League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1469: These 2 people are really black

Luo Xiaoxiao almost didn't spit out a mouthful of salt soda, and said that ten million is too dark, isn't five million not black, so he just opened his mouth and asked others for five million.

Moreover, it is still five million per person. It is a bit subtle to say that Su Ming is extorting money. It is clear that he is stealing money directly, or faster than stealing money.

"This... Isn't this great??"

After Luo Xiaoxiao heard this, he immediately hesitated. With Luo Xiaoxiao's character, he began to hesitate, which shows how bold Su Ming's idea is.

How can the police station directly ask people to pay people to release people? This is almost non-existent. If it is exposed, it will be a big problem. It is estimated that the entire Ningcheng police station will be unlucky.

Su Ming glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao, and then said: "I will divide the money you want in half!"


Who knows that Su Ming hasn't finished speaking yet, Luo Xiaoxiao, an unscrupulous person, did not hesitate to agree. Su Ming didn't expect it to be so fast.

Su Ming glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao with a puzzled look, and said that you are not like this. After all, you are the deputy chief of the police station. Anyway, you pretend to think for a few seconds.

Luo Xiaoxiao is obviously already in the state, and she continues to say: "Should I just call it now?"

"Don't worry, don't worry--"

Su Ming couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead. The air conditioner was still turned on in the room this morning, but Su Ming was already sweating. It was obviously caused by Luo Xiaoxiao.

Su Ming said: "Let's not worry, let's eat the food for a while, anyway, it is the rich second generation who is arrested, and the one who should be anxious should be their old man."

"We will definitely come to ask for someone in a while. If we take the initiative to speak at this time, then we won't be able to take the initiative." Su Ming said.

Luo Xiaoxiao also felt that what Su Ming said was quite reasonable, so he nodded, and then counted with his fingers, Su Ming asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

"Let me calculate how much money we can blackmail this time."

Su Ming: "..."

"Then what, pay attention to your words, we are not extortion, just ransom."


In a short while, Wang Yuji came back, carrying a lot of breakfast, steamed buns, fried dough sticks, pancakes, and soy milk.

With Wang Yuji's identity, when did he go to buy breakfast in person? Today, I went out to buy breakfast. I didn't know if the sun came out from the west.

Su Ming was not polite when he was eating. After he woke up, he wouldn't be able to stand up hungry without eating, but there would be some discomfort in his stomach.

While Wang Yuji asked while eating, "Shao Shao, what do you think should be dealt with with these speeders?"

"Director Wang, I have discussed with Su Ming just now if you weren't there, so I just happened to tell you."

Before Su Ming could speak, Luo Xiaoxiao spoke first at this time and said: "We have discussed it and plan to ask for a ransom with the family of these speeders. They want to release people."

"It's okay if we want us to release people, just bring five million over." Luo Xiaoxiao said.


After listening, Wang Yuji couldn't help being stunned. Holding a half-peeled egg in her hand, she forgot to continue peeling it. It can be seen that Wang Yuji was scared just now.

Ask the prisoner's family for a ransom and then release the prisoner? Wang Yuji has been a policeman for so many years, and this is the first time I heard of such a thing.

It's called a policeman, it's clearly a bandit. Only when a bandit catches a person, they will threaten not to pay the ransom before they are released. Otherwise, they will just tear the ticket.

If someone else said to Wang Yuji like this, it is estimated that Wang Yuji would just slap it over. What kind of bad idea is this? How can you be a policeman for this kind of thing?

If this is directly stabbed out, he, the chief of the authorities, needless to say, knows that he is the first one to die. He is totally joking. The police are public officials and cannot do such things out of reason. Common sense.

But the people who said this were Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao. Neither of them could be offended by him, so even if Wang Yuji was shocked, she couldn’t have any opinions, she could only say, “This ...... Isn't that appropriate?"

"When we deal with this matter, we should follow the proper procedures to judge their charges. We will be detained for as long as we need to detain them. Let us release the people, and we will just keep them." Wang Yuji said his thoughts.

Wang Yuji was also very clear in his heart that these speeding parties had offended Su Ming, and it looked like Su Ming clearly planned to punish them, so it was absolutely impossible to let them go.

If this is the case, take a tougher attitude and just stop letting others go. With Su Ming’s name, Wang Yuji is not worried about what will happen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but there is a ransom. Wang Yuji had never done it before, and was a little nervous for a while, what should I do if something goes wrong.

Su Ming naturally saw what Wang Yuji was worried about. Su Ming would definitely not cheat him about this kind of thing. As long as Su Ming's friend, Su Ming would not take the initiative to cheat others.

So Su Ming said to him: "Don't worry, you can do it in my name, I promise nothing will happen."

"That... well then--"

When I heard that he was doing this under the name of Su Ming, Wang Yujing was not so worried for a while, after all, he still understood Su Ming's energy.

Among other things, the level of Li Ziyao's relationship alone is enough for Su Ming to walk sideways in Ningcheng, and almost no one can put any pressure on Su Ming.

Leaning against the big tree is good for enjoying the cold, and Su Ming is here to bear it. What is there to be afraid of Wang Yuji? Those rich second-generation Laozi will not be able to make a big wave in the end.

So Wang Yuji nodded directly, and said, "But it costs five million to release people. Isn't that a lot? They only have a dozen people."

"Director Wang, you misunderstood."

Luo Xiaoxiao said at this time: "My idea with Su Ming is not that everyone wants five million, but five million per person. If you give money, you will release people, and you will give as much as you want."


Wang Yuji was so frightened that the egg was not peeled, and it fell directly on the table, and then the round egg rolled directly along the table to the ground, wasting an egg for nothing.

After a long pause, Wang Yuji said with difficulty: "A person costs five million?"

At first, he thought that if so many people add up, it would cost five million. Who knows that one person costs five million. These two people are really black.

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