League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1450: Mentally disabled children have a lot of fun

"Corona, how many points do I have now?"

Su Ming asked directly when he was lying on the bed idle.

It is not easy to fall asleep when the human spirit is in that state of excitement. Although it is late now, normal people have entered your sleep at this point in time.

However, because Su Ming had been thinking about the system space in his mind, he couldn't fall asleep for a while, so he had to quickly turn on the system space. Su Ming has been coveting this new feature for a long time.

Xiaona's intelligent life is definitely not going to sleep. To put it simply, she is online 24 hours a day and accepts Su Ming's harassment at any time. After Xiaona heard Su Ming's words, she immediately replied: "Report the host, complete Quest [Fighting Two Dogs], after getting 70 points reward, now it is exactly 300 points."

"There are 300 points, and it just happens to open up the system space." Su Ming has been calculating his points, and he will definitely not calculate it wrong.

There were only 150 points left during the last upgrade. The last two missions, Su Ming, saved another 150 points, which is not more or less, exactly 300 points. As the system explained before, just open the system space. Need 300 points.

So Su Ming immediately said: "Okay, then quickly open the system space for me."

"It takes 300 points to open the system space this time. Is the host confirmed to consume 300 points?" Xiaona asked.


Su Ming didn't even think about it, so he said directly, points are originally used to spend, and I can't bear to spend it. Even though I spent three hundred points all at once, Su Ming still feels distressed.

"Congratulations to the host, the system space has been successfully opened, and the host will be able to use the system space in the future!" Who knows that less than two seconds later, Xiaona's voice rang again, and the opening was completed so soon.

"So fast?"

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but cursed another cheating in his heart, saying that this system was really bad, and it was completely empty glove white wolf.

Anyway, Su Ming can see that opening the system space is not a hassle at all. It's just pitting Su Ming's points. A total of three hundred is enough for Su Ming to draw twice.

But there is no way. Su Ming is now being oppressed and exploited, and he can't say anything, so he turned his attention to the system space.

Now Su Ming's mind, in addition to those skills and equipment, there is indeed one more thing, and that is the system space.

Su Ming opened the system space and took a look. Now Su Ming can see the situation inside more intuitively. Before, he could only see the equipment stored in it and the mark of the monster.

But now it's different. The entire system space is presented in Su Ming's eyes in a three-dimensional way, as if seeing an empty storage room.

It's divided into many different areas, it doesn't look messy at all, it's very orderly, but what's more embarrassing is that there are only three things in such a large space.

One is Su Ming's Bilgewater Scimitar, the other is Chain Armor, and the last Demon Marsh Frog.

The Demon Marsh Frog seemed to feel Su Ming's breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and croaked twice, but Su Ming only entered this space with consciousness. People can't get in, so they can't come into contact with it. What are you doing.

I wanted to use this thing, but what was more embarrassing was that Su Ming was a little nervous for the first time and was not familiar with routines, so he didn't know how to use it.

As a last resort, Su Ming could only ask awkwardly: "Xiao Na, don't leave, if I want to store this stuff in, how should I store it?"

"Host, host, sometimes I really don't understand, how to have a host as stupid as you, I am so pitiful." Xiaona directly began to complain.

Su Ming: "..."

It seems that this little thing is not making fun of Su Ming’s IQ for the first time. Su Ming was speechless for a while. Obviously his IQ is okay, but I don’t know why. Every time in Xiaona’s eyes, he seems to be Not enough brains.

Xiaona's taunting turned to ridicule. Anyway, she knew that Su Ming was her master, so after the taunting was over, Xiaona patiently answered Su Ming: "Just like when you took the equipment, just use your own thoughts That's it."

"If you want to put something into it, you just need to move it with your thoughts, and then it's OK. The operation is very simple."

Xiaona thought for a while and exhorted: "But the host, you have to remember that you can't put everything in it, if it's something that someone else is holding, you can't put it in."


Su Ming couldn't help but complained. How could Su Ming not know this truth? If other people's things can be loaded into them as soon as they think about it, wouldn't they be a robber.

After knowing how to use it, Su Ming couldn't just leave it alone. He would definitely have to experiment, otherwise Su Ming would be itchy.

I just picked up the mobile phone I had in my hand, and I was the first one to experiment with this thing. Su Ming's thoughts moved.

Then something very magical happened. The mobile phone that Su Ming was holding just now, and the thing in the blink of an eye, just disappeared out of thin air.

Immediately after Su Ming deepened his consciousness into the system space, it turned out that Su Ming's phone was already lying quietly in it at this time, looking like it was placed in a storage space~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then Su Ming thought about it again and took out the mobile phone in the system space. This was really amazing, and Su Ming couldn't help but smile.

In the future, it will be very convenient to have this thing. For example, if you are traveling far away, Su Ming doesn't need to bring anything, just put the thing in the system space, and you don't need to buy anything.

If you let a woman know about the existence of this thing, you will be crazy. It is really convenient to go shopping and buy things.

It seemed that it was not too enjoyable after playing it once, or that Su Ming was already addicted to it, so Su Ming started to put other things in it.

The figurines on the table at home, some books and the like, and desk lamps, even the chair in the room Su Ming didn't let go, all of them were stuffed in.

At this time, the whole room looked empty and chattering, and after Su Ming had enjoyed himself, he took out these things one by one.

Xiaona in the system was already speechless by Su Ming at this time, and the mentally disabled children were happy.

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