League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1419: Successfully upgraded

While talking, Boss Wu, who was depressed, took the gun, pointed it at a slot machine, and shot directly.


As a result, after the shot was fired, the sound of the gun sounded throughout the game hall. At this time, the people eating melons had almost left. After Su Ming left, the others also took the opportunity to slip away. How dare you continue to stay here? , What if Boss Wu gets angry with them.

Even though there were no more people left in the game hall, the sudden gunshot was still quite scary.

The slot machine was directly pierced by a bullet, black smoke came out, and the electric current sound of "babble" sounded a bit harsh.

A single bullet scrapped an intact slot machine. It shows how powerful the bullet is. It also proves one thing that Boss Wu is holding a real gun.

Everyone fell into silence. This discovery shocked everyone. Everyone was deceived. Just now everyone thought it was fake, but who knew that after a long time, this gun turned out to be real.

If it were a fake gun, how could it have such a powerful power, it would be impossible to throw the sparks from the slot machine with a single shot.


Boss Wu who fired the gun didn't expect that he had fired it unintentionally. Fortunately, it was aimed at a slot machine. If it was aimed at a person, the consequences would be disastrous.

At the same time Boss Wu naturally understood such a thing. It was obvious that his gun was real, so he said that it is impossible to fake it.

"Oh shit!"

Immediately, Boss Wu became furious, and he realized that he must have been fooled by Su Ming just now. Although it is not clear what method Su Ming used, it is certain that Su Ming must have deceived them.

When I thought that I was being stunned by a boy who didn’t have the same hair, Boss Wu called a fire in his heart, and immediately said, “You can go out for me. That boy walked for a while, he shouldn’t have gone too far. No matter what method you use, you have to chase him back to me."

When I thought of being deceived by Su Ming, let’s not say that Su Ming still got him hundreds of thousands of dollars. What’s more, Su Ming slapped him. This is definitely something that cannot be tolerated. Wu reacted. The boss must clean up Su Ming, and he still has to clean up.

"Just now there was a gunshot inside. I immediately surrounded this game hall, and no one was allowed to run out."

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoxiao's efficiency is so high that he brought people over in a short while, especially after he got outside the game hall, he just heard the shot that boss Wu fired.

This further verified that Su Ming's words did not fool him. There must be someone with a gun in it, and they really dared to shoot, which really took the courage of the bear.

Luo Xiaoxiao's face looked very serious. After giving a few orders, he rushed in with someone directly. As soon as he entered, Luo Xiaoxiao happened to show him a straight look. Boss Wu was holding a gun at this time. Still raging there.

How could his reaction speed be compared to Luo Xiaoxiao's reaction speed? Luo Xiaoxiao rushed in a few big strides, and immediately knocked Boss Wu down, leaving Boss Wu with no chance to resist.

At this moment, the two little policemen behind Luo Xiaoxiao moved very fast. They rushed up and pressed Boss Wu tightly, and at the same time snatched the gun in his hand. Now Boss Wu has completely lost the ability to resist.

"Don't move, all squat down!"

The other boss Wu's thugs, including the smokers, were all handcuffed. None of these people can escape today. As the people present, they must all be brought back for trial.

"Comrade police, what are you doing, I...I am a formal game hall, and...all the procedures are legal, you have no reason to arrest me." Boss Wu is still trying to defend himself.


Luo Xiaoxiao snorted coldly, saying that this person's evidence is all there, but it's not that you can justify the past by justifying it.

This guy is dead. He holds a gun and shoots in private. If you want to try it, this guy will take at least ten years.

And when the evidence is so conclusive, Luo Xiaoxiao would not talk nonsense at all, and said directly: "Don't talk nonsense, handcuff all the people, take photos and collect evidence on the spot, and then take them all to me!"

Luo Xiaoxiao was busy tonight. Boss Wu and his group were interrogating one by one. In the end, none of these people ran away, and they all squatted inside.

Those thugs are okay. They have been detained for a period of time, but the two awkward guys ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the smoker and Boss Wu, are more miserable.

Especially Boss Wu, who had a gun in private, would be fine if he was not discovered, but he was arrested by the police, so there is nothing to say. The end was very miserable.

By the time Boss Wu released it, it was estimated that he had gray hair.

The "Huangtu Game Hall" also closed down within a day, and has never opened the door since.

But since today, in the game halls of Ningcheng, there has been a legend that there was a **** of slot machines, and within an hour, a game hall was closed down.


I took Su Tengfei with him all night. After returning home, Su Ming naturally waited to rest. After taking a bath, Su Ming looked at his points status and found that he had already earned 150 points.

After getting the 50 points for this task today, plus the 100 points from the previous balance, a full 150 points, which means that Su Ming can now draw a lottery again.

Thinking about the scene of the last lottery draw, it seems that it has been vividly remembered for a long time, and Su Ming wanted to draw more and more.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host, after completing this mission, the experience points are full and the upgrade is successful!"

At this moment, the system prompt sounded, giving Su Ming a surprise. It turned out that Su Ming had already upgraded after completing this task.

Upgrading this thing Su Ming doesn't know what's going on. Anyway, it takes a long time to upgrade, and I don't know how many tasks are completed before upgrading, but since it can be upgraded, it must be a good thing.

(In the beginning, when setting up, I also made a data template, such as physical strength, intelligence, charm, etc., but later I felt that those things were redundant, and I couldn’t remember the data. Forgive the author for his poor math. So just ignore it, and it will not affect the plot.)

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