League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1456: Do you look down on people?

While looking at Shen Muke's blushing little face just now, Su Ming couldn't help but think that when he came out today, Shen Mu could play around with him.

Su Ming, how can anyone molest others casually, if people usually molested Su Ming, Su Ming must be molested back.

So Su Ming rolled his eyes, and there was a bad idea in his head, and he said directly: "It's getting late, or I think you don't go back tonight."

"Not going back?"

At this moment, Shen Muke couldn't help but froze for a moment. It seemed that he had heard the meaning of Su Ming's words. Everyone was an adult, so how could he not even hear this.

Fortunately, because he drank some wine, Shen Muke’s face was already red, and there was no room to continue red. After a moment of stunned, Shen Muke’s voice was very small and said, "No...not going back, this …It’s not so good."

"Why is it not so good?"

Su Ming knew that Shen Mu was definitely nervous, so he continued: "Mu Ke, we both graduated from high school and will soon be college students, and we are both grown-ups, and we understand everything we should understand. It's nothing to spend a night outside."

I deliberately made the words explicit, just to stimulate Shen Muke, so that you can continue to be naughty with me.


Shen Muke seems to realize what Su Ming wants to do tonight, and think about Su Ming drunk some wine tonight. I heard that after a man drinks, he will have **** after drinking. This seems to be true. Yes, Su Ming probably has an idea.

For a while, Shen Muke became even more nervous. This voice sounded a little lower than the mosquitoes, and said, "But my parents know that I am out. If they don't go back, they can't rush me? "

"It's not that we don't know what's going on with our uncles and aunts. Just make a phone call and say that you won't go back tonight. I promise that your uncles and aunts won't say anything. They are very relieved with me." .

Don't look at Su Ming's superficial calmness. He looks very clear about Shen Muke's parents, but in fact Su Ming is deliberately teasing Shen Muke for fun.

If Shen Mu really called her parents and said that she was going to spend the night with Su Ming, then Su Ming should be nervous, take her daughter out for the night, and make a brazen call back.

It is estimated that Su Ming will not have a good time afterwards.

But how could Shen Mu see this, because at this time, she seemed to be more nervous than Su Ming.

After struggling for a while, Shen Muke seemed to figure it out all at once, suddenly raised his head and said to Su Ming: "Su Ming, is this the agreement you told me?"

"What agreement?"

Su Ming subconsciously wanted to ask, but fortunately, Su Ming's reaction was fast enough, and it occurred to his head that before the college entrance examination, Shen Muke was to encourage Su Ming to go to Ningcheng University with her. There is an agreement.

Let Shen Muke promise Su Ming one thing, but something specific, because Su Ming didn't think about it at the time, so he dragged it out first.

Speaking of it at that time, it was just to make Shen Muke play a bit. If it weren't for Shen Muke's just talking about it, I guess Su Ming wouldn't remember it very much.

But fortunately, what I almost blurted out just now was swallowed by Su Ming abruptly. Otherwise, if Shen Mu knows that Su Ming doesn't remember this, then it's OK. Su Ming must be killed.

So Su Ming pretended to be calm, and wanted to see what decision Shen Muke would make, so he directly said: "Yes, it's the agreement we made before the college entrance examination. After City University, I have to promise me one thing."

Shen Muke didn't speak for a while. When the appointment was made, Shen Muke had a hunch in his heart, and it must have something to do with this aspect.

Sure enough, Su Ming still proposed today to spend the night outside with her.

If Su Ming knew what Shen Muke was thinking now, Su Ming would definitely feel that he was wronged. Su Ming didn't remember the agreement at all, and today is just a temporary flirtation with Shen Muke.

Shen Mu suddenly figured it out. She couldn't be completely clear about this kind of male and female matters. Even if she is usually good, girls are naturally precocious in this regard.

In addition, on the day of graduation, it seems that after having a break-up meal, some boy and girl friends stopped going home to the hotel at night. Otherwise, how could someone say that the day of high school graduation would be the day when a girl became a woman It.

(Of course, now the society is progressing and the times have changed. Many people will certainly not be able to graduate from high school.)

Therefore, Shen Muke still has some understanding of these matters, and he does not reject it in his heart. Since this day will happen sooner or later, it doesn't matter whether it is early or late. The more important thing is to be with Su Ming.

So Shen Muke bit his lip and made a decision all at once, saying: "Okay, then I won't go back today?"


Su Ming was stunned at once. He just wanted to molest Shen Muke to see what it was like when Shen Muke finally coaxed, and then laughed at it again, wouldn't it be over.

However, the development of this plot is not at all the same as Su Ming imagined. Shen Mu did not follow the script, she unexpectedly...she actually agreed.

After Su Ming was stunned for a moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he said directly: "Mu Ke, you... why did you agree? You won't be kidding me."

"Who is joking with you and looks down on people?"

Unexpectedly, when Su Ming said this, Shen Muke was still a little angry, thinking that Su Ming was looking down on her, thinking she didn't dare to spend the night outside.

Women are animals with greater sensibility than rationality. Su Ming's words are inexplicably stimulating, and they have strengthened the idea of ​​spending the night outside today, isn't it just spending the night outside? What's the big deal.

So Shen Muke should be to prove himself to Su Ming, so he took out his mobile phone and said: "Wait a while, I will call my mother and tell her not to go back to sleep tonight, no need to wait. I went back."

Seeing that Shen Muke opened the lock screen, he was about to call immediately. Su Ming was dumbfounded. After reacting, Su Ming immediately stopped Shen Muke and said, "Then what, Muke, you... ...You wait a minute."

This call is definitely not allowed. If it does, she may go to Shen Muke's house in the future, how will her parents clean up Su Ming.

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