Early the next morning, the incident of Huang Ye being arrested overnight almost spread to certain circles in Ningcheng.

Some people are watching the excitement, and some people are curious. Huang Ye is a very good guy. He has been working in Ningcheng Bank for almost 20 years, and he has been standing still.

Everyone knows that this guy has some backstage stuff. After so many years, nothing happened, but this time it was very sudden and something went wrong.

Of course, some people who appeared on the "Royal Pearl" yesterday could not help being shocked. They knew what happened in their hearts. If so, it definitely has something to do with what happened yesterday.

There was a conflict on the "Royal Pearl". It was not a few hours before Huang Ye was taken away. If it doesn't matter, no one believes it.

For a while, everyone couldn't help being shocked. Just how much energy the kid of yesterday was able to hit Huang Ye directly into the bottomless hell, almost never able to turn over. Up.


Of course, these are all things to follow. After Su Ming settled the matter, it was not clear that Zeng Tianqi had passed the news, nor was it clear that Li Ziyao used Thunder's means to deal with Huang Ye.

Su Ming heard of these things only later, and Su Ming was in the box, having dinner with everyone.

Eating is the best way to adjust. As long as people eat, they will temporarily forget some bad things, so when the atmosphere becomes warm, everyone will completely forget what happened just now and eat while eating. Chatting is very lively.

Even a confession appeared in the middle, which pushed the atmosphere of the dinner to a peak.

Maybe some people had a crush on someone for years when they were in school, and they never even dared to say a word to your crush. A few years have passed.

Most of the secret love will drift away with the wind after graduation, but there will be some people who muster up the courage to confess directly when they graduate, plan to make a final fight, and not leave any regrets for themselves. .

Especially at the graduation reception, when people drink alcohol, they are indeed a little bit bolder and do things that they don't usually dare to do.

Fortunately, the boy who confessed succeeded, and the girl was obviously interested in him. At least she had a good impression. With the help of many classmates, she succeeded directly. The two of them hugged each other.

Rao is Su Ming's current mentality, which is much more mature than ordinary students of the same age. Once infected by the atmosphere today, the whole person is also a little throbbing, young, so good.


The meal was finally over. When everyone lived near, they took a taxi back together. After watching everyone got in the taxi and left, Su Ming sent Shen Muke back.

As for Jiang Xiaojun, he was left alone to fend for himself. There is no way. Who made Su Ming a person who values ​​color and despise friends.

After returning home, Su Ming had been thinking about doing the task, so Su Ming checked directly and found that the task had been completed, and the remaining points were 160 points.

This task is 60 points, and the last time I completed the task of hitting the face with the college entrance examination results, I got 50 points.

The last task completed was a long time ago. On the day of the college entrance examination, I saved the college entrance examination girl and got 50 points, so it was 160 points.

There is also a task to help the Lin family enter the ancient ruins, which will take longer.

This is not something Su Ming can be anxious about. Even if Su Ming is anxious, he will have to wait for the ancient ruins to open. Otherwise, Su Ming can't help them in out of thin air.

It's useless to think about those things. It's a matter of time. Now the points are enough. For Su Ming, who hasn't drawn a lottery for a long time, an exciting draw is the most real thing.

So Su Ming said directly: "Xiao Na, hurry up and give me a lucky draw."

"This draw will cost the host 150 points. Does the host confirm the draw?" Xiaona continued her line as before.

Basically, he would say this every time a lottery draws, although it sounds useless, but this is the same as when you use a mobile phone, you want to delete a photo, when you click delete.

It will not be deleted immediately. Instead, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Just click "Confirm". This should be regarded as a fixed procedure.

"Confirm the lottery!"

Su Ming said without hesitation, there was hardly any hesitation for a second, anyway, the points are spent, and there is nothing to be a pity.


Then it's still the same. Many heroes' avatars scroll on the big screen, making your heartbeat speed up involuntarily. It seems that you never know which hero will stay on.

"The nature of the beast guides our fists!"

Gradually, the scrolling speed of the big screen slowed down, but the slower it was, the more nervous Su Ming felt, and it was finally time to witness the miracle.

The hero's lines rang, a powerful voice, which was made by a very powerful person.

It's just that for Su Ming, he doesn't even know which hero it is. It seems... he has no impression of this line.

"Congratulations to the host, I won the Beast Walker-Udyr's passive skill [Spirit Monkey Agility]"

The system prompt sounded at this time. When Su Ming heard the prompt, he realized that it was the hero of the Beast Spirit Walker.

There is a sense of wanting to cover his face. No wonder Su Ming can’t hear it. This hero can be regarded as one of the most popular heroes in the League of Legends~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In Su Ming’s impression, he played After a while of the game, he himself has never used this hero once, because it is not very powerful, and he has never seen anyone use it.

Su Ming is still a little curious about winning such an unpopular hero, and he doesn't know whether the skills he won are good or not.

Su Ming doesn’t have any bad feelings anyway. Su Ming is quite confident about the skills coming out of the system. After all, there is no junk heroes, only junk operations. The game is awesome, and even junk heroes can play others. Afraid.

So Su Ming said directly: "Tell me the introduction of the skill and show it to me."


Xiaona's voice rang, and then a line of small characters appeared in front of Su Ming:

Skill Name: [Spirit Monkey Agility]

Skill introduction: ………………

(End of this chapter)

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