League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1421: Qin Shiyin is anxious

Su Ming doesn't believe in the nonsense of the system at all. The humanized system is still thinking about Su Ming?

Su Ming didn't feel the system's concern, but Su Ming knew very well that this system would always try to pit himself.

About how Su Ming was pitted, it was not something I could finish talking about in a while, it was all Su Ming's bitter tears.

However, I have to admit that the system is now a bit more conscientious. This upgrade did not increase the points of the lottery, and the lottery will still be 150 points in the future.

For Su Ming, this is a good result. What Su Ming lacks the most now, isn’t it points? If this time the system increases the points of the lottery, such as raising it to 200 points once. Su Ming is also very sad.

"Host, I have explained it clearly, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Xiaona said.

Su Ming nodded and said: "I have nothing to ask, I will call you if I have anything!"

After Xiaona disappeared, she now has a choice in front of Su Ming, because this time he did not increase the points of the lottery, so for Su Ming, his current 150 points are still enough for one lottery. .

But now Su Ming still needs to use points. That is to unlock the system space. If you want to unlock the space first, you must save 300 points. The premise is that the 150 points Su Ming can't move.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Ming quickly made a decision. After thinking about it, the system space is more important. It is better to keep these 150 points. After the system space is unlocked, you can save points for a lottery in the future. .

Abruptly resisting the idea of ​​the lottery, Su Ming lay in bed and read the novel for a while, then fell asleep.


The next day, Su Ming was the same as usual. It was more painful to be idle at home, and there was nothing to do.

It's been a long time for days like this. Thinking about the days when I used to get up on time every day to go to class, Su Ming couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional. Thinking about it now, it's better for Te Niang not to learn.

In the evening, Su Ming went to Qin Shiyin's place. Although he stopped studying, Su Ming would pass by on time if he should cook for Qin Shiyin every day.

After all, Qin Shiyin's daily work is so hard. If Su Ming doesn't give her some delicious food to supplement her nutrition, with Qin Shiyin's lifestyle habits, it is estimated that sooner or later, her body will have problems.

The main Qin Shiyin's figure is already thin enough, but he can't continue to lose weight. Otherwise, it may not feel good to the touch.

Su Ming arrived at Qin Shiyin's small villa ahead of time, and Qin Shiyin hadn't returned from get off work at this time after five o'clock.

However, Su Ming is also very used to this situation. When he was studying before, Su Ming came over after school and Qin Shiyin often did not get off work. This was a normal thing.

Usually at this time Su Ming would cook first, prepare the food, and then Qin Shiyin can eat it when he comes back. Isn't that pretty good?

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Su Ming's calculation. After more than an hour, Su Ming had already assembled a few simple home-cooked dishes, and at this time Qin Shiyin had also finished his day's work and returned.

"The meal is ready, the horse can eat it."

Su Ming greeted him, helped Qin Shiyin take the slippers, and then asked: "Why is it a bit late today? It's seven o'clock."

Unexpectedly, when Qin Shiyin spoke and answered, he was a little unnatural, and said: "The company has something to do temporarily, so I will come back later."

"I'm hungry, let's get a meal quickly, I'll go wash my hands." Qin Shiyin said, then went to change clothes and wash my hands.

Qin Shiyin was changing the subject, and the tone of his speech seemed a bit unnatural. Su Ming's understanding of Qin Shiyin immediately recognized it.

The usual Qin Shiyin speaks very calmly, so it gives people a very cold feeling, but today's Qin Shiyin is obviously not normal.

Su Ming seldom heard Qin Shiyin come back, yelling that she wanted to eat when she was hungry. Under normal circumstances, it was Su Ming who asked her to eat, and she would not be anxious when she came.

Obviously, Qin Shiyin is changing the topic. It seems that he is afraid that Su Ming will continue to talk about the topic just now. With Qin Shiyin's determination, he wants to change the topic. This is even more problematic.

Su Ming didn’t say anything, this kind of thing Qin Shiyin is dodging, Su Ming’s direct question is meaningless, Qin Shiyin doesn’t want to say Su Ming and can’t force her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but there is no way Su Ming feels good. Most of the reason is still worried about Qin Shiyin, for fear of what trouble Qin Shiyin will encounter.

After thinking about it carefully, what should I do with Qin Shiyin's words for a while? It's best to let Qin Shiyin tell what's going on inadvertently.

However, it is still more difficult to implement this. After all, women like Qin Shiyin are still more difficult to deal with. People who are too smart can sometimes be a burden.

When Su Ming frowned, his eyes inadvertently scanned Qin Shiyin's bag on the table, and found that there was another piece underneath the bag.

Usually Qin Shiyin would bring some pieces back to see them, but they were all put in a clip, this time only a few sheets of paper, and they were still pressed under the bag.

This detail was noticed by Su Ming, indicating that Qin Shiyin deliberately pressed the piece at the bottom, obviously not wanting Su Ming to see it, so Su Ming came to be interested.

Maybe the problem was in this part, so Su Ming directly stretched out his hand subconsciously, and pulled out this part directly from under Qin Shiyin's bag.

After Su Ming picked up this piece, it turned out that there was a "Ningcheng Medical University Affiliated Hospital" sign on the front side.

Immediately, Su Ming continued to look down and saw the title of "Physical Examination Report".

"what are you doing?"

It's just that Su Ming didn't see it too clearly, because at this time, Qin Shiyin changed his clothes and came down, and suddenly noticed Su Ming's action.

For a while, Qin Shiyin was anxious, and rushed over, preparing to take this piece from Su Ming.

It's just that Qin Shiyin was wearing slippers now, and he was too anxious to walk. He couldn't stand firmly. When he rushed over to snatch, he threw himself down and plunged into Su Ming's arms.

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