League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1420: Humanized system

Although the system has been used up to this point, Su Ming is not too clear about what is going on with the system's upgrade mechanism, and the experience value is not transparent.

So Su Ming can't know when he can upgrade like playing games, that is, he waits for the notification of the system. Only when the system prompts him, Su Ming knows when he can upgrade.

However, upgrading is always not a bad thing, because every time you upgrade, there will be certain benefits, such as unlocking various things, allowing Su Ming to have greater authority. Of course, some cheating things happen, such as every After the upgrade, the points required for the lottery will increase.

At the beginning, it increased slowly. 20 points and 20 points increased like this. The last time it was a bit tricky, it increased by 50 points all at once. From 100 points for each draw, it was directly upgraded to 150 points. Su Ming now wants to It has become more and more difficult to draw a prize once.

"What has been unlocked this time?" Su Ming couldn't help but asked.

After thinking about it a little bit in his heart, Su Ming found that most of the things in the game, equipment, monsters, and most of them had been unlocked, and he didn't know what to unlock this time.

Xiaona came out and answered Su Ming: "Host, after this upgrade, the system space function is unlocked, and the system space will be opened to the host in the future, and the host has the right to use the system space!"

"System space?!"

Su Ming's eyes lit up involuntarily. Su Ming must know what this system space is. After all, the equipment that he pulled out, as well as the Demon Marsh Frog, are all staying in the system space.

Su Ming has always been very interested in the system space. This thing is indeed very powerful. You can store things in it. You only need to move Su Ming's heart and the contents inside can be taken out. To put it plainly, it is more like a fairy. , Storage rings in fantasy novels.

It's hard to imagine the existence of such a thing in reality, but if it does, it will have a greater effect.

Su Ming wanted to use this thing before, but only what comes out of the system can exist in it, and other things cannot. Now the system space is open to Su Ming, which means Su Ming can use this space in the future. How could Su Ming not get excited because of this, he must be very excited.

The functions brought by the upgrade this time are still very good, not the same as what Su Ming wanted to unlock the game.

So Su Ming asked, "In other words, I can use this system space in the future, right? I can store anything I want to store in it, right?"

"The host can store what it wants to store in the system space, and the system space is a very special space that has the ability to allow animals to survive. In addition to items, animals can also be stored."

Xiaona added another sentence: "However, the host must remember that the system space is repellent to humans, and humans cannot be stored in it."

Su Ming knows that the system space can enter animals. After all, the magic marsh frog is always inside, and it is very moisturized. If this is the case, the coyote can also be stored in the future. This will save Su Ming a lot. You don't need to be discovered by people around you that you are raising wolves.

But you can't save people, which is not a big regret.

But this is just a small detail, so Su Ming said: "Then how large is the system space, how much can I store in at once?"

Xiaona's answer was quick: "According to your human concept, the system space is about the size of more than 100 square meters. In the future, the host can also use points to upgrade and expand the space!"

When Su Ming heard that there were more than 100 square meters, he was relieved immediately. Sincere heart is already quite big. Now most people can't afford more than 100 square meters of houses. There is enough space for this. Su Ming doesn't have so many things to put, let alone expand it in the future.

Excited Su Ming rubbed his hands, and forgot about the lottery, so he said: "It shouldn't be too late, I'll try it quickly to see if this system space is useful."


"what happened?"

Xiaona said: "The system space host is still unavailable for the time being, you just have the permission to use it. If you want to use it, you must spend 300 points to unlock the space."

"As long as it takes 300 points to unlock, the host can continue to use it in the future, and there will never be a double charge."

Su Ming: "..."

Su Ming's whole person is not very good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The heart is also very broken, almost not a bit of old blood spurted out, pit.

It's really a pitfall. This system is still a pitfall as always. After all, it is to pit Su Ming's points. After all this for a long time, Su Ming is so excited to get it.

It was equivalent to Su Ming taking off all her pants, but she told Su Ming that her aunt was here today, which was more than a disappointment.

I was given a word game by the system, saying that I just got the permission to use it, but this space has not been unlocked. If you want to use it, you can buy it with your points.

And you get 300 points at a time. This is really too dark. Su Ming saved only 150 points for a long time, which means he has only reached half of the points. If you want to unlock, Su Ming still needs to work hard, for a while. It is impossible to succeed.

I already knew the urinary nature of this system, so Su Ming couldn't say anything. The system wouldn't listen to Su Ming's plea, so Su Ming could only accept it silently.

At this time, Su Ming thought of a more cheating thing. It seems that after the system upgrade, there is still a necessary procedure, which is to upgrade the points required for the lottery. This is Su Ming's most distressed time. It's as simple as 150 points.

So Su Ming asked: "This upgrade, will the future draw points increase?"

"This upgrade did not increase the lottery points. In the future, there will be a 150-point lottery." Xiaona said.

"Why?" Su Ming was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

Xiaona explained: "Because last time I added 50 points at once, it is not easy to consider the host to earn points. This time I will not increase the points. The system is still very user-friendly, and it is always considered for the host anytime, anywhere.

Su Ming: "..."

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