, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the League of Legends invincible lottery system!

Time passed so quietly for a few days, but the two days passed were relatively stable. Su Ming was eating, drinking, and having fun all day long. This kind of degenerate life could be described in a cool word.

That day, I slept until midday. Su Ming received a call from Changmao. After the call was connected, Su Ming asked, "What's wrong with Changmao?"

"Brother, Brother Wufu, he came to see me today. He said that he wanted to meet you as soon as possible. Come here as soon as possible." Chang Mao said directly.

"Lin Wufu."

It seems that Su Ming hasn’t seen Lin Wufu for a while. During this time Lin Wufu has been busy looking for the key to the ancient ruins. After all, there is more than one thing. Last time I regretted losing the ancient ruins at Lingxu Peak. The key made the Lin family very angry.

This time Lin Wufu and the other two members of the Lin family returned. Needless to say, they must have something to do with the ancient ruins.

During this period of time, there was no contact with Lin Wufu, so Su Ming didn't know what was going on with him.

Just think about two possibilities. The first one is that they successfully found another ancient relic key, and the other is that they have not found it and have given up.

In Su Ming's opinion, the second possibility may be higher. After all, this thing is so easy to find. It is estimated that there are not a few in total, and there are other families.

Su Ming can probably guess that the key to these ancient relics should be something that every Guwu family knows.

As for the key to the ancient ruins on Lingxu Peak last time, it can be said that the Lin family has the greatest grasp. Unfortunately, I didn't expect to be given a hand by the Ouyang family, so it was difficult to find other ones.

Regardless of whether Lin Wufu and the others have found the key to the new ancient ruins, they will know after seeing them anyway.

So Su Ming said to Long Mao on the phone, "Then you will give me a good treat first, and take them to eat some good food. I'll get up and wash up soon."

After speaking, Su Ming hung up the phone, got up and started washing.

When he was about to go out, Su Ming walked to the desk in his room, squatted down and opened the desk cabinet.

There are some messy things hidden in this cabinet, basically Su Ming's things, most of which are unused books.

I rummaged indiscriminately and pulled out most of the books. Su Ming found a small black box on the bottom of the cabinet.

Familiar feeling, familiar taste, this small black box is exactly the same as the one seen above Lingxu Peak.

But this is not the one at Lingxu Peak, but Su Ming brought it back from Miaojiang.

After discovering such a thing in the underground cave of the Tuzan tribe at that time, even though he didn't know what it was, Su Ming brought it back.

And it has been stored in his own cabinet, almost never touched, and now I can finally take it out.

Thinking that this time it should be almost the time when the ancient ruins opened, Su Ming should also take out this thing and talk to the Lin family about this matter.

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, The small black box doesn’t need Su Ming to pick it up directly, just store it in the system space.

Immediately Su Ming went out, and Changmao had already sent Su Ming a WeChat message just now, saying that he took the three of the Lin family to a nearby restaurant for dinner, and let Su Ming go directly there for a while.

So Su Ming took a taxi and came to the door of the restaurant. He happened to have no meal, so he could go in for lunch or something.

"Brother Su Ming is here————"

When Su Ming came to the box, not only Lin Wufu, but the other two members of the Lin family, Lin Canghai and Lin Batian, had a very affectionate attitude towards Su Ming. Seeing Su Ming was like seeing relatives. same.

After all, the experience of Lingxu Peak last time allowed them to truly see the character of Su Ming and forged a deep affection. It can be said that the three of them were given this life by Su Ming.

Su Ming greeted each other and said quickly: "It's all right, don't be polite, sit down and eat quickly!"

During the meal, because there were people like Long Mao, the Lin family obviously didn't talk about the ancient ruins. It would be bad for ordinary people to know about this kind of thing.

So everyone was just chatting and eating a lot of food at the same time, especially after seeing Lin Batian's eating, Su Ming could probably guess what they were living these days.

After eating, it’s already mid-afternoon. Longmao still has to go to work. They must be unable to accompany the three Lin family anymore. So, Longmao said: "Send you back in a while, and then I will go to work. , The three of them can be handed over to you."

"Okay, go back to your place first." Su Ming said.

I just wanted to talk about the ancient ruins. After a while, Long Mao led his brothers to work, and Su Ming could ask about the ancient ruins keys.

"Sit down and drink something!"

The house that Changmao rents is quite spacious, and in the past six months, Changmao has moved twice, and the place where he lives is better than every other time. Anyway, Changmao is not short of money now.

I took a bottle of water for a few of them from the refrigerator~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming opened his mouth and went straight to the subject: "I haven't heard from you during this period. How is the key to the ancient ruins?"

It seems that it should have mentioned the sadness of the three people in the Lin family. The expressions of the three of them suddenly became unsightly. It seemed a little dim. No one spoke for a while, maybe it was embarrassing to say.

Upon seeing this reaction, Su Ming immediately felt happy, and he probably had a count in his heart. Like Su Ming guessed, they failed in all likelihood and did not find the key to the ancient ruins.

From Su Ming's point of view, this is fine, anyway, Su Ming has the key here, and they can also help them in. If they find the key themselves, it may not be possible to highlight that Su Ming helped them in.

And Su Ming himself wanted to go in, but if the Lin family were to find the key by themselves, they would not necessarily bring Su Ming in, because this kind of thing was not for them to decide, and it would definitely have to be approved by the family elders.

Even if Su Ming has the key directly, he still doesn't know how to operate it. He still has to rely on the Guwu family to support it. With Su Ming's strength alone, it is too easy for others to grab the key, and they must find the Lin family to cooperate.

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