League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1359: Can't avoid being pitted

"Where to have dinner?"

After everyone talked about it, the scene finally calmed down. Someone asked a more critical question: where to gather for dinner, you must quickly determine the place.

This thing can’t be held for too long. After all, if the time is long, everyone will have to go out to travel all kinds of waves after the volunteers are filled out, and there are part-time jobs in the summer vacation. If it is a little bit more miserable, you have to go back and continue to fight. One year.

The squad leader smiled, and then said: "I don't know this. I suddenly thought of this. I don't have the final say on where to go. Let's discuss it together. What do you all want to eat?"

"Eat hot pot, I feel that so many people eat hot pot, the atmosphere must be good."

"You can pull it down, you know hot pot all day long, can it be a little fun? Eating hot pot on this day can give people heat stroke."

"I also feel that hot pot is too vulgar, or let's go out and engage in a self-service barbecue and so on, and everyone will do it together and eat while cooking."

"Sister, don't you watch the weather forecast. In the past few days, the temperature has been above 35℃ every day. Going out to barbecue on this kind of day can heat people to death."

"What do you want to eat? How about we get some buffet to eat? But it doesn't work. People are spread out at the buffet. It's not easy to communicate."


Everyone talked about it for a while, but for the time being they couldn't draw a definite conclusion. It seemed that what everyone said could not be recognized by too many others.

If someone else knows about it, it will probably be helpless, saying that this result came out. Everyone is thinking about which school to go to and how to apply for their volunteers.

But these people are better, and they just discuss what to eat here.

At this time, there was a girl with good family conditions, of the kind with mild princess disease, and said: "What you said is what we usually eat. It doesn't make any sense. It's the last time we have a dinner. It should be more memorable. "

"For example, go to some high-end places, where the environment is better, and it is convenient for us to eat and talk. What's the meaning of noisy places?" said the girl.

Everyone couldn't listen to this. A tall boy said: "Please, sister, we are students, where can we go to a high-end place."

"Could it be that you still want us to go on the Royal Pearl luxury cruise ship to drink and eat, you can't afford to sell me." The boy said quite reasonable.

When he heard him talk about the "Royal Pearl" cruise ship, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a move. This is his own cruise ship, but it has been handed over to Zeng Tianqi to take care of it. Su Ming hasn't asked it for a long time.

But Su Ming also knew that the boy would just mention it casually, just like an analogy, so he didn't say a word and listened quietly.

"Zhang Chao, what do you mean by this, do you have an opinion on me?"

The girl with the princess disease suddenly became a little upset, and she said directly: "I didn't mean that, just to find a better environment. Who told you to go to a place like the Royal Pearl? If you want to go to someone else I won't go up there for you."

Su Ming was quite surprised by these people, because Mao knew so much about the "Royal Pearl", in fact, this is Su Ming out.

After the "Royal Pearl" arrived in Ningcheng, this world-class luxury cruise ship immediately caused a sensation. Coupled with some activities planned by Zeng Tianqi, the "Royal Pearl" became famous in Ningcheng.

Even ordinary people know that this luxurious place has become a new entertainment place for the wealthy, and it is also a status symbol.

Ordinary people can't get in at all in this kind of place, and they don't have the capital. Ordinary people can only discuss it after dinner.

This cruise ship belonged to Su Ming, and no one at the scene knew about it. Even the people around Su Ming knew less.

So Su Ming was very witty and didn't say anything. It would be boring to use this kind of thing to forcefully pretend it would be boring, but it would make the distance between him and his classmates.

Who knows that Jiang Xiaojun came to be interested, and said: "This Royal Pearl seems to be very famous recently, otherwise let's go there for dinner, I haven't been there yet."


Su Ming's face was full of black lines, and he said that Jiang Xiaojun, don't cheat me, why don't you go there for dinner? This is not a cheating brother.

In case the time passes and the staff above recognizes him, then Su Ming's identity will be exposed.

"Xiaojun, don't be kidding you!"

Someone said: "In that kind of place, I don't know how much it will cost a night. We are all students. Where can we afford it!"

With Jiang Xiaojun’s current identity, there is the whole powerful Jiang family behind him. He definitely doesn’t care about money. In addition, he is interested in this "Royal Pearl", so Jiang Xiaojun said: "Don't worry, I will ask first If you can find a friend who works there, maybe you can give a discount."

"Let me inquire first. If the price is within an acceptable range, we will pass." Jiang Xiaojun said.

Su Ming was immediately anxious when he heard this. He said to his heart that this young man had a sinew, and he had to go to the "Royal Pearl". What's so interesting about that place.

So Su Ming said: "It's not a good idea to go to that kind of high-end place for an ordinary dinner, it seems inappropriate."

"It's true, it seems quite inappropriate, it's where the rich go."

"What's wrong with the rich people? Let's go and see if it doesn't work."

"With so many people in a class, you think you have money, but you have to take care of the feelings of other people."

"Don't be too anxious, just wait for the news from Xiaojun."


But at this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the prompt sound of the system suddenly remembered: "Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, successfully triggered the random task [Meal on the Royal Pearl]"

Task name: [Meals on the Royal Pearl]

Task requirements: The current class will have the last dinner. This dinner is very meaningful. Please host the students on the Royal Pearl for an unforgettable dinner.

Mission time: five days

Mission difficulty: six stars

Task reward: 60 points


After seeing this task, Su Ming's heart collapsed, what he was afraid of.

Even if it was pitted by Jiang Xiaojun, Su Ming originally wanted to persuade Jiang Xiaojun to return when he lost his way, but who knew that the system had also come to pit Su Ming.

There was no way now, and Su Ming was inevitably trapped this time.

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