League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1444: No one is convinced

"Little Wolf, do you want to go up and fight?"

Su Ming originally wanted to use the passive ability of the Beast Spirit Walker, so he went up and asked directly.

But after thinking about it for a while, after using the Beast Spirit Walker skill, if Su Ming wants to go up and communicate with the little wolf, he still has to speak wolf language.

There are people around here. If you speak wolf language directly, it would be a little strange. Those who don't know think Su Ming as a neuropathy.

Although there is no way to communicate directly now, Su Ming can see it all at once, not only in the voice, but also in the eyes of the little wolf, but also all of them are warlike. It seems that he has seen this Tibetan mastiff and looks very upset. You have to go up and fight.

It actually wanted to fight, this was the place Su Ming most unexpectedly, Su Ming himself didn't worry about letting the little wolf go, but who knew little wolf wanted to go.

Su Ming immediately thought for a while, since the little wolf wants to go up for a battle, let it go up, after all, it is a wolf, so you can't persuade it.

And this also has something to do with Su Ming's mission. If Su Ming doesn't let the little wolf go, the mission will fail, and the mission is given an hour, and Su Ming doesn't even have that time to delay.

As for the combat effectiveness of the little wolf, it seems that this Tibetan mastiff is not at the same level. Su Ming still has a way to deal with it after thinking about it.

Don't forget that Su Ming is an ancient warrior. After watching in secret for a while, he can use his vitality to help the little wolf in secret.

No matter how good this Tibetan mastiff is, it can't stand the ancient warrior's vitality from secretly attacking. Su Ming only needs to control this power and don't let everyone see anything too wrong.

Maybe with Su Ming's help, as long as the little wolf doesn't persuade him, maybe the little wolf can win the Tibetan mastiff.

Anyway, this kind of thing was the dark-skinned guy who played the rogue first, and Su Ming didn't put a word on his forehead, saying that he was a good person, and when he should do it, he still had to do it.

"What's wrong, you just said something. If you are scared, then forget it. I don't mean to force you, but it's fine. Don't worry about it with me." Dark skin Guy, he wasn't as scared of Su Ming as he was just now.

Now it seems that he has completely taken the initiative. If Su Ming is afraid to accept the move, it means that Su Ming is counseled. If Su Ming wants to make trouble, there are not so many reasons. After all, everyone just now That's it, we can solve this problem through dog fighting.

And if Su Ming agrees, then he doesn't have to worry about anything. Just a bite of Su Ming's puppy, the Tibetan Mastiff, is almost solved, and there is not much pressure at all.

"Come on, you must come, otherwise, if you pull this Tibetan mastiff from a long distance, isn't it a waste of energy." Unexpectedly, Su Ming didn't even think about it, so he agreed. Up.

This answer made everyone never expect to be killed. At first they thought that Su Ming would not agree to it, but who knew that Su Ming just agreed with one bit unexpectedly.

After a moment of stunned, everyone understood. It is estimated that Su Ming couldn't stand the dark-skinned guy's aggressive method, for fear that he said he was counseled, so he suddenly agreed.

Su Ming agreed for the sake of his own face, but he felt sorry for his cute puppy. He probably won't be able to save his life.

But Su Ming is the master. Since Su Ming has decided, no matter how much other people say, it seems to be useless. They will only be said to be nosy.

"Ha ha----"

Seeing that Su Mingzhen had agreed, the dark-skinned guy couldn't help being happy, and said, "Okay, I have the courage, then let's start. You shouldn't have to change dogs?"

Seeing Su Ming shook his head, the dark-skinned guy couldn't help but want to laugh even more. He told you to pretend, and in less than two seconds, your puppy would be a dead dog.

Now that it's all about to start, the dark-skinned guy immediately ordered his two subordinates and said directly: "Release the black tiger. Remember to keep your eyes on it and don't let him run away."

These two guys are actually dark-skinned guys who spend money at home to serve this Tibetan mastiff. A dog has to be served by two adults every day. People can't help but sigh that people are really inferior to dogs these years.

After the two dog owners heard the order, they took out a pair of thick gloves from their bodies. It seemed that they should have been prepared. After they were put on their hands, they immediately started their hands.

After opening the dog cage, I immediately hung the collar around the neck of the Tibetan Mastiff with an iron chain. I definitely can’t let it run out directly. In that case, it is estimated that neither of them can hold it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After it was tied with an iron chain, the two guys let it out without worry.


Sure enough, as soon as this thing got out of the iron cage, it seemed to be out of restraint, and there was a tendency to become uncontrollable. After yelling twice, it seemed that he wanted to rush into the crowd.

Fortunately, the two people who specialized in raising dogs were already prepared, and they immediately grabbed it. Although they were grabbed, Su Ming could clearly notice that the two people's faces The expressions seem to be a little strenuous, which shows how strong this animal is.

"Black Tiger, be honest, you will directly go up to me and kill the dog, and I will reward you with something delicious." The dark-skinned guy went up and touched the Tibetan mastiff twice, and said to calm down.

Don't look at the Tibetan Mastiff's emotions, but after being touched by a dark-skinned guy twice, it seems to be a lot more honest, because this kind of animal also recognizes its owner.

Unlike an ordinary dog ​​that wags its tail when it sees everyone, this Tibetan mastiff will probably only recognize one owner in its entire life, and other people around it will at best not actively bite you.

As if he could understand the words of the dark-skinned guy, the Tibetan Mastiff immediately stared at the little wolf with his eyes. The beast's eyes looked very fierce, and there was almost no cover up. Just when people looked at it, they felt a little flustered. .

But the little wolf stared by it was not afraid at all. It also stared at the Tibetan Mastiff directly, as if demonstrating to it, one dog and one wolf, it seemed that no one would accept it.

"Come on, Little Wolf, come on, I'll be there to help you in a while." Su Ming also touched the soft hair on Little Wolf's head twice, and then whispered.

The little wolf then moved forward, and this seemingly unsuspecting battle was about to begin.

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