The system is directly assigned to the task, which shows that Su Ming can't avoid it if he wants to hide. It has been confirmed, and the little wolf can only go out and fight.

But Su Ming did not immediately agree to him, but directly said: "This is indeed a way, so let me show your dog, I will decide."

Su Ming can't be too careless. If the dog of this kind is a large dog with a relatively strong fighting power, Su Ming is not too relieved to let the little wolf go.

Moreover, this performance is also a normal performance. If you agree as soon as you go up, people will feel that Su Ming has some conspiracy.

The dark-skinned guy unconsciously showed a strange smile on his face, as if the plan had succeeded, but the smile was relatively hidden, and it was fleeting, without being noticed.

Immediately this guy walked to the entrance of the restaurant, and then brought a snow-white dog over. This dog is a very common pet dog, Samoyed.

It's not too big or small, it's about the same as the Golden Retriever, and it looks a lot bigger than the little wolf.

But when he saw the dog, Su Ming didn't worry so much. Although the dog seemed to be quite tall, it was in fact a fancy.

Because this kind of pet dog is not aggressive, and will not bite you when you see a stranger, so it will be raised by so many people, and you are not afraid of accidents when you take the dog out for walking.

Coupled with the snow-white long hair, the face is a bit like a fox, which belongs to the higher-looking dogs. Many people like to raise them, especially those girls.

This dog is really going to fight. It must not be the opponent of the little wolf. Don't look at the little wolf, but after all, it is a wolf, and even people can directly pounce on it, let alone this pet dog.

If it can't solve this kind of non-aggressive pet dog, then Su Ming has nothing to say.

"Okay, no problem, just do as you said." Su Ming said directly and agreed.

In fact, Su Ming took advantage. He had full confidence in the little wolf in his heart, so he agreed.

It’s just that many onlookers saw that Su Ming actually agreed. They couldn’t help being a little puzzled. They didn’t understand what Su Ming thought. Their dogs are bigger than yours, and they don’t seem like they can be beaten. Looks like.

"Then let's wait a while before we start!" The dark-skinned guy heard Su Ming's promise, so he immediately spoke.

After hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little strange, and subconsciously asked, "Why do you have to wait for a while, and how long?"

"When I call someone and get my dog ​​over, I'll compare it with you." The dark-skinned guy said, and at the same time he took out his golden mobile phone.


Su Ming was stunned for a while, and then realized that he might have been tricked, so he said: "What do you mean, didn't you use this Samoyed to compete?"

"Of course not, this dog is a dog raised by my wife, not my dog, what's the comparison." This guy said naturally.

"I wipe it, this is too shameless, right?"

As soon as he heard this, everyone invariably cursed in their hearts, which was indeed a bit shameless.

Just now when Su Ming asked him to take his dog out for a look, this guy was leading the Samoyed, giving others the illusion that he was going to use this dog to fight, and it was indeed this dog and the little wolf. Conflicted.

Unexpectedly, this guy came out shamelessly, this is not his dog, and later brought his own dog over, obviously this is deliberately playing tricks.

And Su Ming was also caught up in a routine, and only then did he realize that he understood after a little thought, it is estimated that this dark-skinned guy had thought of such a trick long ago.

Although I don't know what kind of dog he will send to fight, but after thinking about it, I know that it is definitely not an ordinary dog. It is estimated to be more fierce, and the combat power is not comparable to this Samoyed.

If this were the case, Su Ming would not be so relieved, thinking that the little wolf would definitely win today.

So Su Ming said uncomfortably: "What do you mean? I never heard that other dogs can be brought here. You are against the rules!"

If it hadn't been for the system to give the task, it is estimated that Su Ming would have slapped it over with a slap. How can he be seen as a rogue with so much effort.

"Ha ha----"

The dark-skinned guy laughed twice, and then he said, "What you said is not quite right. What is a violation of the rules? In the rules we talked about before, it was never said that it is not allowed to change another dog. ."

"If you don't do that, you can also change to another dog. Let's compare a match and we only need to win or This guy sounds very confident.

Su Ming's brows can't help but frown. This guy is playing a word game. It is not necessary to continue arguing with him. Instead, he was wasting his tongue, because it was indeed not allowed to change dogs before.

The main thing is that Su Ming didn't expect such a thing to happen when he said it in the end.

It’s impossible to change a dog again, because Su Ming has never raised a dog at all, and no one has seen anyone raise a dog around. Where can I find that kind of fierce dog? Few people will raise a dog these days. A fierce large dog.

And Su Ming also heard a little bit. Since this dark-skinned guy is so confident that Su Ming can also change casually, it shows that this guy is quite confident in his own dog.

It also indirectly explained that the dog he found someone to pull over was absolutely fierce.

It's impossible for Su Ming to change dogs temporarily. It seems impossible to stop this guy from playing rogues. Once you stop them, you won't be able to compare. If you don't, what about this task?

Seeing that the dark-skinned guy has already called, Su Ming can only wait for a while.

This guy can play tricks, so can Su Ming. If it doesn't work, Su Ming will just do it in secret. Anyway, everyone doesn't need to talk about integrity and fairness.

Su Ming was not idle either, hugged the little wolf quickly, and sent a bunch of stars to its body, helping it restore its body to its best condition.

No matter whether he was injured or not, the little wolf ran for a day today. His body must be very exhausted. This is the only thing Su Ming can do.


In a short while, a huge Land Rover stopped next to it. It seemed that this should be the dog of the dark-skinned guy.

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