"Brother Jin, we brought Black Tiger!"

Two people got down on the Land Rover. They looked a bit sturdy. They should be under the hands of the dark-skinned guy, because after getting out of the car, the expressions on the faces of these two guys seemed very respectful.

Su Ming's eyes narrowed. After seeing this picture, Su Ming couldn't help but discover that this dark-skinned guy might still have a little money.

Land Rover is a symbol of nouveau riche, especially many coal bosses, thieves like to drive this car, it looks very domineering.

Over time, this car has a not very good meaning. Of course, the reason why many people follow the spray is mainly because this car, which most people can't afford.

It would cost hundreds of thousands to say less, and the more expensive one would be millions. This dark-skinned guy can afford this kind of car, it is certainly not an ordinary person.

It was just a detail. Su Ming thought about it for a while, and there was nothing too much to care about. Whether he had money or not, Su Ming didn't care about it, because no matter how rich he was, it was still far behind Su Ming.

If you are more concerned, Su Ming still wants to know what kind of dog this guy brought here, so he needs to know what to do.

After the dark-skinned guy heard what his two men said, he immediately nodded, and then said: "Okay, hurry up and lift the black tiger down, remember to move slowly, don't bump into it."

"Come on, work harder—"

The two guys opened the large trunk of the Land Rover, and then began to work hard to lift a huge iron cage down.

"What the **** is it?"

Seeing this situation, Su Ming couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He asked what the **** was this. Two adults who looked very strong and should have a lot of strength, it was so hard to lift a dog.

Both of them clenched their teeth, and the facial features on their faces were all tangled together, which made people feel very strenuous.


Finally this huge iron cage took a long time and was finally lifted from the car by these two guys. There was a dark thing inside, and then he yelled twice immediately, and the voice sounded very fierce.

Everyone took a look, everyone was shocked, this dark thing turned out to be a Tibetan mastiff.

When it comes to dogs like Tibetan Mastiff, almost everyone has heard of it. Once this kind of dog was fired very hotly, many rich people like to raise this thing.

Not for anything else, just to tell others that I am rich and I can raise a Tibetan mastiff, but I don’t necessarily really like this kind of dog.

In the past few years, the popularity of Tibetan Mastiff has completely disappeared. It has completely become a kind of waste dog, and it will be given to others for free.

The main reason is that the Tibetan Mastiff is so unpleasant. It has a very aggressive temperament. Basically, it wants to bite when it catches people. Even its own family members may bite. It is very troublesome to raise it. If it is released, it may kill people.

Moreover, this dog has a large amount of food and has to eat meat every day, which may be a burden to the dog owner. The rich may not care, but ordinary people are a little uncomfortable, let alone the Tibetan Mastiff's IQ is still very low.

It's incomparable with that kind of smart dog, so it's normal for this kind of dog to be unpleasant.

In this case, this dark-skinned guy is still raising Tibetan mastiffs. It is not that he has a problem with this person, but that he really likes such powerful dogs as Tibetan mastiffs.

Moreover, the Tibetan mastiff he raised was bought at a high price. The bloodline is very pure, which also guarantees that his Tibetan mastiff is very powerful.

"This is my dog. It's here now. If you don't have anything to do, we can start." The dark-skinned guy, whose expression on his face seemed a little proud, said to Su Ming.

"Fuck, I really plan to use this Tibetan Mastiff to compete, is this guy too shameless?"

"It's a pet dog, and it's still a puppy. You actually took the Tibetan Mastiff out to fight. It's too fake."

"It's completely shameless already. His Samoyed, I feel a bit bullied when he goes out to compete with others. Who knows that I brought the Tibetan mastiff over."

"Forget it, what's the use of saying so much, this guy seems to be a nouveau riche, he is probably rich, there is no need to offend such a person, let it go."

"I also think it's better to forget it. It's really meaningless to be with this kind of person. If you really go up and fight, that cute silver-gray little wolf will probably disappear in one bite."


Some people watching the excitement next to them, some of them couldn't stand it anymore at this time, and they all started to complain.

Originally, what happened today was that the dark-skinned guy was playing a rogue and gave Su Ming a routine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But then everyone realized that his rogue skill was beyond imagination.

While many people are complaining about that dark-skinned guy, they are also persuading Su Ming to forget about it and stop fighting dogs with him.

It's totally unwinnable. The Tibetan mastiffs are all pulled out, how to fight, and his Tibetan mastiff is very unusual at first glance. It is estimated that among the Tibetan mastiffs, they belong to the kind of outstanding.

Su Ming didn't say anything. He glanced at the Tibetan Mastiff, and then Su Ming frowned, because the smell of this Tibetan Mastiff was really unpleasant.

But it’s not surprising. After all, it’s summer. The Tibetan Mastiff’s hair is still relatively strong. Besides, this dog is different from ordinary pet dogs. You can bathe him.

The Tibetan Mastiff is very afraid of water and rarely touches water. If you forcibly bathe it, you are embarrassed to wait for it to be bitten, so it is not easy to keep this dog for a long time.

What’s more important is that his Tibetan mastiff looks like a tiger. It’s already beyond the range of a normal dog. If you really want to talk about combat effectiveness, pulling a wolf over may not be able to beat it. .

Little Wolf went up to fight this guy. Obviously, this didn't seem to be of the same level. Su Ming was really afraid that something happened to Little Wolf. Su Ming became entangled for a while.

No wonder the difficulty of this task is not low at all, it is really not easy to handle, at least not as simple as Su Ming thought.


But who knows that at this moment, the little wolf who had recovered his spirit actually called out and kept staring at the Tibetan mastiff.

Fortunately, the little wolf hasn't fully developed yet, so the voice sounds a little immature, and no one can hear it as a wolf call.

But Su Ming heard that the voice of Little Wolf seemed to be full of fighting spirit!

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