League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1379: To Qingping City

So Qin Xiaoke immediately persuaded him, his tone softened and said, "Brother-in-law, you only need to know this by yourself, you can't tell my sister."

Qin Xiaoke kept hiding from Qin Shiyin, and when he turned around, he told Qin Shiyin to go to the summer camp. Anyway, Qin Shiyin didn't know what he was doing.

On the contrary, if Qin Shiyin knew the truth, then she would be over. With Qin Shiyin's character, nothing else, it would not be given to her at all.

Qin Shiyin couldn't let Qin Xiaoke touch anything that was dangerous. Qin Shiyin was also trying to protect Qin Xiaoke. Maybe Qin Xiaoke was still young and didn't realize it. He was just afraid of Qin Shiyin.

"No way!"

Su Ming said decisively: "I don't tell your sister that it is okay, but your behavior is relatively improper, and I don't think I can go. If something happens to you, won't your sister kill me?"

Although it was a bit exaggerated, if Qin Xiaoke really had an accident, Su Ming would feel sorry for himself, after all, he was an insider.

Qin Xiaoke was a little speechless, and said, "Brother-in-law, so many people go together, how could something happen to me? My luck is not bad, and everyone is going. If I am alone, What will people think of me after that."

The typical thinking of minors always likes to compare with others, thinking that if others did something but I did not do it, it would be like being compared by others, which is very embarrassing.

Su Ming also came at that age and could understand Qin Xiaoke’s thoughts. When the classmates got together to talk about Teacher Bridge’s new film, Su Ming hadn’t watched it. At that time, Su Ming couldn’t lift his head ashamed. He was still too young. That's it.

Su Ming expressed his understanding of Qin Xiaoke, so he said: "You give me the phone numbers of Xiaobo and the bear kids, and I will tell them to stop them, so you are not alone. "


Qin Xiaoke was completely speechless. He asked what kind of logic you are. After all, Qin Xiaoke still wanted to go, so Qin Xiaoke pleaded bitterly: "Brother-in-law, or you just go with me. , It just so happens that you can protect me, isn't it all right?"


Su Ming was stunned, and suddenly realized that Qin Xiaoke's idea was quite good, but after thinking about it, Su Ming still said, "That's an activity in your class. I'm going to be an outsider, isn't it?"

"What does that matter? I didn't say that I can't bring family members. This summer camp was originally a voluntary choice." Qin Xiaoke said directly.


I don't know what's wrong, Su Ming always feels a little weird when I hear this word, maybe my brother-in-law is also a family member.

"Brother-in-law, if you think about it, don't you happen to be bored at home? We can go out and have fun together. This way, you will not be bored and protect my safety. It will kill two birds with one stone." Qin Xiaoke continued. Su Mingxiao moved with reason and affection.

Unfortunately, Su Ming seems to be a little moved. There is no way to make Su Ming a man of no integrity.

Moreover, I was indeed worried about Qin Xiaoke's safety. If she was not allowed to go, Qin Xiaoke might be unhappy again. It was indeed a good idea to think about it.

If it weren't for Qin Xiaoke, I'm afraid Su Ming would not be interested in playing with a group of little kids.

"Let's do it, someday you will be dispatched, I will prepare something." Su Ming said.

"Oye, that's great!"

Qin Xiaoke seemed to jump up over the phone with excitement, and continued: "Brother-in-law, I know you are the best to me. Let's set off the day after tomorrow. You can be more serious and don't let my sister know."

Obviously Qin Xiaoke is still worried about Qin Shiyin, if Qin Shiyin knows about it, then neither of them can go.

"Don't worry, I won't say it."

Su Ming said: “It’s too late to leave the day after tomorrow. I’ll bring your tent for you. Bring some food and things for yourself. In addition, remember to wear long sleeves and coats. Your non-mainstream ones. Don't wear exotic shoes."

Qin Xiaoke: "......"

After hanging up the phone, Su Ming began to prepare. The things that I bought last time at Lingxu Peak are still there, so I just need to bring them directly.

Su Ming doesn’t have much to prepare. Just go out and buy some simple food. This time Su Ming also bought small bottles of pepper and cumin. Maybe he can cook things. It comes in handy when


The day after tomorrow arrived soon, and Su Ming went straight out early in the morning. Qin Xiaoke was already waiting downstairs. What surprised Su Ming was that Qin Xiaoke did not drive.

After I asked, I found out that this was a collective operation and the road conditions were not very familiar. If you drive separately, you will inevitably have problems. It will be troublesome if one person is left behind, so everyone takes the bus together.

Su Ming feels that this is quite good, and the safety factor of taking the bus together should be higher, so Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke took a taxi together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and went to their school, where everyone gathered. By car.

"Wow, brother-in-law, why are you here."

"Oh, I guess it was to send Xiao Ke over."

"Xiao Ke, you are so true. You have to be sent for this way."


After Su Ming and Qin Xiaoke arrived, the bear kids who usually had a good relationship came together and kept saying that they were obviously excited when they saw Su Ming.

In the eyes of these bear children, Su Ming is a **** and worships Su Ming very much.


Qin Xiaoke was hurt by these good friends, naturally a little unhappy, so he said: "Who said I want someone to send it, this time it is my brother-in-law who is also going to go together."

"What, brother-in-law should also go with him, that's great!"

"Now let's have more fun!"

"Xiao Ke really has you, so he invited her brother-in-law together."


The bear children are a little excited, it is indeed a kind of enjoyment to play with Su Ming.

Qin Xiaoke only communicated with their head teacher on this matter, and did not tell Xiaobo a few of them. He did this deliberately and gave them a surprise, and the goal was achieved.

"Mr. Su, I have agreed to go with you this time, and I will trouble you to cooperate with my work in the process!" At this time, Qin Xiaoke's head teacher, a thin man, probably in his thirties, said.

In fact, he didn't want an outsider like Su Ming to follow along. So many students were enough for him to have a headache, but he couldn't refuse Qin Xiaoke, so he reluctantly agreed.

Su Ming nodded, as long as Qin Xiao doesn't have an accident, and you can play whatever you want, Su Ming is not in the mood to blend in.

Then everyone got on the bus together and headed to Qingping City.

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