League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1457: Late Night Speeding Party

"what happened?"

Shen Muke's face was full of strangeness. Just now the phone was about to be dialed, but Su Ming was pulled by Su Ming, which made Shen Muke particularly puzzled.

So Shen Muke stopped his actions and said, "Didn't you ask me to call back?"


One sentence makes Su Ming a little embarrassed to ask. Su Ming can't admit that he was counseled, so Su Ming said: "I feel, at this time, the uncles and aunts should all be asleep. You call back. Wake them up, maybe it’s not good, right?"

"But if I don't make a phone call, my parents don't know where I went tonight, what should I do if I turn around in a hurry?" Shen Muke seemed to want to make a call and go back.

Su Ming is called an egg pain. How can someone who has to call home after spending the night outside? Isn't this just adding pressure to Su Ming for no reason?

So Su Ming said directly, "Mu Ke, think about it, you haven't gone back at this time, why haven't your parents called to remind you?"

"Because the two of them knew that you came out with me, they were very at ease with my character, so they didn't worry about you at all. I guess they would have fallen asleep long ago." Su Ming explained to himself forcibly. A layer of gold is attached to his face.

Shen Muke seemed to be like this. If she hadn't returned at this point before, she would have been anxious already, but this time her parents were very calm and didn't even make a phone call.

In fact, Su Ming really got it right. At about ten o'clock in the evening, Liu Guilan saw that Shen Muke hadn't come back yet, and she couldn't hold back her about to fall asleep, so she wanted to call and ask when she would be back.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lijun on the side said, "What are you doing?"

"Call Mu Ke, why this child hasn't come back now, nothing will happen, right?" Liu Guilan is still a little worried, or that's the case for parents.

Shen Lijun couldn't help but glanced at her for nothing, and then said: "Are you stupid, going out with Su Ming, what can happen, what are you doing on the phone so late, and you won't come back if you don't come back."

Everyone is an adult, not to mention people like Shen Lijun and Liu Guilan. Basically some words can be understood at first, so they didn't say anything, which was equivalent to acquiescence.

After Liu Guilan figured it out, she was rejoiced in her heart. If this is not to come back at night, it means that the two of them have spent the night outside. It seems that the relationship with Su Ming has made a leap forward.

After figuring it out, Liu Guilan smiled instead, put her mobile phone on the bedside table, and then said, "Don't play with your mobile phone. Go to sleep."


And Shen Muke thought about it here, it seems that what Su Ming said is somewhat reasonable, but she only agrees with the previous sentence, as for Su Ming's narcissism later, it can be completely ignored.

"Okay, then stop calling."

Shen Mu was told by Su Ming's three-inch tongue, and finally gave up the idea, so he said: "Then you say, don't go back tonight, where do we live?"


Su Ming also made up his mind to say that he wouldn't go back, where he lived, Su Ming had never thought about these things.

However, at this time, Shen Mu was unexpectedly not counseled, then Su Ming must not be counseled, if he was counseled, it would be embarrassing, so Su Ming said directly: "I am worried anyway. There are bars on this street. There is no place to live here. Let’s go ahead and take a look."


Shen Muke is still blushing here, but now that he has made up his mind, Shen Muke will not be counseled. Once a girl wants to open it, she won't care so much.

Su Ming never expected this situation. He didn't expect to put himself in after a long time. It was all right now, and Su Ming couldn't get off the ground.

It’s a bit embarrassing if Shen Muke doesn’t go back tonight, then Su Mingke will be embarrassed to face her parents afterwards. Even if this kind of thing doesn’t call back, Liu Guilan I guess Shen Lijun's heart is the same as Ming Jing.

However, if Su Ming directly counseled and asked Shen Muke to go back at this time, he would be ashamed. With Shen Muke's current naughty appearance, he might be able to mock Su Ming for a long time. It's also possible that time can't look up.

"What's the matter, I won't go back if I don't go back, I can't be afraid of being a man!"

Su Ming made up his mind all at once, saying that he was afraid of a man, and if he was known to him, he would not laugh at him.

After stepping out of the bar street where the Monday bar is located, Su Ming looked around. It just so happened that there were a lot of hotels and guesthouses nearby. If you just find one, you can really not go back at night.

"Muke, there are so many hotels here, do you think where we two are staying tonight?" Su Ming asked this deliberately, to see if he could put a little pressure on Shen Muke.

Maybe Shen Muke had been holding on just now, if he scared a little bit, maybe he could scare him.

But who knows that this did not scare Shen Muke, Shen Muke directly said: "I don't know, just... whatever you want."

Although there was no counseling, but this tone could be heard when Shen Muke spoke, and Shen Muke was still a little nervous in his heart.


Su Ming didn’t say anything, he said so, what else can he say? I used to fantasize about the first time with Shen Muke, but I fantasized it for a long time. I never thought about it, just tonight. It may be about to happen.

"Om, hum--"

But at this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly a motorcycle rushed past Su Ming and Shen Muke, like a sharp arrow, very fast.

Because he was closer to the one posted by Shen Muke, he was shocked again, and Shen Muke screamed abruptly.

Su Ming's reaction was also very quick. He immediately pulled Shen Muke over, and put his hand on Shen Muke's shoulder. Fortunately, Shen Muke didn't seem to have anything wrong.

"What's special, drive so fast to find death, isn't it?"

Su Ming directly cursed very uncomfortably. For such a person who rides a motorcycle like a lifeless person, Su Ming usually sees it on the street, and it is very disgusting.

Because these people drove their motorcycles so fast, they were obviously just dying. Not only were they not responsible for themselves, but more importantly, they were also not responsible for the lives of other people.

PS: Thank you book friend "Uncle Weird" for your 10,000 book currency rewards, and other book friends who support me, love you guys.

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