League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1378: Why do you want to be cheap

() "Hee hee————"

Qin Xiaoke laughed twice on the phone, and then said slyly: "What's the matter, brother-in-law, I listen to you, do you want to hang out with me?"

"If you want to, just say it directly, what's so subtle about this kind of thing, and I won't despise you." When Su Ming was about to tell her something serious, Qin Xiaoke didn't expect Qin Xiaoke to go wrong.


Su Ming was speechless for a moment. How could this embarrassing thing be admitted, so Su Ming immediately denied it: "No, absolutely no, how could it be possible."

"Say serious things, you come to call me what I want to do, ask me something." Su Ming changed the subject again.

Qin Xiaoke only thought of his true purpose of calling Su Ming, so Qin Xiaoke directly said: "This is the brother-in-law, I heard my sister say that you didn't ran out to survive some time ago. ?"

Su Ming froze for a moment, and he wanted to say, when I went to the wild to survive, it was not because I was tired of living.

But then I thought about it. When I went to Lingxu Peak some time ago, I seemed to say that to the people around me. After all, I had to find an excuse. Who knew Qin Shiyin had told Qin Xiaoke.

So Su Ming hurriedly said: "That's right, I did go to play with friends some time ago, but our little jokes were irregular, and we came back in two days."

Don't look at Su Ming's understatement, but in fact, only those who have experienced it know what Su Ming has gone through in the underground cave of Lingxu Peak, and the personal life of the Lin family is almost gone.

"That's fine, brother-in-law, you have experience somehow, tell me what you need to bring to these fields, and what matters to note, please tell me." Qin Xiaoke said over the phone. .

Su Ming was taken aback for a moment. He didn't answer Qin Xiaoke's question for the first time. Instead, he said directly, "You also want to go to the wild to survive?"

Su Ming's tone was already a little serious when he said this. What are you kidding about, Qin Xiaoke's small body can go out to survive in the wild? This is simply a matter of life.

Nowadays, people are used to living in the city. When they are in the wild, they don't feel so comfortable. If they don't pay attention to anything, such as being bitten by a poisonous snake, something may happen.

And now it’s just entering the summer, just when the mosquitoes are the most, all kinds of weird poisonous insects will appear, and a little encounter is very scary.

Qin Xiaoke spoke at this time: "It's not a very strict type of survival in the wild, right? Our class will have a summer camp during the summer vacation."

"But those boys think that ordinary summer camps are too boring, so they propose to make that kind of survival mode in the wild. Everyone will live in the wild for two days and experience it!" Qin Xiaoke said.


Su Ming felt very painful after hearing this, and said to his heart that these bear kids are really idle and nothing to do. It is not good to do homework quietly at home and beat the glory of the king. Why do they have to go out and die.

If Su Ming were the parents of these children, he would probably hang up and smoke one by one.

So Su Ming said: "Does your idleness hurt? Isn't it okay to lie down at home and sleep? Why do you have to find sins and sufferings."

"Brother-in-law, what you said is wrong. Why did you have nothing to do a while ago? Why did you go to the wild to survive?" Qin Xiaoke said stiffly.


Su Ming was really speechless. There was no way. Su Ming couldn't say that I was looking for the key to the ancient ruins, and I fought against the double-winged monster.

After speaking, Qin Xiaoke had to call Qin Shiyin and sent Su Ming to the mental hospital.

So Su Ming forcibly changed the subject and said, "Your teacher agreed?"

The summer activities organized by this kind of class must have the participation of the class teacher. If the class teacher does not speak, it is impossible for them to go out directly.

"Our teacher must have agreed, and will take us there, saying that it will just make us suffer a little bit and exercise our willpower." Qin Xiaoke said.


Su Ming no longer knows how to scold people, and Xin said that this teacher is also faulty. If something happens, who will be responsible and exercise the willpower of the wool.

In fact, Su Ming had some misunderstandings. The school Qin Xiaoke went to was a kind of aristocratic school. Most of the people who went to school were either rich or expensive. There were no tens of millions at home, so they were embarrassed to go in.

In Ningcheng these years, it seems that rich people are no longer unusual.

Therefore, being a teacher in this kind of school has its advantages and its difficulties. The advantage is that the gifts are usually soft, and the annual gray income must be at least several hundred thousand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Needless to say.

But the difficulty is that it’s not very good to discipline these students, and they can’t be beaten or scolded. Otherwise, how could the parents give up? No parent or teacher would be offended.

And this time the voice of those bear kids is very loud. Anyway, these kids who don't lack money like to play things that they haven't played before. To put it more plainly, it can be said that they are guilty of cheapness.

Everyone was unanimously demanding that the teacher really had no choice but to agree.

"Brother-in-law, I checked on the Internet and found that there are various opinions on the Internet, and I don't know who to listen to, so please give me some suggestions." Qin Xiaoke said, thinking that Su Ming is more experienced.

Su Ming was not concerned about this at this time. He still felt that Qin Xiaoke ran out to play in the wild. Something was not appropriate. What should I do if something went wrong, so Su Ming continued to ask: "Where are you going this time? , Tell me, I don’t think it’s safe!"

"This time I'm going to a place that is quite far away, not in Ningcheng, but in Qingping City. It is said that it is a fairly large mountain, which is more suitable for playing in the wild."

As soon as Su Ming heard that it was okay to run out of Ningcheng, Su Ming immediately said, "Xiao Ke, this thing is not as fun as you thought, and it is very dangerous."

"Brother-in-law, why have you become like my elder sister, mother-in-law, this one doesn't work, that one doesn't work, is it caused by her." Qin Xiao couldn't help but pouted, obviously she wanted to go of.

Su Ming suddenly thought of this and said, "By the way, does your sister know?"

Qin Xiaoke was shocked immediately. If Qin Shiyin knew about this kind of thing, she would definitely not be able to go.

I can't wait to slap myself, why did I just talk about this? Instead, it reminded Su Ming.

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