League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1375: Seems to understand something

This guy Huang Ye has always been unclean. Li Ziyao knew this too well. After all, this guy is not a small person. He is a very important person in Ningcheng Bank.

However, Li Ziyao has always closed one eye. He has a lot of things and has no energy to deal with such a guy.

And to put it bluntly, in a place like a bank, you say that your hands and feet are too clean and there are no problems at all. That is also impossible.

At the same time, there is another very important reason. There are also people behind Huang Ye, so he is not very active. He has been letting him go crazy all the time.

But this time he actually provokes Su Ming for death, which made Li Ziyao unable to tolerate it, so Li Ziyao directly made up his mind to take this Huang Ye down in one fell swoop.

Even if there is someone behind him, as long as Li Ziyao doesn't care, there is nothing to be afraid of. Huang Ye grabs him and shakes it twice. It is estimated that there are a lot of problems. It is estimated that it is impossible to protect him now.

Wang Zhaozhao on the side immediately looked terrified, knowing that Li Ziyao was going to play for real, so he quickly said seriously: "No problem, Secretary Li, I will do it right away!"

The people checking over there are basically handling cases 24 hours a day, and even these people sometimes work harder than the police.

So at this point in time, let them attack suddenly, there is no problem that disturbs their rest.


"My dear, hurry, hurry, I'm going to die--"

"How about, am I so powerful, I can't cure you."


At this time, in Huang Ye's huge room, two people rolled on the big bed, without any cover, they were doing something indescribable.

At the same time, there were bursts of unbearable words that kept ringing, and people couldn't help but blush when they heard the sentence. These two people are Huang Ye and the woman with delicate makeup.

The battlefield for two people has developed from the living room downstairs to the room upstairs, which can be said to be very exciting.

Huang Ye doesn't look at a lot of age, but he usually pays attention to maintenance and eats a lot of bullwhips and tiger whips, so his ability in this area is quite good.

"My dear, stop, there seems to be some noise downstairs, is there anyone else in your family?" The delicately-makeup woman suddenly stopped the cry in her mouth and spoke.

"There is no one, it's just the two of us!" Huang Ye said directly. This house is not his home. After all, it is something of unknown origin. He doesn't come here often, so he doesn't even have a nanny.

Seeing what the woman with delicate makeup had to say, but the impatient Huang Ye didn't let her say more, and the two of them moved on with a sudden movement.


Only a few seconds later, I suddenly heard a loud noise, and the log door of the room was kicked open from the outside.

Huang Ye was almost terrified. When he was struggling, he saw the final sprint, and the sudden loud noise really terrified him.

At this time, people are the most taboo to be frightened. It is very likely that they will be frightened. Anyway, Huang Ye didn't get any better, so he was just frightened.

Although this guy was taken aback, he reacted very quickly. He quickly pulled a quilt over, covered his body, and said, "Who are you? Who are you? Who broke into a private house?"

"General Manager Huang is so elegant."

The head of the staff turned out to be a woman, but she didn't shy away from this scene at all, and it seemed that she was not surprised.

After saying a word, the woman took out a piece of paper and said coldly: "The Ningcheng City Inspection Department is ordered to investigate you. Please cooperate with our work!"

As soon as Huang Ye saw this piece of paper, his face was earth-colored, and he was completely speechless. He, who was still sweating profusely, seemed to freeze his body suddenly.

He couldn't even think that someone from the inspection department would be killed. There was someone from the inspection department who came to look for him at night. It was too sudden.

Moreover, Huang Ye knew that he was absolutely unlucky now, not to mention that his bottom was not clean.

Just now when these inspectors rushed in, he couldn't explain what he was doing himself. This delicate makeup woman, not his wife, was obviously an improper relationship, and she couldn't argue.

Moreover, Huang Ye knew in his heart the behavior of these inspectors. Almost all of these people had cameras and voice recorders. The moment they rushed in, at least dozens of photos had been taken.

It's not just this woman's problem, but also this luxurious villa. The source is also unknown, and there is no way to explain it.

Just checking these two things a little bit, he was enough to stay in it for decades.

"take away!"

The leading woman took a cold look, and then spit out two words coldly. For these people, she was the most annoying.

The few people behind him acted immediately, without saying a word, but they were very sophisticated in their movements. Obviously, they often do such things, and they are no strangers to this kind of scene.

First, let the two people on the bed put on their clothes, and then they were handcuffed without giving Huang Ye a second chance to breathe.

"What about this woman?"

After catching Huang Ye, someone glanced at the delicate makeup woman on the bed and couldn't help but ask.

At this time, the woman with delicate makeup couldn't say a word, and her face was so frightened that she couldn't look good at all. It was obvious that she could also tell that Huang Ye was probably over, and she couldn't escape the relationship.

"Let’s take it away together, maybe she can pry out something useful from her mouth." The woman said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is————"


In a short while, Huang Ye and the woman with delicate make-up were both escorted in the car and taken back for interrogation.

The two of them looked more ugly at this time, as if they were going to the guillotine, but in fact they were not much different.

At the very least, Huang Ye is over, and there is no hope of turning over.

And that woman with delicate makeup is not a good bird. If all Huang Ye's affairs are found out, she won't be able to escape.

At this time, Huang Ye still couldn't understand. He was already careful enough, and he had a certain background. He had been fine for many years, so why did someone move him tonight.

Suddenly what happened on the "Royal Pearl" flashed in Huang Ye's mind. Could it be...

A heart slowly sank to the bottom, seeming to understand something.

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