League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1377: I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air

Skill introduction: When changing posture, Udyr increases attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 5 for 5 seconds. This effect can be superimposed 3 times.

In reality, after this skill is optimized, the host will become able to understand animal language, gain the ability to communicate with animals, and exude an invisible aura, making animals feel very kind to you. .

This skill is a continuous skill. In theory, it is effective for any animal.

(I want to talk about it here. Let Su Ming get the ability to communicate with animals. This is the need for the development of the plot. Every skill is to pave the way for the next plot. If you can't think of any good skills, just use the animal spirit walker. Let’s recharge. Don’t say anything reasonable or unreasonable. Existence means reasonableness.)


When Su Ming saw the introduction of this skill, he couldn't help but yelled like that. It was really amazing now, and it turned out to be such an awesome skill.

Just thinking about this skill makes it very interesting. The world has developed for so many years, and humans have studied all kinds of animals.

But to this day, no one dares to say the animal language he understands. Those who say he can communicate with animals are actually because they understand some of the animal habits, and they are not really understandable. speak.

Every animal has a special way of communication. It is indeed too difficult for humans to understand it, even the most common domestic animals, cats and dogs.

If Su Ming had this skill, it would really be against the sky. In the future, he could understand what the animals were saying. Just thinking about it would make Su Ming feel a little bit interesting.

In other words, when Su Ming is bored, can he go to the roadside to find a small animal and have a casual chat?

However, the sentence above the skill introduction still vaguely made Su Ming feel something wrong, so Su Ming directly asked: "Xiao Na, what does it mean that you can communicate with any animal theoretically? Not necessarily."

"Of course not necessarily."

On the contrary, Xiaona felt quite normal, and said directly: "After all, there are too many species in this world. There are many species that the system cannot predict. Naturally, it can only be said in theory."

"Anyway, most common animals are fine. You can rest assured, unless you encounter ancient monsters."

Xiaona said in a joking tone: "But when you meet those ancient mythical beasts, you don't need to communicate. People can swallow you in one bite."


Although a little speechless, Su Ming also understands that the reason why the system says this is because of a rigorous attitude. As long as it can be used in most cases, Su Ming doesn’t think he has such good luck. An ancient beast or something.

The two-winged strange snake that I encountered last time at Lingxu Peak is already rare in his life.

"Okay, I get it!"

Su Ming felt beautiful in his heart. It was another useful skill, and it was of great use. If he had had this skill at Lingxu Peak at that time.

Maybe I can even mock the double-winged monster, but it's a pity that now the grave head of the double-winged monster is about to grow out.

Su Ming wanted to use this skill quickly, but there were no living creatures in the house except him and Su Qishan. The two elders were usually away from home, and it was impossible to keep pets.

So Su Ming had no choice but to give up. This most nightclub couldn't even run out to find animals. What if he finds a pug and thinks Su Ming is plotting against it.


The next few days passed relatively peacefully. After she did not go to school, Su Ming had nothing to do. There were no fixed things every day.

Sometimes I can’t wait to have a clone technique when I’m busy, and sometimes I’m idle.

Many people who have completed the college entrance examination like Su Ming are actually worried about the result of the admission. They don’t know which school they will be admitted to. Some people are also worried about whether they will slip. .

Of course, for Su Ming, there is no need to worry about those. After all, Su Ming's score is relatively stable, and there is no big problem with going to Ningcheng University.

(Ningcheng University and Ningcheng Medical University, these are two universities, some book friends might be confused.)

After playing the King of Glory all morning, I had already kneeled for ten consecutive times, and was constantly being mocked as a primary school student by others. Su Ming finally couldn't help it. He slammed the phone and Te Niang's Laozi stopped playing.

After leaving his phone on the bed, Su Ming felt that his life was dull for a while. In reality, he was also an ancient warrior who played a game for Mao, even a primary school student could not beat him. Su Ming treated himself for the first time Feeling doubtful, very strong doubt.

"Jingle Bell----"

It seemed that he was dissatisfied with Su Ming's rude behavior, and Su Ming threw the phone on the bed. It vibrated twice and then rang. It was obvious that this was an incoming call.

Su Ming picked up the phone and looked at it and found that it was Qin Xiaoke who called. Su Ming's eyes lit up. Only then did he realize that Qin Xiaoke should also be on summer vacation.

Su Ming is quite clear about Qin Xiaoke's style of behavior. Whenever he calls to find himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he must find himself to play.

Su Ming always had a headache when Qin Xiaoke called to find him before, because this Qin Xiaoke was too troublesome.

But this time Su Ming was expecting it like never before, because he was too idle, it seemed that everyone around him had things, and it seemed very good to be able to hang out with Qin Xiaoke.

"Xiao Ke, it's the summer vacation. Are you looking for me to play again?" Su Ming said very enthusiastically after answering the phone, as if there was still some expectation in his voice.

Qin Xiaoke was strange and peculiar. Although it was a little troublesome, Su Ming felt very relaxed when playing with her. It seemed that many things could be temporarily forgotten.


Qin Xiaoke froze for a while, and then said, "No, brother-in-law, I didn't mean to look for you, I just wanted to ask you something."



Su Ming was immediately embarrassed here, and most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, this was different from what he thought. Why did Qin Xiaoke suddenly not follow the routine? She was not like this before.

So in order to conceal his embarrassment, Su Ming couldn't help but say: "It's not looking for me to play, well, I thought you were bored at home."

"What's the matter if you call me?" Su Ming immediately shifted the topic without showing a trace, making the atmosphere less embarrassing.

PS: Thank you yesterday for the "March 7th", "Sad Telling Smile", "Guapee Baby" for the rewards of the three book friends. I haven't seen the rewards for a long time. I am very excited. There are other brothers who rewarded. Thank you for your support.

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