, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the League of Legends invincible lottery system!

"The keys to the ancient ruins are too difficult to find. There are only a few in total. It is estimated that all of them have been found."

After being silent for a while, Lin Canghai spoke first, and only heard him say something: "We can say that we have searched all these places near Ningcheng during this period, but we still found nothing."

"It's so weird, the Japanese Ouyang family, if it weren't for them, how would we have to endure so many days of suffering, and in the end we haven't found anything!"

The more he said this, the more angry he became, and Lin Batian on the side couldn't listen at all, so he directly spoke and cursed fiercely.

It is estimated that during this period of time, Lin Batian and the others did not suffer less. With Lin Batian's character, if you let him be patient, it might be more uncomfortable than killing him.

The original cause of this incident was that the people of the Ouyang family had no bottom line, otherwise they would not be so miserable, so Lin Batian had already accumulated a lot of grievances in his heart during this time.

All of them are aimed at the Ouyang family, and now that Lin Batian will encounter the Ouyang family, it is estimated that he will have to work hard.

Su Ming didn't speak, and the result was almost exactly the same as what he had guessed. Sure enough, Lin Batian and the others did not find the key to another ancient relic. In this way, Su Ming would be easier to handle.

Lin Canghai is relatively calm. After all, everyone has different personalities. Although Lin Canghai has some grievances in his heart, with his calm personality, he will definitely not directly curse his mother like Lin Batian.

Just listen to Lin Canghai continue to say: "I came here this time to bid you farewell to Brother Su. If you can't find the key to the ancient ruins, this time the ancient ruins will have nothing to do with our Lin family."

"We can't stay here anymore. We have to return to the family side. I am very happy to meet Brother Su." Lin Canghai's voice was full of sighs.

I even feel a little sorry for Su Ming. After all, Su Ming helped them so much that he almost took his own life. But after a long time, they still couldn't find the key to the ancient ruins. They had to say this. It's not a big regret.

Su Ming didn't feel any unusual feelings in his heart. It was sad now. It was too early, so Su Ming smiled and said, "You guys, can you go back like this?"

The three members of the Lin family all froze for a while, and immediately Lin Wufu asked, "Brother Su, if we are not leaving now, what are we left for? The key to the ancient ruins is no longer found."

"Even if we stay, the ancient ruins have nothing to do with us." Lin Wufu said.

It's no wonder they want to go, because for most people, the kind of things that you can't get, you will see others get it, but it will be more painful.

"I know what Brother Su Ming means. He is suggesting that we don't give up first, and then look for opportunities to see if we can secretly attack the Ouyang family and **** the keys to the ancient ruins from them!"

Who knows, Lin Batian said with joy, as if he had guessed Su Ming's mind all at once, and at the same time he asked, "Brother Su Ming, am I right?"

Su Ming: "..."

I have to say that Lin Ba-->> is the fastest to update the latest chapter of the League of Legends invincible lottery system!

Tian's imagination is really rich, and it can be seen that his resentment towards the Ouyang family is too great.

Lin Wufu really believed it, and said, "This...this is not so good, secretly attacking that is an indiscriminate method."

"Let's pull it down, why don't you have three abuses? Don't forget that their ancient ruins keys originally belonged to us. Snatch them and call them back to the original owner." Compared to Lin Wufu, Lin Batian It's going to be a rogue.

However, in Su Ming's view, it's better to be a rogue. For example, Lin Wufu is too upright. Regardless of his identity as an ancient warrior, such people are more likely to be bullied in society.

These days, there is no saying that good people are rewarded. A very real problem is that people are good at being deceived.


Su Ming saw that the topic was hundreds of miles away, so he immediately coughed twice and said: "Stop, stop, you two stop me quickly, who let you two rob."

"After the Ouyang family got the keys to the ancient ruins, they might be careful to hide them. It is too difficult to get the keys back from their hands."

After making complaints about Lin Batian, Su Ming said directly: "Let's take a look at this thing."

When Su Ming thought, he took out the small black box that he put in before going out from the system space, that is, the key to the ancient ruins.

"this is……"

When the three Lin family saw the small black box in Su Ming's hand, the expressions on their faces suddenly changed, all of them looked surprised.

It wasn't because of surprise that a small black box suddenly appeared in Su Ming's hands. They were all ancient warriors. How could they make a fuss about this kind of thing.

What surprised them was the small black box in Su Ming's hand. This small box looked too familiar. If I remember correctly, isn't it the small black box with the key to the ancient ruins? Why did Su Ming have this thing?

"Su Ming, this box of yours will not be..."

Lin Batian opened his mouth and said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and planned to tell the guess in his heart, but this feeling was too unrealistic, so Lin Batian was stunned and did not say it.

And Su Ming could guess what they were thinking at this time, so Su Ming smiled, and instead of talking nonsense, he opened the small black box, revealing the mysterious fragments inside.

After the last Lingxu Peak, Su Ming knew that the mysterious fragment was the key to the ancient ruins in the legend.

"The key is really the key to the ancient ruins." As soon as Lin Batian saw it, he immediately came out.

Although Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu were calmer than Lin Batian, they were not much better, because their eyes were almost straight at this time, and even their breathing was a little bit faster.

What they have been dreaming about these days is the key to this ancient relic. It's better now, and Su Ming took it out all at once, which is quite shocking.

"Brother Su Ming, this...where did you get the key to the ancient ruins?" Lin Canghai asked after recovering his calm.

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