason is that everyone knows that Su Ming has a better temper and is easy-going. Generally speaking, it is nothing to make a joke.

After the joke, we all cherish the time we spend together. We may see each other in the next few days when we volunteer, and the chances of meeting in the future may really be less.

At this time, the squad leader with eyes said, "Or after we fill out our volunteers in two days, we will go to a class dinner. It may be our last dinner."

Su Ming has always been unafraid of this kind of school gatherings. Now many school gatherings have been reduced to places where some people pretend to be forced, and the taste has changed a little.

But this is still a little different. After all, they are classmates who have been together for three years. When they are about to be separated, it is quite meaningful to have a last dinner together.

Sure enough, the squad leader’s proposal immediately resonated with many people.

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